Jingchun said: "Aren't Gongsun Yan (yǎn) and Zhang Yi real men with ambition and deeds? When they get angry, the princes will be afraid. If they calm down, the world will be peaceful."
Mencius said: How can this be regarded as a man with ambition and achievements? Have you never learned etiquette? When a man performs the crowning ceremony, his father gives him instructions; when a woman gets married, her mother gives her instructions, sends her to the door, and warns her: "When you arrive at your husband's house, you must be respectful and cautious, and do not disobey your husband." wishes! ’ Taking obedience as a rule is the way of women.
A real man should live in the most spacious residence in the world - benevolence, stand in the most correct position in the world - propriety, and walk on the most correct path in the world - righteousness. When you are able to realize your ambitions, you follow the right path with the people; when you are unable to realize your ambitions, you walk your own path alone. Wealth cannot confuse his thoughts, poverty and lowliness cannot shake his integrity, and power cannot bend his will. Such a person can be called a real man.
Extended information:
Jingchun: a contemporary of Mencius and a strategist.
Gongsun Yan: A native of Wei during the Warring States Period, a political strategist. He once served as prime minister in the state of Qin, and also wore the seals of the five kingdoms.
Zhang Yi: A native of the Wei state during the Warring States Period, he was a political strategist. He was the prime minister during the reign of King Hui of Qin, and lobbied the six kingdoms to unite and obey the Qin state.
Sincerity: True, indeed.
A real man: refers to a man with great ambition, achievements and integrity.
Fear: fear.
Anju: quiet.
Quit: Same as "xi", subside, which means the war has ceased and the world is at peace.
Yes: this, this.
Yan: Why, where?
Zi: You.