Section 1 Translation Standards
Section 2 Translation Process
Section 3 Preparation for Translation Examination
Section IV Steps to Solve Translation Problems
Chapter II Vocabulary Translation Skills
Section 1 Choice of Word Meaning
Section 2 Extension of Word Meaning
Section 3 Transformation of Word Meaning
Section 4 the increase of word meaning
Section 5 Omission of Word Meaning
Section 6 Quotation of Words
Section 7 Non-predicate Verbs
Section 8 Professional Vocabulary or Terminology
Section 9 Fixed collocation
Chapter III Vocabulary Comprehensive Simulation Self-test and Reference Translation
The first section vocabulary test sites comprehensive simulation self-test 50 sentences
Section 2 Reference Translation
Chapter Four Syntactic Translation Skills
Section 1 Overview of Syntactic Differences between English and Chinese
Section 2 Attributive Clause
Section 3 Adverbial Clauses
Section 4 Nominal Clauses
Section 5 Passive Voice
Section 6 Negative Structure
Section 7 Comparative Structure
Section 8 Flip Chip Structure
Section 9 Insert Structure
Chapter V Syntactic Structure Comprehensive Simulation Self-test and Reference Translation
Section 1 Syntactic structure comprehensive simulation self-test 30 sentences
Section 2 Reference Translation
Chapter VI 1994-2009 English-Chinese Translation and Analysis for Postgraduate Entrance Examination
Chapter VII 1994-2009 Reference Translation of English-Chinese Zhenti for Postgraduate Entrance Examination
Chapter 8 Selection and Analysis of Ten Simulated English-Chinese Test Questions
Chapter 9 Review of Important Grammatical Knowledge Points
The first tense
Sound in the second quarter
The tone of the third quarter
Section 4 Verb infinitive
Section 5 Gerund
Section 6 word segmentation
Section 7 Simple Sentences and Complex Sentences
Section 8 Nominal clauses
Section 9 Attributive Clause
Section 10 Adverbial Clause
Section 1 1
Section 12 emphasizes that
Section 13 Negation
20 10 English translation analysis and answers of real questions for postgraduate entrance examination
Jia Hongwei, an English tutor, analyzed the English-Chinese translation of the 20 10 postgraduate entrance examination. 20 10 postgraduate entrance examination 6. The article belongs to the category of environmental protection, which is taken from Land Ethics 1966 published by aldo leopold, Oxford University. In the process of this question, the questioner also had a "minor operation". For example, the original text of the first paragraph reads: "A basic weakness of the protection system based entirely on economic motives is that most members of the land community have no economic value. Wild flowers and songbirds are examples. It is doubtful whether more than 5% of the 22,000 higher plants and animals native to Wisconsin can be sold, fed, eaten or used for economic purposes in other ways. However, these creatures are members of the biological community, and if (I believe) the stability of the biological community depends on its integrity, they have the right to continue. "After treatment, it has become" a basic weakness of a protection system based on overall economic motives is that most members of the land community have no economic value. " However, these creatures are members of biological communities, and if (I believe) the stability of biological communities depends on their integrity, they have the right to continue. ",but at the top of the paragraph, the original paragraph structure is basically maintained.
The problem is to translate five underlined sentences in the text into Chinese. Now, our reference answers to these five sentences are as follows:
Scientists saved us with some obviously untenable evidence, which shows that if birds can't control insects, they will eat us.
The sentence structure is as follows: the main part is that scientists jump out to rescue and form an accompanying jumping adverbial with some obviously unreliable evidence, which means the appositive clause of evidence. The translation of this sentence can be described as "various", and most of them do not correctly understand the relationship between evidence, effect and the following clauses, even if they are sometimes understood, it is not very appropriate to express them in Chinese. In view of this situation, we try to retranslate it.
Scientists came to the rescue, but some of the evidence presented was untenable. If there are no birds to balance insects, they will devour us.
But we are at least closer to recognizing that birds should continue to survive, which is an inherent right, whether it is of economic benefit to us or not.
