And vice versa? However,? we? Really? Have you been there? Constantly Spoil? It,? Even? Where to? Answer? Shocked? Degree. ? Now? Let's go Do you see it? What? we? Really? Dong. ? On the contrary, we have done great damage to it. Now let's review what we have done.
Thousands? Yes? Trees? Really? Have you been there? Cut? Come down? per? Year? Which one? Really? Caused it? Earth? Erosion. ? Hundreds? Yes? Thousands? Yes? Tons? Yes? CFCS? Really? Have you been there? Left? Are you online? That? Higher? The sky? Are you online? That? Finally? Ten years? Which one? Really? led? Where to? That? Ozone? Layer? Leak? Above? That? South? Pole? That? Cover? Ann? Area? Yes? That? Yes? That? United Airlines? States. ? Millions? Tons? Yes? Fuel? Contain? Nitrogen? And then what? Sulfur? Really? Have you been there? Spent? per? Year? Which one? Really? Eventually? And the result? Are you online? Acid? Rain? Throughout? That? The world. ? Thousands of trees are cut down every year, causing mudslides. In the past decades, thousands of tons of chlorofluorocarbons have accumulated in the sky, causing the destruction of the ozone layer over Antarctica in the United States. Millions of tons of fuel containing nitrogen and sulfur are burned every year, which leads to acid rain all over the world.
The same,? Ecology? Really? Have you been there? Affected? As? All right. ? And then what? Considerable? Number? Yes? Species? Really? Have you been there? Extinct? As? That? How many years? Going? By who? A lot? Biology? Which one? Used to be. Common? Are you online? That? Past? Is it? Become? Less? And then what? Less? Even? Rare. ? That? Tibet? Antelope? For what? Examples,? Is it? Answer? Okay? For example. ? Since? That? Antelope? Yes? Tibet? Really? Answer? Part? Yes? Fur? Open? Their? Body? Which one? Is it okay? Is it? Made it? Become? Answer? Precious? Cape? Driven? By who? Some? Lawless? Dealer? A lot? Villagers? Killed? Antelope? Excessive? And then what? Shocked? For what? That? Large size? Suns? Yes? Wealth. ? Similarly, the ecology has also been affected. Many common biological species in the past have become less and less in recent years, and some are even on the verge of extinction. Take the Tibetan antelope as an example. Because their fur can be made into precious shawls, driven by interests, many unscrupulous businessmen began to hunt Tibetan antelopes on a large scale to make a fortune.