Many times we spend money to buy things that we don’t really need, but just hope to buy items that resonate with our psychological needs, in order to satisfy our deepest emotional needs. For example, buying Haagen-Dazs, Lafite red wine, luxury bags and cars, etc., is not because of their high practical value, but because they appear to represent a trend, a lifestyle, and a value orientation. Therefore, some people will not hesitate to invest even if they live frugally. To use a famous saying template on the Internet: "What I buy is not the product, but the specific meaning and impact it represents."
Of course, consumption and purchasing is not a simple patterned behavior, and may have various psychological reasons. Some people spend money lavishly because they lack planning and don't know how to manage money, so they only live on their own. Some people spend money without restraint because they are in a bad mood, which leads to depression. Therefore, impulsive shopping seems to be a violation of past rules. Vent inner anger and relieve stress; some people spend money on high-profile luxury, maybe just because they have low self-esteem and hope to be looked up to financially, thereby building self-confidence; some people also like to spend money and it becomes a psychological problem, just like addiction, knowing that the economy Having limited abilities, misbehavior but difficulty in controlling it, and feeling regretful after shopping. This kind of behavior that is known to be inappropriate but difficult to control, and therefore regret is similar to "obsessive-compulsive tendencies" in the psychological sense. This is another situation.
Of course, sometimes, within the financial capacity, spending money to buy products you like is also a psychological massage. "As long as I like it, it is the best." From one aspect, it also helps Enhance our high-level needs such as psychological pleasure and emotional satisfaction.