The Analects of Confucius is the first in all literature
Confucius said: "Isn't it a pleasure to learn and practice it from time to time? Isn't it also a pleasure to have friends coming from afar? People don't know it. If you are not angry, then you are not a gentleman."
Youzi said: "It is unusual for a person to be filial and fond of his superiors. It is rare for a gentleman to be a person who does not like to offend his superiors but is fond of causing trouble. The foundation is established and the Tao is born. Filial piety is the foundation of benevolence? "
Zeng Zi said: "Knowing one's words leads to benevolence."
Zeng Zi said: I have to think about myself three times. Are you being disloyal to others? Make friends but don’t believe it? Are you not used to it?
Confucius said: A country with a thousand chariots should respect things and be trustworthy, be frugal in use and love others, so that the people can keep time.
Confucius said: Disciples should be filial when they enter, and fraternal when they go out. They should be sincere and trustworthy, love others and be kind, and if they have enough ability to do, they should study literature.
Zi Xia said: A virtuous man changes his appearance, and he can do his best to serve his parents. Serving the king can bring harm to his body. When making friends, keep your word. Even though I say I haven’t learned yet, I will definitely call it learning.
Confucius said: If a gentleman is not serious, he will not have authority, and if he is learned, he will not be solid. The Lord is loyal and has no friends who are worse than himself. Don't be afraid to correct your mistakes.
Zengzi said: If you pursue your goals with caution, the people's virtue will be strong.
Zi Qin asked Yu Zigong: "Master, when it comes to establishing a state, you must hear about its politics. Do you want it to be reconciled? Do you want to make peace with it?" Zigong said: "Master, you can get it by being gentle, courteous, thrifty and generous. Master, please Is it different from what people want?"
The Master said: "Father is here, watch his ambition." Father is gone, watch what he does. He has not changed his ways for three years, which can be called filial piety.
Youzi said: The purpose of etiquette is harmony. The Tao of the former kings is beautiful. Small and large, there is no way to do anything. Knowing how to be harmonious and practicing harmony without following etiquette is not possible.
Youzi said: Faith is closer to righteousness, and words can be restored. Respect is closer to etiquette than shame. Because they don't lose their relatives, they can also be members of the clan.
Confucius said: A gentleman has nothing to eat to satisfy himself, nor a place to live in peace. If you are sensitive to things and cautious in speaking, you will have the right way. It can be said that he is eager to learn.
Zigong said: "Be poor without flattery, and be rich without arrogance. How about that?" Confucius said: "That's right. It's not as if you are poor and happy, but you are rich and good at courtesy." Zigong said: "The poem says: It's like cutting, like discussing, like plowing, like grinding. What do you mean by giving?" Confucius said: "Giving it to others can only be done with poetry. Tell everyone who has gone and know what's coming."
< p>Confucius said: Don't be worried about others because you don't know yourself, but you don't know others when you are worried.
Confucius said: Three hundred poems can be summed up in one sentence, saying: "Thoughts are innocent."
Confucius said: Guide them with government, harmonize them with virtue, and make the people Avoid being shameless. Lead them with virtue, align them with etiquette, and be shameless and dignified.
Confucius said: At ten, I am determined to learn; at thirty, I am established; at forty, I am not confused; at fifty, I understand the destiny of heaven; at sixty, my ears are obedient; at seventy, I follow my heart's desires without exceeding the rules.
Meng Yizi asked about filial piety. Confucius said: "No violation." Fan Chi tried to stop him, and Confucius told him: "Meng Sun asked about his filial piety to me, and I said no violation." Fan Chi said: "What do you mean?" Confucius said: "Sheng, how to do things. Ritual, death, burial with propriety, sacrifice with propriety."
Meng Wubo asked about filial piety. Confucius said: "My parents are only worried about their illness."
Zi You asked about filial piety. Confucius said: "Today's filial piety refers to being able to raise dogs and horses. As for dogs and horses, they can be raised. How can they be different if they are disrespectful?"
Zixia asked about filial piety. Confucius said: "It is hard to see. When something happens, my disciple will do his work, he will have wine and food, and he will give me a meal. Have you ever thought that you are filial?" It is enough to save one's own private life. It's not stupid to go back.
Confucius said: Look at the reason, observe the reason, observe the place, how old is the person! How old is this person!
Confucius said: By reviewing the past and learning the new, one can become a teacher.
Confucius said: A gentleman has no weapons.
Zigong asked the gentleman. Confucius said: "First do what he says and then follow it."
Confucius said: A gentleman is indifferent and does not compare; a villain is in comparison but does not consider.
Confucius said: Learning without thinking is a waste of time. To think without learning is to be in danger.
Confucius said: Attacking heresy is a disaster.
