Yan zi makes Chu. The Chu people called it "short for" and "extended for", because the small gate is on the edge of the city gate. Yan Zi refused to enter, saying, "Those who make the dog kingdom enter the dog gate. I am an envoy of Chu, so I can't enter this door. " It's more polite to enter through the gate.
See the king of Chu. The King of Qi said, "There is no one in Qi. Do you want your son to be a special envoy? " Yan Zi said, "There are 300 people near the State of Qi, sweating like rain. Why is there no one? " The king said, "But what is a special envoy?" Yan Zi said to him, "Everyone has his own master. A saint makes a virtuous master, and an unscrupulous master. Babies are the most corrupt, and it is just right to be Chu Yi! "
To annotate ...
Be sent to another country. The last two messengers, one as a noun and the other as a verb, were appointed.
Short, here refers to short stature.
As a verb, it means please.
Nuo Nuo, Yin Bin. Clowns are people who welcome and entertain guests.
Linzi-hippo chef, the capital of sound. Linzi, a place name, is the capital of ancient Qi State, in today's Shandong Province.
Rhythm is an ancient social organization unit composed of 25 families. 300 Lu means a large population.
Beauty-India beauty is the sleeve of clothes.
Heel-that sound is a person's heel.
Life-command, here is the meaning of appointment and dispatch.
Lord-Lord, here is the meaning of rules. The following keywords refer to the master and the monarch.
Unscrupulous-that is, people without virtue, ability and political integrity.
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This fable shows Yan Zi's wit, agility and eloquence, and also shows his valuable qualities of loving the motherland and safeguarding its dignity. Through this story, we should understand that people can't judge a book by its cover, and sea water has no energy.