The sentence structure is as follows: the trunk is drawn near the point, where the point can be regarded as both a degree and an opinion. When expressing an opinion, the postposition of recognition is a prepositional phrase as an attribute; When talking about degrees, of admiiting is also an attribute, which shows that people have gone from ignoring the survival of birds to recognizing the right of birds to survive. That ... is the object clause of admit, which can also be said to be the apposition of point; Whatever ... is an adverbial of concession. To the extent of understanding, its translation is like a reference translation, and from the viewpoint, its translation should be: "But at least we agree with the view that birds should continue to enjoy their inherent right to exist regardless of whether they can bring us economic benefits."
Reference answer: But at least we almost admit that whether birds can bring us economic benefits or not, we should continue to enjoy the inherent right to exist.
3. In the era, biologists exaggerated the evidence that these creatures protected the health of their prey by killing weak people, or that they only preyed on "worthless species".
The structure of the sentence is as follows: the trunk is time, when ..., when leads the predicative clause, and these two that clauses are appositive clauses of evidence. Note: overwork means "repetition" and "keep talking"
Biologists have reiterated the fact that these animals (birds of prey and waterfowl) prey on weak animals to maintain the balance of the biological chain, or they only prey on "species with no economic value"
In Europe, forestry is more advanced in ecology, and non-commercial tree species are considered as members of primary forest communities and should be protected.
The sentence structure is as follows: The trunk of a non-commercial tree is recognized as a member of the original forest community, in which the attributive clause modifies Europe and acts as an adverbial of the location of the sentence, while keeping it as it is, which is an adverbial of the main sentence, in which as so stands for "same" and "same", indicating the comparison with "economic tree species".
In Europe, the forestry ecology is relatively developed, and non-economic tree species are regarded as part of the original forest community and are also reasonably protected.
5. It tends to be ignored, thus eventually eliminating many elements in the land community that lack commercial value but are essential to its healthy operation.
The sentence structure is as follows: the trunk is the part it tends to ignore and eliminate ..., and the two are the attributes of the element respectively, and the latter has a turning point. In translation, especially in the translation test, especially in the translation questions of underlined sentences, the pronouns in English sentences must be restored, otherwise the translation will be incomplete without context, which is also an inspection point of the translation questions. In this sentence, it is related to a protection system based on only economic egoism (a protection system based on egoism). In addition, we should pay attention to the context to understand the meaning of the element. Isn't it better that the element may have become a species?
Reference translation:
1) The protection system based on egoism often ignores many species in terrestrial communities that have no commercial value, which eventually leads to their extinction, but these species are really important for balancing the biological chain. 2) This protection mechanism is easily overlooked, which eventually leads to the extinction of many species with no commercial value in terrestrial communities, but these species are very important for balancing the biological chain.
On the Choice and Extension of Word Meaning from the Grading Rules of Postgraduate English Translation
Analysis of examination questions in 2005
Part c?
Read the following article carefully, and then translate the underlined part into Chinese. Your translation should be clearly written on the answer sheet 2. (10)?
At this extremely important stage in European history, it is not easy to talk about the role of mass media. History and news become confused, and one's impression is often a mixture of doubt and optimism. (46) Television is one of conv's means to create and observe these feelings-perhaps before that, it has never played such a big role in connecting different nationalities and countries like the recent events in Europe. The emerging Europe has nothing but its national, cultural and national identity. With this in mind, we can begin to analyze the TV scenes in Europe. In Europe, as elsewhere, multimedia groups are becoming more and more successful. They combine interrelated television, radio, newspapers, magazines and publishing houses. Italy's Berlusconi Group is an example, while foreign Maxwell and Murdoch are an example. ?
Obviously, only the largest and most flexible TV companies can compete in such a rich and competitive market. (48) This alone shows that the television industry is not an easy world to live in. Statistics emphasize this fact, indicating that among 80 European television networks, no less than 50% of them are losing money.
In addition, the integration of the European Community will force TV companies to cooperate more closely in production and distribution.