Confucius said: If you know it, you know it, and if you don’t know it, you don’t know it. , This is knowledge.
Zhang Xueqianlu said: "If you hear too much, you will be cautious about others. There are many dangers, and if you do the rest with caution, you will have few regrets. There are few words and few regrets, and therein lies the fortune.
Ai Gong asked: "What can be done to make the people obey?" Confucius replied: "If you raise the straight and ignore the wrong, the people will obey; if you raise the straight and wrong, the people will not obey."
< p>Ji Kangzi asked: "How to make the people respectful and loyal by persuading them?" Confucius said: "If you approach them with dignity, you will be respectful; if you are filial and kind, you will be loyal; if you do good deeds but cannot teach them, then persuasion will be done."Or Confucius said: "Confucius is not interested in politics?" Confucius said: "The book says: Filial piety! Only filial piety to friends and brothers, and giving to those who have politics. This is also politics. I am ridiculing him for being political!"
< p>Confucius said: People who have no faith do not know what is possible. A big cart has no legs, a small cart has no bumps, how can it move!Zi Zhang asked: "Can we know the ten generations?" Confucius said: "The gains and losses caused by the Yin Dynasty and the Xia rites can be known. The gains and losses of the Zhou Dynasty due to the Yin rites can be known. It may succeed the Zhou Dynasty Even if it lasts for hundreds of years, it can be known."
The Master said: "Sacrificing someone who is not a ghost is flattery." Not doing what is right is a lack of courage.
Eight Yi is the Third
Confucius said to the Ji family: "Eight Yi dancing in the court is tolerable, but who can't be tolerated!"
Three families To Yongche. The Confucius said: "When a man is not benevolent, what is the courtesy? What is the joy of a man who is not benevolent!"< /p>
Lin Fang asked about the foundation of etiquette. Confucius said: "What a great question! It is better to be frugal than to be extravagant about propriety; it is better to be frugal than to be easy."
Confucius said: "It is better for Yi and Di to have kings than for Xia to have none."
Confucius said: p>
The Ji family traveled to Mount Tai. Confucius said to Ran You: "Can you save him?" He said to him: "No." Confucius said: "Wow! It was once called Mount Tai, but it is not as good as the forest!" Confucius said: "A gentleman has no What you are fighting for must also be shot! Bowing and letting go, you are a gentleman." Zi Xia asked: "What does it mean to smile beautifully and look forward to it? Confucius said: "The painting is done after the ceremony." Confucius said: "It is only when I give it that I can write poetry." Therefore, Qi is not enough to levy it. The Yin Dynasty is not enough to levy it, so it is not enough, so I can levy it.” , I don’t want to observe it.”
Or ask the truth. Confucius said: "I don't know. I know that the person who spoke it is like this to the world. How does he show it?" Pointing to his palm.
Sacrifices are as if they are present, and sacrifices to gods are as if gods are present. Confucius said: "I don't offer sacrifices, just like I don't offer sacrifices."
Wang Sunjia asked: "Rather than be charming to O, I would rather be charming to the stove. What is it?" Confucius said: "No. I will be punished. In heaven, there is nothing to pray for. "
Zi said: "Zhou was in charge of the second generation. Or he said: "Who said that the son of Zou people knows the etiquette? When you enter the Ancestral Temple, ask about everything." When the Confucius heard it, he said: "This is the etiquette."
The Confucius said: "The shot does not control the skin, because the power is different. Ke, the ancient way."
Zi Gong wanted to sue Shuo for his sacrifice. Confucius said: "It is a gift. You love the sheep, and I love the courtesy."
Confucius said: "If you serve the king with courtesy, others will think you are flattering."
Ding Gong asked : "The king envoys his ministers, and the ministers serve the king, what is this like?" Confucius said to him: "The king envoys his ministers with courtesy, and the ministers serve the king with loyalty."
Confucius said: "Guan Ju, happy but not Lewd, sad but not sad."
Ai Gong asked the community about killing me. Zaiwo said to him: "The people of the Xia Dynasty used pine, the people of Yin used cypress, and the people of Zhou used chestnuts. They said: 'It makes the people tremble.'" When the master heard about it, he said: "Don't talk about things when they are done, don't admonish them when things are done, and don't blame things in the past."< /p>
Confucius said: "Guan Zhong's utensils are small!" Or he said: "Is Guan Zhong thrifty?" He said: "The Guan family has three homes, and official affairs are not involved. How can you be frugal?" "But does Guan Zhong know etiquette? Said: "The king of the country has a tree to block the door, and the Guan family also has a tree to block the door. The king of the country is the best between the two monarchs, and the Guan family also has the rebellion. The Guan family knows the etiquette, but the Guan family does not know the etiquette."
