A wise man told him a wise saying in his dream, which covered all the wisdom of human beings and made him not arrogant and get carried away; When encountering setbacks, I can persevere, work hard and always maintain a diligent and earnest state.
However, when I woke up, I couldn't remember that wise saying. So King Solomon called some of the wisest old ministers, told them this dream, asked them to come up with this wise saying, and took out a big diamond ring and said, "If you come up with this wise saying, engrave it on the front of the ring. I want to wear this ring on my finger every day. "
A week later, several veteran officials excitedly returned the diamond ring. Carved on the ring is a wise saying that encourages people to win without arrogance and lose with grace:
"This will pass!"
Regardless of success or failure, the past should provide experience and lessons, but it should never be a burden to the present and the future. "Think about how ... how" is a lonely line! What should we do now? Where's the goal for tomorrow? Is the direction we should go! forgive sb's past misdeeds