If a person has no selfish desire, he can be simple.
Confucius said, "I have never seen a righteous man." Or he said, "Shen Yi." Confucius said, "I also want to be righteous. How can I be fair? " This passage comes from the Analects of Confucius, which means that Confucius said, "I have never seen a resolute man." Some people say, "Shen Yong is such a person." Confucius said, "Shen Yong is greedy for money, how can he be resolute?" .
In an era of "nothing can be done without money", faced with the temptation of money, many people are imprisoned because of their greed, including ancient Shenyang and modern Li Zhen. This is just as Confucius said: "How can you be resolute if you are greedy for debt?" No matter how high your position and qualifications are, once you fall into insatiable desire, you will become a slave to money and material things, fall into the abyss of perdition and lose your reputation. What is fortitude? Therefore, in the face of the temptation of desire, we should have a grateful heart. Being grateful forever will make us cherish everything we have. In the face of temptation, we should be more sober and less indulgent. In the face of gains and losses, we will weigh the trade-offs, and we will not be greedy or suffer; In the face of achievements, we will not get carried away. Learn to be grateful, and we will live and work happily forever. Similarly, if we have no desire, we can live in our own happiness.