Ziyu Yue, Taishi Lu, said: "You can know the joy of it. The beginning is like Xi Ru Ye. From it, it is pure Ru Ye, Xiao Ru Ye, Yi Ru Ye. Then it is completed."
Yifeng people invited him to see him and said, "I can't help but see what the gentleman is doing." The follower saw it. He said: "Two or three sons, why are you worried about mourning? The world has been without Taoism for a long time, and heaven will regard the master as a wooden altar."
Confucius said to Shao: "Excellent beauty and perfection." Wu: "It's perfect, but it's not perfect."
Confucius said: "It's not generous to live on top, it's disrespectful to be polite, and it's not mournful in mourning. How can I watch it?"
Confucius said: "Ren is beautiful. If you choose not to be benevolent, how can you know it!"
Confucius said: "Those who are not benevolent cannot stay in appointments for a long time. You can benefit from it. A benevolent person is kind, and a wise person benefits from benevolence." Confucius said: "Only a benevolent person can do good to others, and he can do evil to others." Confucius said: "If you are determined to be benevolent, there is nothing. "It's evil."
Confucius said: "Wealth and honor are what people want, and they cannot be obtained through the right way. Poverty and lowliness are what people hate." The way to achieve it is not to go away. Is it bad for a gentleman to become famous? A gentleman will always violate benevolence and make mistakes. Confucius said: "I have not seen it." Those who love benevolence will not be kind to those who are not benevolent. Those who hate benevolence should be regarded as benevolent, and those who are not benevolent should not be punished. "Yes, I have not seen it."
Confucius said: "Everyone's faults are in their own way. This is how you know benevolence!" If you hear the Tao, you will die soon."
Confucius said: "It is not enough for a scholar to aspire to the Tao, but to be ashamed of his poor clothes and food."
Confucius said: "A gentleman has nothing to do with the world. There is nothing wrong with it. It is the comparison of righteousness."
Confucius said: "The gentleman cherishes virtue, while the villain cherishes earth. The gentleman cherishes punishment, and the villain cherishes favor." ”
Confucius said: “If you act in favor of profit, you will be resentful.”
Confucius said: “If you can serve a country with courtesy, why can’t you serve it with courtesy?” What's the etiquette?"
Confucius said: "There is no need to worry about being in a position. My way is consistent. "Zengzi said: "Yi." When Zi came out, the disciple asked: "What is it?" Zengzi said: "The way of the master is loyalty and forgiveness." Confucius said: "A gentleman is a metaphor for righteousness. , a villain is a metaphor for profit."
Confucius said: "When you see a virtuous person, think about it, and when you see a virtuous person, you should reflect on yourself.
Confucius said: “No matter how many times your parents give you advice, you will not obey your will, but you will respect it without disobeying it, and you will work hard without complaining.” ”
Confucius said: “When parents are here, if you don’t travel far away, you will definitely travel well.” ”
Confucius said: “If you have not changed your ways to your father for three years, you can be called filial.” ”
Confucius said: “One must not know the age of one’s parents. One is for joy, the other is for fear. ”
Confucius said: “The ancients could not say what they said, and they were ashamed and respectful. ”
Confucius said: “It is rare to miss a promise.” ”
Confucius said: “A gentleman wants to be slow in words but quick in deeds. ”
Confucius said: “Virtue is never alone, it must have neighbors.” "
Ziyou said: "It is a disgrace to serve the king. The number of friends is so sparse. "
Gongye is the fifth elder.
The master said to Gongye, "I can be a wife." Although he is in prison, it is not his crime. He gave it to his son and his wife. The son said to Nan Rong: "If a country has the Way, it will not be abolished. If it is without the Way, it will not be punished." "Take his brother's son as his wife.
The master said that the son was a mean man: "A gentleman is just like a human being. If there are no gentlemen in Lu, how can you choose this? ”
Zigong asked: “What about giving it?” Confucius said: "This is your vessel." "What kind of weapon is it?" he said. Said: "Lianhu also." ”
Or: “Yong is also benevolent but not sycophantic.” Confucius said: "Why use sycophancy?" The emperor gives things to others with his mouth, but he hates them many times and does not know his kindness. Why use sycophancy? "
Zi made Qi Diao start his official career. He said to him, "I can't believe it. "Confucius said.
