1 Dayu: After Dayu ascended the throne, he once saw a person who had committed a crime and burst into tears. He asked people around him about the reason. Yu said: During the time of Yao and Shun, the people all followed the spirit of Yao and Shun. For the sake of the heart, I am the king, and the people all take their hearts as their hearts, so they feel pain." 2 Shang Tang After Shang destroyed Xia, Tang issued an announcement to the world to appease the people, which was called "Tang Gao" in history. Tang deeply reviewed himself He said: "I owe you my sins, and I dare not forgive myself. But in the heart of God, I am guilty of all the sins, but I am not guilty of the sins of all." After that, there was a severe drought in the Shang Dynasty. The grain was not harvested, and the minister in charge of religious sacrifices said that human beings should be sacrificed to pray to God for rain. So Tang "cut off his hair and claws" and prayed in the mulberry forest as a sacrifice, "blaming himself for six things." : “The guilt of one person is not as great as that of ten thousand men; the guilt of one man among ten thousand men is not equal to that of one man. No one's disrespect can cause God, ghosts or gods to harm the lives of the people." So the people were happy and the rain came heavily. 3 "Song of Zhou·Xiao'ao" ??in King Cheng of Zhou's "The Book of Songs" is King Cheng's sinful poem 4 The "Oath of Qin" in Qin Mugong's "Shangshu" is the reflection of Qin Mugong after the defeat of the attack on Zheng. 5 After Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty came to the throne, he went into war and was fond of gods and alchemists. The world was in chaos. Emperor Wu gradually regretted it in his later years. During the Zhenghe period, he rejected the petition of minister Sang Hongyang and others to farm Luntai (now Luntai County, Xinjiang), and decided to "abandon the land of Luntai and issue a mournful edict." ". He "deeply regretted the past" and could not bear to "disturbing the world" anymore, and determined to "forbid harsh violence, stop the good at endowment, and work hard for local farmers." "Therefore, he will not return to the army. And the Prime Minister Che Qianqiu was granted the title of Marquis of the Enriching People, resting in the Ming Dynasty, and thinking about wealth and nourishing the people." This is the famous "Luntai Sinner Edict" in history. In his later years, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty faced the critical situation of the building about to collapse, and he suddenly woke up and felt painful He changed his past and comprehensively adjusted the country's domestic and foreign policies, which not only brought the regime out of danger, but also laid the foundation for the "Zhao and Xuan Zhongxing". 6 Soon after Tang Dezong came to the throne, there were successively known as the "Four Kings" and "Two Emperors". Several Jiedu envoys rebelled. In 783 AD, Chang'an fell, and Dezong fled in panic. He was chased by the rebels all the way to Fengtian City. "Ji Amnesty Edict", "I ordered the courtiers to declare their sins", and after enumerating his sins, he said: "God punished me above, but I didn't realize it, and people complained about me below, but I didn't know it." It hurts me to lose to the common people, and I am truly guilty." ⑥The text of this edict is sincere and touching, and has great appeal. After it was issued, "people everywhere were very happy" and "all the soldiers were in tears." The people's morale and the military's morale were greatly boosted, and the situation was thus improved. Great changes. Soon, the turmoil subsided. 7 In November 1125, when the Jin soldiers invaded Tokyo, the panicked Huizong followed the advice of his ministers: "It is better to issue an edict to punish others first. Make people's hearts happy, and God's will will come back." ⑦ The edict also listed his sins: "His words are blocked, flattery is heard every day, sycophancy is exclusive to power, and corrupt officials get their ambitions. Taxation drains away the people's wealth, and garrison service drains the strength of the army. Doing too much is useless, and extravagance becomes a common practice. "When you think about your own mistakes, how can you regret it!" "Subsequently, the throne was passed to Prince Heng (Qin Zong), and he became the Supreme Emperor himself. As a result, the Northern Song Dynasty, which was on the verge of destruction, had another glimmer of hope. But the good times did not last long. A year later, the Hui and Qin sects were captured by Jin soldiers. Go and become a prisoner. 8 After the young emperor Shunzhi took office, there were many natural disasters, "floods and droughts occurred frequently, earthquakes were heard frequently", "winter thunder, spring snow, meteorites and rain". He blamed all these natural phenomena on himself. "Immorality" was the fault of God, so I kept reflecting on myself and repeatedly issued edicts to blame myself. When I was dying, I left another edict to blame myself, and vividly listed fourteen crimes for myself. Principle issues. To sum up, they can be divided into seven major aspects: First, in politics, "Since the pro-government, we cannot rely on Taizu and Taizong Moulie in terms of disciplines, laws, regulations, employment and administration, and have followed the current rules. The second is to say to the Empress Dowager: "The truth is not finished, the sincerity has failed." "If you fail to fulfill your filial piety, it will make the Holy Mother mourn. The third is to treat the kings Baylor. "After the Jin Dynasty, the kindness is fresh, but the way of friendship is not yet complete. "The fourth is that "I have a good nature and cannot be vain", and the personnel "failed to match the talents and equipment, so that I lamented the lack of people." , appointing eunuchs, "no different from the Ming Dynasty". Sixthly, "the state supplies are huge, and the military pay is insufficient, but all the money and food are spent on the palace, and there is no savings." Seventhly, "I am quiet and quiet by nature." "I want to be at ease", "I always rely on my own cleverness and cannot listen to advice", "Knowing that I have made mistakes, I blame them every day and regret them, but I only write empty words and fail to correct them".
The 14 major crimes that Emperor Shunzhi listed for himself should be said to be comprehensive and profound enough. In the "self-appraisal" of the final judgment, he was the first person in history to be able to carry out such thorough self-criticism. In fact, in addition to this, there are many emperors who have issued edicts against themselves. If there is an earthquake, it is your fault; if there is a locust disaster, you are your fault; if a meteor hits the earth, you are your fault. All these are not enough.