It is about controlling your thoughts, actions and emotions. The following is 13 According to Maureen, what strong-willed people don't do:
1. They won't waste time feeling sorry for themselves. "Self-pity is self-destruction," she wrote. "Indulging in self-pity will hinder a complete life."
It will waste time, cause a bad mood and hurt your interpersonal relationship.
The key is "affirm the beautiful things in the world, and you will begin to appreciate what you have," Maureen wrote. Our goal is to turn self-pity into gratitude.
They won't give up their power. Maureen wrote that when people lack physical and emotional boundaries, they will give up their power. When necessary, you need to stand up for yourself and draw a line.
If others control your behavior, they define your success and self-worth. The important thing is that you follow your goal and work towards it.
Maureen used Oprah? Winfrey's strong grip on power is an example. Winfrey grew up in poverty and poverty. She said, "but she chose not to give up the right to define her life."
They can't escape the change. Maureen wrote that there are five stages of change: thinking ahead, contemplating, preparing, acting and persisting.
It is important to insist on completing every step. Change may be frightening, but avoiding it will hinder growth. She said, "The longer you wait, the harder it will be" and "others will overtake you"
4. They won't cling to things beyond their control (take back your power, embrace change, face your fears, and train your brain to be happy and successful. )
"Everything is under control, which makes people feel at ease, but it is hard to imagine that we often let power exert its influence," Maureen wrote.
Try to control all possible anxious reactions. She said, "Try to control your environment instead of focusing on managing your anxiety".
Maureen wrote that diverting your attention from things beyond your control can create more happiness, less stress, better interpersonal relationships, new opportunities and greater success.
They won't please the public. Usually we judge ourselves by considering what others think of us, which is the opposite of perseverance.
Maureen listed four facts about constantly trying to be a bad guy: it's a waste of time; It is easy to please people; It doesn't matter if others feel angry or disappointed; You can't please everyone.
Getting rid of the mentality of pleasing others will make you stronger and more confident.
6. They are not afraid of possible risks. Maureen wrote that people are usually afraid of taking risks, whether financial, physical, emotional, social or business-related risks. But the reason comes down to knowledge.
"Lack of knowledge about how to calculate risk will lead to increased fear," Maureen wrote. To better analyze risks, ask yourself the following questions:
What are the potential costs?
What are the potential benefits?
How will this help me achieve my goal?
What can be replaced?
How good would it be if the best came true?
What's the worst that can happen and how can I reduce the risk?
How bad would it be if the worst came true?
How much impact will this decision have in five years?
7. They won't stay in the past, the past has passed, and they can't change what has happened. "Staying will ruin yourself and prevent you from enjoying the present and planning the future," Maureen wrote. This won't solve any problems, and it may also lead to depression.
She said that although it is helpful to look back on the past. It is helpful to reflect on the lessons learned, look at things from a new perspective, and consider reality instead of emotions.
8. They won't make the same mistake again. Self-examination can ensure that you won't make the same mistake as yourself. Maureen wrote that it is important to know what went wrong. You can do better and do it differently next time.
Strong-willed people accept the responsibility of making mistakes and make thoughtful written plans to avoid making the same mistakes in the future.
9. Maureen wrote that they don't resent the success of others, just as anger is still hidden and covered up.
Maureen wrote: Focusing on the success of others can't pave the way for yourself, because it will distract you on the way. Even if you succeed, you may never be satisfied if you always pay attention to others. She said, you may also ignore your potential and abandon your values and interpersonal relationships.
10. They won't give up after the first failure (Theodore giselle)
Success is not immediate, and failure is almost an obstacle that you must overcome forever. "For example, the first book of Theodore Giselle (aka Dr. Seuss) was rejected by more than 20 publishers," Maureen wrote. Dr. Seuss is a household name now.
Think that failure is unacceptable, or that you are not good enough to show the power of will. In fact, "recovering from failure will make you stronger," Maureen wrote.
1 1. They are not afraid of loneliness. "Taking time to think alone can be a powerful experience, which will help you achieve your goals," Maureen wrote. Strong-willed "requires you to take time out from the busyness of daily life and focus on growth."
Maureen listed some benefits of solitude in her book:
Being alone in the office can improve work efficiency.
Time itself can increase your compassion.
Solitude can stimulate creativity.
The ability to be alone is beneficial to mental and intellectual health.
Loneliness can provide recovery.
12. They don't think the world owes them. It is easy for you to get angry with the world because of your failure or failure. But in fact, no one has power over anything. We must fight for it.
"Life doesn't mean fairness," Maureen wrote. If someone experiences more happiness and success than others, "this is life-but that doesn't mean that if you get a bad card, you owe anything."
Maureen wrote: The key is to concentrate on your own efforts, accept criticism, admit your shortcomings, and don't hold grudges. She said that if you don't get what you think you deserve, comparing others with yourself will only disappoint you.
13. They don't expect immediate results. Maureen wrote that if you want to give full play to your potential, "it is necessary to be willing to set realistic expectations and understand that success will not happen overnight."
She said that weak-willed people often have no patience. They overestimate their abilities and underestimate how long it will take to change, so they expect immediate results.
The important thing is to "keep an eye on the goals worthy of your competition" and make unremitting efforts for your long-term goals. There will be failures along the way, but if you measure your progress and observe the overall situation, success can be achieved. Never underestimate the power of will! Share it and let more people see it!
Original source: Apollo network,