Confucius said: "If the way fails, I will ride on a raft and float in the sea. Whoever follows me will find the right way!" Zi Lu was overjoyed when he heard this. Zi Lu said, "You are braver than me, and you have nothing to draw from." "
Meng Wubo asked: "Is Zilu Ren? Confucius said: "I don't know." " He asked again. Confucius said: "You, a country with thousands of chariots, can be governed by its blessings. I don’t know its benevolence. "How about asking?" Confucius said: "Ask me, I can have a town with a thousand houses and a house with a hundred chariots, so that I can be slaughtered." I don’t know its benevolence. "What about red?" Confucius said: "It is red. If you stand it in front of the court with your belt tied, you can talk to the guests." I don’t know its benevolence. ”
The Master said to Zigong, “Which one is better, you or Hui?” He said to him, "How dare I look back on the gift?" Hui also hears one to know ten, and Zhi also hears one to know two. Confucius said: "It's not like that." I am not like you. "
When Zaiyu went to bed, Confucius said: "Rotten wood cannot be carved, and a wall of dung cannot be carved." Yu Yu and He punished him? ”
Confucius said: “At first I was with people, listening to their words and trusting their actions. Now I am with people, listening to their words and observing their actions.” It's about giving and changing. ”
Confucius said: “I have not seen anyone who is strong.” ” Or said to him: “Shen Qian.” Confucius said: "You are also a person of desire." How can you be so strong! ”
Zigong said: “I don’t want others to do anything to me, and I also want nothing to be done to others.” Confucius said: "The gift is beyond your reach." ”
Zigong said: “The Master’s articles can be obtained and heard, but the Master’s words about nature and the way of heaven cannot be obtained and heard.” "
Zi Lu has heard of it, but if he is not able to do it, he is afraid that he will hear it.
Zigong asked: "What does Confucius call Wenzi? Confucius said: "He is quick and eager to learn, and he is not ashamed to ask questions. This is why he is called literary." ”
Confucius said to Zichan: “There are four ways of a gentleman.” He behaves respectfully to himself, he is respectful in his work, he benefits the people when he supports them, and he makes people righteous. ”
Confucius said: “Yan Pingzhong was good at making friends with others, and he respected them over time. ”
Confucius said: “Zang Wenzhong lived in Cai, and the mountains were full of flowers and algae. How could he know this?” "
Zizhang asked: "Ziwen, the third official of Ling Yin, is Ling Yin, but he is not happy. After three, there is no shame. The administration of the old order Yin must be reported to the new order Yin. How? Confucius said: "You are loyal!" Said: "Is this benevolence?" Confucius said: "I don't know." How can one be benevolent? "Cui Zi killed the king of Qi. Chen Wenzi had ten horses, but he abandoned them and turned against them." As for other countries, he said: "You are my doctor Cui Zi." ’ If he violates this and reaches a state, he will also say: ‘You are my doctor Cui Zi. ’ Go against it. How? Confucius said: "It's clear." Said: "Is this benevolence?" Said: "Unknown." How can one be benevolent? "
Ji Wenzi thought twice before acting. When Zi heard this, he said: "Again, this is too bad! ”
Confucius said: “Ning Wuzi, if a country has the Way, then it will be wise; if the country does not have the Way, then it will be foolish.” Its knowledge is within reach, but its stupidity is beyond reach. "
Zi Zai Chen said: "Return to, return to! The boy in our party is crazy about writing, and he is so impressive that I don’t know why he cut it. ”
Confucius said: “Bo Yi and Shu Qi don’t think about old evils, but resentment is for hope.” ”
Confucius said: “What does it mean to be humble and upright? Or begging for grain, begging from neighbors and giving it to them. ”
Confucius said: “Knowing one’s appearance with clever words is enough to be respectful. Zuo Qiu is ashamed of it, and Qiu is also ashamed of it.” If you hide your grudges and befriend others, Zuo Qiu will be ashamed of him, and Qiu will be ashamed of him. "
Yan Yuan was waiting on the road in Ji, and the Master said: "Yong Ge said your ambition? Zilu said: "I wish I could have chariots and horses, and light fur coats, and have sex with my friends. I would have no regrets about them." Yan Yuan said: "I wish there would be no cutting off good deeds and no giving of hard work." Zilu said, "I would like to hear your ambition." Confucius said: "The old take care of it, the friends trust it, the young cherish it." "
Confucius said: "That's it! I have never seen anyone who can sue himself after seeing his fault. ”
Confucius said: “In a town with ten houses, there must be someone as loyal and trustworthy as Qiu, but not as studious as Qiu. "
Yong Ye Sixth
Confucius said: "Yong Ye can make it south. Zhonggong asked Zi Sangbo. Zi said, "It's simple." Zhong Gong said: "Isn't it okay to live in a respectful and simple manner to be close to the people?" Is it too simple to live simply and behave simply? Confucius said: "Yong Zhi said so."
