Xunzi said in "Encouraging Learning" that a gentleman needs extensive study to improve himself: a gentleman is knowledgeable and cares about himself every day, so he knows clearly and does nothing wrong.
if a gentleman is knowledgeable and cares about himself every day, he will know clearly and do nothing wrong. From the pre-Qin Xun Kuang's "Xunzi Persuasion": "Therefore, the wood is straight when it is tied, and the gold is sharp and beneficial. If a gentleman is knowledgeable and saves himself, he will know clearly and do nothing wrong." It means that a gentleman learns extensively and often uses what he has learned to check his words and deeds, so that he can not be confused and act without fault. Original text:
"Therefore, if the wood is tied with ropes, it will be straight, and if the gold is sharpened, it will be beneficial. If a gentleman is knowledgeable and saves himself, he will know clearly and do nothing wrong."
Therefore, wood can be straightened after being measured with ink lines and processed with auxiliary tools, and metal products such as swords and swords can be sharpened after being ground on a grindstone. A gentleman learns extensively and checks himself many times every day, so he will be smart and resourceful, and his behavior will not be wrong. Explanation of words:
Gentleman: This refers to a learned and cultivated person.
visit the province (xǐng): check and examine yourself. Reference, translation, inspection, inspection; The second translation is the same as "three", many times. Province, provincial inspection. Hu, a preposition, is equivalent to "Yu", right.
knowledge: knowing "wisdom" is wise and witty. Author's brief introduction:
Xunzi (about 313-238 BC) was named Qing, and was later called Sun Qing because he avoided the taboo of Liu Xun, the Xuandi of the Western Han Dynasty, and because the two words "Xun" and "Sun" had the same ancient sound. Han nationality, Zhou Dynasty, the late Warring States period, was from Zhao's family (now Anze, Shanxi). A famous thinker, writer, politician, one of the representatives of Confucianism, and a master of hundred schools of thought Thought, people were honored as "Xun Qing". He served as a drinking ceremony for Jixia Xuegong in the State of Qi for three times, and was later ordered by Chu Lanling (now Shandong Lanling), and was buried in Lanling after his death. Xunzi developed Confucianism and advocated the theory of evil nature, which is often compared with Mencius' theory of good nature and advocates "controlling destiny and using it" It has also made considerable contributions to the reorganization of Confucian classics.