The rake sum of the previous sentence comes from Sichuan dialect, which means soft, and the bad money behind it refers to ill-gotten gains.
There are thousands of proverbs in Qian Qian. These proverbs are created by the masses and spread in their spoken language, which has the characteristics of colloquialism and popularization.
Proverbs often reflect people's experiences and wishes and make people's lives more interesting, especially with strong local color.
There are proverbs, two-part allegorical sayings, commonly used oral idioms and idioms in daily life, but it should be noted that dialect words, proverbs, famous sayings and written language are not proverbs.
Generally speaking, proverbs come from a wide range of sources, which can be created orally by the people or related to some fairy tales, articles or famous sayings.
For example, the proverbs in daily life are: the road to the sky, each half way; Slap a sweet date; It is good to enjoy the cool under the big tree; Roll with the punches, roll with the punches; A gentleman can bend and stretch; Knife mouth and tofu heart; You have to forgive others, but also forgive others, and so on.
Having said that, I won't introduce Ba and Mo to pick up bad money. I hope it helps you.
? Over 200 years BC, the brilliant achievements of ancient Greece have gradually declined, and the economic and cultural center has gr