Ai Gong asked: “Which of my disciples loves to learn?” Confucius said to him: "A handsome man is eager to learn, does not express his anger, and does not make mistakes. Unfortunately, he will live a short life and die!" Nowadays, people are dying, and there are no good scholars. "
Zihua sent an envoy to Qi, and Ranzi asked for millet for his mother. Zi said: "Give it a cauldron. "Please help me." He said: "Qi Geng." "Ran Zi gave him five handfuls of millet, and he said: "The red ones are suitable for riding on fat horses and wearing light fur coats. I have heard that a gentleman will not continue to be rich if he is in a hurry. "I originally wanted to slaughter him and give him nine hundred grains and say goodbye. Confucius said: "Why don't you join the local party with your neighbors? ”
The Master said to Zhong Gong: “The son of a plowing ox has a sharp horn. Even if you want to use it, don’t use it. How can you abandon the mountains and rivers?” ”
Confucius said: “If your mind is not contrary to benevolence for three months, the rest will be as long as the sun and the moon are over.” "
Ji Kangzi asked: "Can Zhong Yu engage in politics? Confucius said: "Because of the result, what is the use of politics?" He said, "If you give me a gift, you can also engage in politics?" Said: "Gifts are enough, what's the use of doing politics!" Said: "If you ask, can you also engage in politics?" Said: "If you seek art, what's the use of doing politics!" "
The Ji family made Min Ziqian the Prime Minister of Fei. Min Ziqian said, "You can do me a favor. If someone comes back to me, I will definitely be on Wenshang. ”
Bo Niu was sick. When Zi asked about it, he went to the awning and held his hand, saying: “My fate is here, husband!” This is a man, and he has this disease! This is a man, and he has this disease! ”
Confucius said: “The virtuous man has come back!” A basket of food and a ladle of drink, in the back alleys, people can't bear the worries, and they won't change their happiness when they return. Xian is back! ”
Ran Qiu said: “If you don’t teach the way of the Master, then you are not strong enough.” Confucius said: "Those who are not strong enough will give up in the middle way." Now you draw. ”
The Master said to Zixia: “You are a gentleman and a Confucian, not a villain.” "
Ziyou was the governor of Wucheng. The Master said: "How can you get people? He said: "There are those who have lost their lives in Tantai. They do not follow the right path and are not doing official business. They have not ended up in the ruins of the house." ”
Confucius said: “Mencius rebelled but did not attack. He ran to the palace, and when he was about to enter the door, he spurred his horse and said, "If you don't dare to come back, the horse won't go in." ’”
Confucius said: “There is no such thing as wishing for a bad time, but there is the beauty of the Song Dynasty. It is difficult to escape the present world. ”
Confucius said: “Who can leave the house without leaving the house, why not leave the house?” ”
Confucius said: “If quality is better than literature, then you will be wild; if literature is better than quality, you will be history; if literature is better than quality, then you will be a gentleman.” ”
Confucius said: “People are born straight, and they are born recklessly. Fortunately, they are spared.” ”
Confucius said: “Those who know are not as good as those who are good at it, and those who are good at it are not as good as those who are happy.” ”
Confucius said: “If you are above the middle man, you can speak well; if you are below the middle man, you cannot speak well.” "
Fan Chi asked. Confucius said: "The duty of serving the people is to respect ghosts and gods and keep them at a distance. This can be said to be known." "Ask about benevolence. Confucius said: "It is benevolent to first encounter difficulties and then gain. ”
Confucius said: “The wise are happy in water, the benevolent are happy in mountains; the wise are active, the benevolent are still; the wise are happy, and the benevolent are long-lived.” ”
Confucius said: “Once Qi changes, it becomes Lu; once Lu changes, it becomes Tao.” ”
Confucius said: “It’s not a goblet, it’s a goblet, it’s a goblet!” "
Zaiwo asked: "Although a benevolent person tells me that there is benevolence in a well, he will follow it. Confucius said: "Why is it so?" A gentleman can pass away but cannot be trapped. He can be deceived but cannot be ignored. ”
Confucius said: “A gentleman is knowledgeable and well versed in literature, and when he makes an appointment with courtesy, he can also stay with his husband.” "
When Zi saw Nanzi, Zilu didn't say anything. The master pointed it out and said: "Those who deny it will be disgusted by heaven, and heaven will be disgusted with it!" ”
Confucius said: “The golden mean is the virtue, it is the ultimate!” The people have been popular for a long time. ”
Zi Gong said: “What if you can give generously to the people and help everyone? Can it be said to be benevolent? Confucius said: "Whatever matters to benevolence, it must be holy!" Yao and Shun were still sick! A benevolent person wants to establish himself, so he can help others; he wants to help himself, so he can help others. Being able to draw close examples can be said to be the way to be benevolent. "
Shu Er Seventh
Confucius said: "Speaking but not writing, trusting and loving the ancients, stealing from me and Lao Peng. ”
Confucius said: “I know it silently, I am not tired of learning, I am not tired of teaching others, what is that for me?” ”
Confucius said: “I am worried about not cultivating virtue, not learning about it, not being able to move after hearing the righteousness, and not being able to correct bad deeds.” "
Zi's residence in Yan is like Shen Shen, and Yao Yao is like that.
