The next sentence is: virtuous, carrying things. The complete statement is: virtue is the world, and virtue carries things. This sentence expresses that people should pay attention to the cultivation of virtue, and the virtue of a gentleman should be as thick as the earth and can bear everything. As the spirit and fine tradition of the Chinese nation, it is very important to be virtuous and carry things. A moral person should be as vast as the earth.
Analysis of world virtues;
In dealing with people, people should have a broad mind, be generous and be kind to others. People are smart and stupid, just like uneven terrain and fertile and barren soil. Farmers will not stop farming because the land is barren, and gentlemen will not give up education because of stupidity.
There is nothing more tangible between heaven and earth than the earth, and there is nothing that is not borne by the earth. Therefore, a gentleman should imitate the meaning of "Kun" and be kind to others, whether smart, stupid or despicable, and be tolerant and tolerant.