(49) It is not easy to create a European identity that respects different cultures and traditions. This requires a strategic choice-making European programs for Europe. This needs to reduce our dependence on the North American market, whose programs involve different experiences and cultural traditions from ours. ?
In order to achieve these goals, we must pay more attention to co-production, news exchange, documentary service and training. This also involves the agreement between European countries to establish a European television production bank, which will handle the funds needed for production costs according to the model of the European investment bank. (50) In dealing with such a large-scale challenge, it is no exaggeration to say that unity is survival and division is death-if I choose a slogan, it is unity in diversity.
[test analysis]
In paragraph C, there are 5 small questions, with 2 points for each small question, full score 10, average score 5. 17, and difficulty 0.5 17. The difficulty value of each small question is between 0.45 and 0.56, which is relatively balanced, being 0.503(46 questions), 0.563 (47 questions) and 0.563(47 questions) respectively.
Relatively speaking, the sentence structure of 46 questions is more complicated. But also contains inverted sentences. Therefore, it is difficult; The sentence structure of question 49 is the most complicated, and it is difficult to grasp the meaning of several words, which is the most difficult. Comprehensive candidates' answers, the following two aspects are worth noting:
(1) Candidates still can't master the complex sentence structure well, and there are still some difficulties in understanding and translating complex sentences and inverted sentences, especially questions 46 and 49;
⑵ I don't understand and master some seemingly simple words that are difficult to find exact corresponding meanings in Chinese, such as communication and service in question 46, mu 1ti-media in question 47, underline in question 48, identity in question 49, mainland and fabric, scale, position and whereabouts in question 50, etc.
46. [Answer] Television is one of the means to arouse and convey these feelings-in the events in Europe, it has linked different nationalities and countries and played an unprecedented role. [Resolution] The difficulty is 0.503; The discrimination is 0.447. Compared with questions 47, 48 and 50, this question is more difficult, mainly because:
(1) The sentence structure is complex;
(2) The meanings of words such as feeling, creation, involvement and service are difficult to determine. Syntactically, this sentence consists of two compound sentences, and the compound sentence before the dash also contains an attributive clause guided by which, which is a passive sentence. When translating this compound sentence, candidates should first pay attention to the predicative structure of the sentence: "TV is one of the means", and then pay attention to the passive attributive clause behind the means. In terms of translation skills, passive English should be translated into active Chinese as much as possible. Finally, pay attention to the meaning, creation and involvement of feelings. Feehgs can be translated into feelings, feelings, feelings, emotions, perceptions and so on. It depends on what feelings mean. In this special historical period in Europe, it is difficult to define the role of mass media. When history and news are confused, people often feel suspicious and optimistic. So feelings here should refer to feelings, not feelings. Creation means causing rather than creating (these feelings), and conveying means transmitting rather than carrying or transferring (these feelings). Television is one of the means to arouse and convey these feelings. The last compound sentence of this sentence is neverbeforehassiddone…… .................................................................................................................................................................... Seen from above, it refers to TV. Servesomuchtodosth can be translated into what it plays such a big role in (doing). Television has never played such a great role in connecting different nationalities and countries. After people plus s, it refers to the nation, and "nation" refers to the country.
47.[ Answer] In Europe, as elsewhere, media groups are becoming more and more successful: these groups combine related television, radio, newspapers, magazines and publishing houses.
[Resolution] The difficulty is 0.563; The discrimination is 0.489. Compared with questions 46 and 49, this question is not difficult, and the sentence structure is relatively simple, including the main sentence "multimedia groups have succeeded one after another" After the main clause is an appositive group, which brings together TV, radio, newspapers, magazines and publishing houses that are related to each other. The attributive clause guided by which is used to define the group. Attributive clauses guided by that further explain television, radio, newspapers, magazines and publishing houses. This sentence can be translated into two parts. The first part is the main sentence before the colon. multi-mediagroups "should be translated into media groups instead of multimedia groups to avoid ambiguity." Media groups are becoming more and more successful. The appositive part after the colon can be translated into a single sentence, the subject repeats these groups, and the predicate translates these groups together with the predicate in the attributive clause. The attributive clause guided by that can be translated with simple adjectives.