Confucius said: "It's so bad, I have been declining for a long time! I will no longer dream about Duke Zhou. "
Confucius said: "Aspire to the Tao, base yourself on virtue, rely on benevolence, and wander in art. ”
Confucius said: “If I can cultivate myself above all, I will not be without teachings.” ”
Confucius said: “If you are not angry or enlightened, if you are not angry and angry, if you raise one corner and don’t counter it with three corners, you will never recover.” "
The son ate on the side of the mourner and was not full. Then the son cried every day and stopped singing.
The master said to Yan Yuan: "If you use it, you will do it, if you give it up, you will do it. Ze Zang, you and I are the only ones who have the right husband. Zilu said, "When Zi marches with his three armies, who will join them?" Confucius said: "I will not stand up to those who are fierce tigers and rivers and die without regrets." You must be afraid when things happen, and you are good at making plans. ”
Confucius said: “If you are rich, you can ask for it. Even if you are a man with a whip, I will do it. If you can’t ask for it, I will do what I like.” "
What Zi is careful about: Qi, war, disease.
Zi heard about Shao in Qi, and in March he didn't know the taste of meat. He said: "I don't want to do it for the sake of pleasure. "
Ran You said: "Is Master Weijun? Zigong said, "No, I will ask about it." He said, "Who is Boyi Shuqi?" Said: "A wise man from ancient times." Said: "Resent?" He said, "If you seek benevolence and gain benevolence, why complain?" He came out and said, "Master, you don't want to do anything." ”
Confucius said: “If you eat sparingly, drink water, bend your arms and rest your head on it, you will be happy in it.”
Being rich and noble without justice is like a floating cloud to me. ”
Confucius said: “Give me a few more years and fifty to learn Yi, and there will be no big mistake.” "
What Zi said elegantly: poems, books, and etiquette are all elegant words.
Ye Gong asked Confucius about Zilu, and Zilu was wrong. Confucius said: "Don't you say that? : As a human being, he is so angry that he forgets to eat, and he is happy and forgets his worries. He does not know that old age is coming. ”
Confucius said: “I am not a person who is born with knowledge, but a person who loves the past and is keen to pursue it.” "
Confucius said nothing: strange, powerful, chaotic, and divine.
Confucius said: "When three people walk, they must have my teacher. Choose the good ones and follow them, and the bad ones. Those who change it. ”
Confucius said: “I was born virtuous, how could Huanju do it? ”
Confucius said: “Two or three sons, do you think I am hiding?” I have nothing to hide, and I have nothing to do without being with my two or three sons. This is Qiu. ”
Confucius taught four things: literature, conduct, loyalty, and trustworthiness.
Confucius said: “I can’t see a sage, but I can’t see a gentleman.” Confucius said: "I can't see a good person, but I can see someone who has permanence. That's hard to come by." What is lost becomes existence, what is empty becomes abundant, and what is agreed upon becomes peaceful. It is difficult to have eternity. ”
Confucius said: “If there are those who do things without knowing it, I am not right.” If you hear more, you will be good and follow it; if you see more, you will know it, which is the next best thing. "
It is difficult to talk to each other when we are in the same country. When a boy sees him, his disciples are confused. The Master said: "It is better to advance than to retreat. Nothing but what. People purify themselves in order to advance, but if they purify themselves, they will not protect their way forward. ”
Confucius said: “How far is benevolence?” I desire benevolence, and this is the utmost benevolence. ”
Chen Sibai asked: “Does Duke Zhao know etiquette?” Confucius said: "Know the etiquette." Confucius retreated, bowed his head to Wu Ma, and came forward, saying: "I heard that a gentleman is not a party member, is it true that a gentleman is also a party member?" You took the same surname from Wu and called him Wu Mencius. You know etiquette, but who doesn’t know etiquette? "Wuma expected to report. Confucius said: "Qiu is also lucky. If you have done something wrong, people will know it. "
If the Master sings to others and is good, he will make them turn against him and then make peace with them.
Confucius said: "Wen, why don't I think of myself as a foreigner? If I behave like a gentleman, I will not gain anything. ”
Confucius said: “If sage and benevolent, how dare I? If you never get tired of doing it and never tire of teaching others, you can say that you are done. Gong Xihua said: "Zhengwei's disciples cannot learn." "
Zi Lu asked for prayer when he was ill. Zi Lu asked: "Is there any? Zilu said to him, "Yes." He said: Pray to the gods above and below. Confucius said: "Qiu has been praying for a long time." ”
Confucius said: “Excessiveness will lead to failure, frugality will lead to solidity.” It is better to be solid than to have no grandchildren. ”
Confucius said: “A gentleman is magnanimous and magnanimous, but a villain is always concerned.” "
Zi is gentle but sharp, mighty but not fierce, respectful and peaceful.
