King Hui of Chu was the monarch of the State of Chu in the early Warring States Period. Once, the chef sent a plate of cold pickled cabbage to King Hui of Chu to eat. When the dish reached his mouth, he found a leech on the plate. King Hui of Chu thought about it, and if the courtiers found it, the chef's life would be in danger, so he swallowed the leech. As a result, King Hui of Chu became very uncomfortable and became ill.
Your Majesty asked, "Why are you sick?"
King Hui of Chu said that when I was eating sauerkraut, I found leeches on my plate. According to the laws of our country, the chefs should be put to death, but I really couldn't bear to punish these chefs. I was afraid that leeches would be seen by the left and right courtiers, so I swallowed them.
Today, Yi left his seat and bowed respectfully to King Hui of Chu, saying, "I heard that Heaven always helps virtuous people. A kind and kind person like the King will be fine even if he swallows leeches." As a result, in the evening, King Hui of Chu discharged the leeches and his stomach was much more comfortable.
As the saying goes, "Kindness is rewarded with kindness"
In fact, many famous aphorisms in our life are from Augmented Sage, such as "A man who has no long-term worries will have near worries" and "Listening to your words is better than reading for ten years".