48. [Answer] This is enough to show that it is not easy to survive in the TV industry. Statistics illustrate this fact in particular. Of the 80 European TV networks, as many as half are losing money at 1989.
[Analysis] The difficulty is 0.512; Discrimination 0.553. Compared with the previous sentence, this sentence is more difficult, mainly because:
(1) The sentence structure is complex. The main clause of this sentence contains an object clause that TV buses are not an easy-to-live world, an appositive afact, a past participle structure that restricts appositive, an attributive clause that restricts prepositional object statistics, and an object clause of a verb show: not less than 50% tookloss;
(2) Attention should be paid to the translation of some seemingly simple common words, such as: alone, world, Underline, tookaloss and so on. This sentence can be translated into two parts. The first part is the main sentence of this sentence: thismatementthat…… ....................................................................................................................... ....................................... Demonstration. " The object clause behind it can be translated as: it is not easy to survive in the TV industry, and the preposition behind it can be translated as: this shows that it is not easy to survive in the TV industry. The second part of the sentence is the apposition of the whole previous part, which can be translated separately. Underline means to emphasize that the passive voice is implicit in its past participle form, which originally means that this fact is emphasized by statistical data. However, according to translation skills, passive voice can be handled actively. Statistics illustrate this fact in particular. As for the attributive clause that defines statistical data, no less than 50% tokelosin 1989 can be translated into one sentence: as many as half of the 80 European TV networks are losing money in1989.
49. [Answer] Different cultures and traditions have woven the European continent into a whole. It is not easy to create a European brand that respects these different cultures and traditions, and people need to make strategic choices.
[Resolution] The difficulty is 0.453; The discrimination is 0.536. This sentence is the most difficult of the five. The main difficulties are:
(1) The subject becomes too long because it contains two attributive clauses with different levels, and it is too far away from the predicates is and requires, so candidates are easily confused. (2) Many words in this sentence are familiar to candidates, but it is difficult to choose specific meanings here, such as identity, connectingfabric, the old continent and so on. First of all, candidates can establish the basic structure of this sentence: create this difficult task and ask for a choice. The problem lies in the composition with gerund as the subject.
There are two attributive clauses at different levels: that aspects……...; ................................................................................................................................................................... Which one is wearing makeup ... ................................................................................................................................................ ........................... candidates may wish to sort out their ideas in the order of the original sentence: It is not easy to create a European brand-this European brand respects different cultures and traditions-which weave the European continent into a whole. According to Chinese writing habits, attributive clauses in English should be put before finite nouns, so the last part should be put before translation. From the semantic level, this sentence is also very difficult. For example, the original meaning of the word identity is identity, identity, consistency, ontology and individual, but these meanings are not consistent with those contained in the original text. The following sentence is: making programs for Europe in Europe. This requires educating us about our dependence on the North American market. The programs in the North American market involve different experiences and cultural transactions from ours "(that is, choosing to make TV programs for Europe in Europe. Reduce dependence on the North American market, because the experience and cultural traditions involved in their programs are very different from our own). Therefore, the europeanidentity here refers to a symbol that is different from North America and represents European characteristics, and it is more appropriate to translate it into a brand. In addition, theoldcontent refers to the European continent before the discovery of the new North American continent, so it should not be translated into theoldcontent, but should be clearly translated into the European continent.
50. [Answer] When dealing with challenges of this scale, it is no exaggeration to say that together, we can survive; Divide, and we will perish.
[Resolution] The difficulty is 0.555; The discrimination is 0.5 10. This sentence is much simpler than question 49, mainly because the sentence structure is relatively simple, symmetrical and easy to understand. The difficulty of this sentence lies in:
(1) How to understand and translate whether standing and falling are translated into standing and falling, or according to the above meaning, translated into survival and extinction;
(2) dealwith can be translated into coping with such a scale and the translation method of dealwith, and such a scale can be translated into such a scale. In addition, the past participle of united and divided is actually the omission of if we United and if we divided, which means: if we unite, we will survive; If we are divided, we will perish.