Taibo the eighth
Confucius said: "Taibo, he can be said to be the best. Virtue is already there. Third, if the world gives way, the people will be praised for having nothing to gain. ”
Confucius said: “Being respectful but rude will lead to fatigue; being cautious but rude will lead to thinking; being brave but rude will lead to chaos; being straight but rude will lead to strangulation.” If a gentleman is devoted to his relatives, the people will thrive on benevolence; if the old is not forgotten, the people will not steal. ”
Zengzi was ill, so he called his disciples and said, “Please enlighten my feet and my hands.” The poem goes: 'Fighting with fear, as if facing an abyss, or walking on thin ice. ’ From now on, I know that I will save my husband. ”
Zengzi was ill, and Meng Jingzi asked about it. Zengzi said: “When a bird is about to die, its song is mournful; when a man is about to die, his words are also kind.” There are three things that a gentleman values ??more than the Tao: if you change your appearance, you will be arrogant and arrogant if you are far away; if you have a correct color, you will be trustworthy if you are close; if you express your words, you will be disdainful and disobedient if you are far away. Regarding the matter of Ji Dou, there is a secretary. ”
Zengzi said: “To ask questions about those who are able to do something about those who are not able, to ask too many questions about those who are few, to make things seem like they are not there, and to make mistakes without correcting them. In the past, my friend did this! ”
Zengzi said: “You can entrust an orphan six feet away, you can send your life a hundred miles away, and you can’t take it away at a big festival. How can a gentleman give it to you? A gentleman is a gentleman. ”
Zengzi said: “A scholar cannot be without great perseverance. The responsibilities are heavy and the road ahead is long.” Isn’t it important to consider benevolence as one’s own responsibility? Isn't it just a matter of time before death? ”
Confucius said: “It flourishes in poetry, establishes itself in etiquette, and succeeds in music.” "
Confucius said: "The people can follow it, but they cannot know it. ”
Confucius said: “Being brave, sick and poor is chaos. If people are not benevolent, they will become extremely ill and become chaotic. ”
Confucius said: “If the beauty of Zhou Gong’s talents makes him arrogant and stingy, the rest is not enough.” ”
Confucius said: “After three years of study, you will not reach the bottom of the valley. It is not easy to get it.” ”
Confucius said: “Be faithful and eager to learn, and stick to the good way. Do not enter a dangerous country, and do not live in a chaotic country. If there is a way in the world, you will see it, but if there is no way, you will hide it. In a country with good moral principles, it is a shame to be poor and humble. If a country has no moral principles, it would be a shame to be rich and noble. ”
Confucius said: “If you are not in your position, you will not seek government.” ”
Confucius said: “At the beginning of my master’s sincerity, the chaos in Guanju was so overwhelming that it filled my ears! ”
Confucius said: “I don’t know how to be mad but not straight, to be arrogant but not willing, to be stubborn but not trustworthy.” ”
Confucius said: “If you fail to learn, you are afraid of losing it. ”
Confucius said: “It’s so majestic, Shun and Yu had the world, but they didn’t follow it.” ”
Confucius said: “How great that Yao is the king.” So majestic, only Heaven is great, and only Yao rules it. It's so chaotic that the people have no name. Weiweihu, it has success. Huanhu, he has articles. "
Shun had five ministers and ruled the world. King Wu said: "I have ten rebellious ministers. Confucius said: "Talent is difficult, isn't it?" During the period of Tang and Yu, when this place was prosperous, there were only nine women. There are two out of three parts of the world to serve Yin and Zhou Zhizhi. They can be said to be the most virtuous! ”
Confucius said: “Yu, I have been here for a long time.”
Fei eats and drinks to be filial to ghosts and gods, wears bad clothes to be beautiful and has a crown of hair, and is humble to the palace and room, and strives to be like a ditch. Yu, I am here for nothing! "
Zihan Ninth
Zihan talks about profit, fate and benevolence.
The Daxiang party members said: "Great Confucius, learned but ignorant Become famous. When the Master heard about it, he called his disciples and said, "Why am I clinging to control or shooting?" I will control it. ”
Confucius said: “Ma Mian is also a ritual.” Today I am pure and frugal, and I follow the crowd. Bowing down is a courtesy. Today I bow to you, Tai Ye. Although it goes against everyone, I will obey. "
Zi Jue four: no intention, no necessity, no solidity, no self.
