"It's worthy to look up to the sky, but not to people." From Mencius with all his heart, Mencius said: "A gentleman has three pleasures, but the king of the world does not exist." Parents exist, brothers have no reason, and they are happy; Yang is worthy of the sky, and he does not care about people, and he is also happy; It's three pleasures to get the talents in the world and educate them. A gentleman has three pleasures, but the king of the world does not exist. "
Mencius said, "A gentleman has three things to be happy about. Being king is not one of them. Both parents are alive, and the brother is not sick or suffering, which is the first happy thing; Looking up is worthy of the sky, looking down is worthy of people, which is the second happy thing; It is the third happy thing to get the outstanding talents in the world and educate them. Gentlemen have these three happy things, and unifying the world with benevolence is not included. "