” Translation Confucius said: “The common people can first make them follow the guided path. It is impossible to make them know the reason without practice. "I feel that things in the world have been
” Translation Confucius said: “The common people can first make them follow the guided path. It is impossible to make them know the reason without practice. "I feel that things in the world have been like this throughout the ages. There are pioneers and latecomers. The pioneers point the way and the latter follow the instructions. The pioneers are individuals and a minority, while the latter are the vast majority. Generally speaking, ordinary people should be among the latter. Column. Practice first, then realize the Tao. This is the human epistemology. It is a universal law. Even if they are pioneers, they practice first and then realize the Tao. It is just that they practice and realize the Tao early, and then use it. The enlightened principles guide the people and guide practice, and they will advance and rise in this way without any end. This chapter is arranged in the "Taibo" chapter. Its purpose is very obvious and very reasonable. It is that the compiler has realized the heart of the saint, which is to guide. It is the sacred mission of a virtuous man like Tai Bo that the people should follow the bright and righteous path and follow the practices of those who have done it before. Confucius’ original intention, summarized in one sentence, is to lead society gradually towards the path of governance for the common people in the era of Yao and Shun. He praised the complete and rich etiquette system of the Zhou Dynasty, which the sages had to use because it was impossible to achieve the ideal goal without it. To interpret the sentence "The people can make it happen", Mencius's theory of "Keeping benevolence comes from righteousness" is the best way to interpret it. Appropriate. He said: "Benevolence is a person's safe house; righteousness is a person's right path." "("Mencius Li Lou Shang") Let the people first follow the path designated by the forerunners. There is no doubt that it must be the path of benevolence and righteousness. This is the criterion for testing the forerunners; otherwise, they must be evil doers. Since ancient times, there have been distinctions between good and evil. Wherever there is good, there must be evil, especially now. In all fields and among all kinds of people, there are deceptions and deceptions. Be careful, be careful! Regarding the understanding of this chapter, there are huge differences in China, especially since the May Fourth Movement. This is all due to the misunderstanding of the saint's broad mind and deviation from the foundation of benevolence. Comparing the several translations at hand, they are not satisfactory and cannot convey the saint's original intention and intention. They are generally translated as: "The people can only make them follow us." They do what they want to do, but they cannot understand why they do what they do. "That kind of interpretation makes it possible for people to attack Confucius for peddling the philosophy of obscuring the people. According to Mr. Nan Huaijin, since the Republic of China, before and after the May Fourth Movement, several people have changed these two sentences. Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao said that Confucius Absolute democracy. The ancients misread the circled sentence of these two sentences. It should be "the people can make it happen, and it should be followed." "The common people have become more knowledgeable in various aspects. They can openly choose to vote, giving them political freedom. "You can't do it, but know it. "The common people have not yet reached the level of "knowing", educate them, train them, and let them know first. The changes seem to be very good. But some people disagree, saying that the reading of Kang and Liang's sentences is also wrong, and it should be "people can , make it happen. "Look at this society, the people can be democratic, give them democracy. "No, let them know." "Look at the time when the common people are not yet able to be democratic, "make them aware" and educate them. But no matter how they criticize, they are all kind-hearted to help us Confucius, and they all advocate that Confucius is absolutely democratic, and do not attack the Confucius family. There is no need to criticize randomly. Mr. Nan Huaijin said that in his early years, he thought it was reasonable to circle around. Now that he is old, he thinks that there is no need to circle around. It is the original way. I also think that the traditional sentence reading does not need to be changed, it is people's understanding. Departing from the saint's original intention has just led to misunderstandings and misinterpretations. Remember to accept it