Zi was afraid of Kuang and said: "Since King Wen is gone, we don't care about this." Heaven will lose Siwen, and the deceased will not be able to deal with him. Heaven has not lost Siwen, so what will Kuang people do to him? ”
Taizai asked Yu Zigong: “Master, the saint is with you?” How versatile. Zigong said: "The general who strengthens the heaven and makes him a sage is also capable of many things." When the Master heard this, he said, "Does the Grand Master know me?" I am a young man who is humble, so I can do many despicable things. How many gentlemen are there? Not much. Lao said: "Zi Yun: I won't try it, it's just an old skill." ”
Confucius said: “Do I know anything?” Ignorance. A humble man asked me about it, but it was empty. I knocked on both ends and drained it. ”
Confucius said: “If the phoenix does not come, the river does not come out, the river does not come out, the Luo does not come out, I am dead!” "
When you see those who are in decline, those who are wearing clothes, and those who are blind, you will do something even if you see them rarely, but if you pass them, they will become more common.
Yan Yuan sighed and said: "Look up to them. The height is getting higher, the drilling is getting stronger, looking forward, suddenly behind. Master is always good at seducing people. He persuades me with words and invites me with courtesy. I can't stop, and I have exhausted all my talents, and I feel like I have established something outstanding. So I want to follow it, but there is no reason. "
Zi Lu was ill, and Zi Lu made his disciples serve as ministers. When he was ill, he said: "It has been a long time, and it is because of this that he committed fraud. If I have no ministers but I have ministers, who am I to deceive or deceive the heaven? Rather than die at the hands of a minister, I would rather die at the hands of two or three sons. Even if I don't get a big burial, will I die on the road? ”
Zi Gong said: “Is there a beautiful jade here that is warm and hidden? Looking for good people and selling them? Confucius said: "It is good to sell it, it is good to sell it!" I treat Jia as well. "
Zi wanted to live in Jiuyi. Or he said: "How can it be so ugly? Confucius said: "How could a gentleman live there so shamelessly?" ”
Confucius said: “I will defend myself against Lu, and then I will be happy and righteous, and my elegant songs will be in their place.” ”
Confucius said: “When I go out, I serve the ministers; when I go in, I serve my father and brothers. I dare not be reluctant at funerals. If I am not tired of drinking, what is that to me?” "
Zi said on the river: "The deceased was like a man who never gave up day and night. ”
Confucius said: “I have never seen anyone who loves virtue as much as he loves sex.” ”
Confucius said: “It is like a mountain. It has not yet formed a fence. If it stops, I will stop.” It's like a flat ground. Even if I cover a fence, if I advance, I will leave. ”
Confucius said: “He who speaks without being lazy is the answer. ”
The Master said to Yan Yuan, “What a pity!” I see its progress, but not its end. ”
Confucius said: “Those who are seedy but not showy will have a husband, and those who are showy but not real will have a husband.” ”
Confucius said: “The descendants are to be feared. How do you know that the person who came is not here? Forty or fifty years old and unknown, this is not enough to be feared. ”
Confucius said: “How can we not follow the French language? Change it to expensive. How can Xun say nothing to him? Make it valuable. If I say it without interpreting it, and therefore without changing it, I am no longer as good as I am. ”
Confucius said: “The Lord is loyal and trustworthy. If your friends are not as good as yourself, don’t be afraid to correct them.” ”
Confucius said: “Three armies can seize the commander, but an ordinary man cannot seize the will.” ”
Confucius said: “The reason for wearing a poor robe is the same as wearing a fox and a raccoon dog, but for being shameless?” If you don’t pray or beg, what’s the point of not praying. "Zi Lu recited it all his life. Confucius said: "This is the way, how can it be enough to praise it? ”
Confucius said: “When the year is cold, you will know that the pines and cypresses will wither. ”
Confucius said: “The wise do not be confused, the benevolent do not worry, the brave do not fear. ”
Confucius said: “It is possible to learn from others, but not to the proper way; "
The beauty of Tang Di is the opposite. Don't you think about it, this room is far away. Confucius said: "I don't think about it yet. How far away is your husband? ”
The tenth of the township party
Confucius was as coquettish as he was in the township party, as if he could not speak. In the imperial court of the ancestral temple, he could speak easily. Only be sincere.
In the court, you can talk to the officials below, and you can express your condolences to the officials above. Ye, the feet are like grabbing. The left and right hands are standing, and the front and back of the clothes are like delirium. When the guest retreats, he will return to his command and say: "The guest is ignored." ”
When entering the official gate, bow as if you are not allowed to do so. If you don’t stand in the middle of the gate, if you walk without walking at the threshold. If you are out of position, your color will be erect, your feet will be clenched, and your words will be insufficient. Take all of them. Ascend to the hall, bow as if you are holding your breath, come out, show off your color, and move like you, and return to your position like a jiaocuo.
Holding the bow, the bow is like a bow, the upper part is like a bow, the lower part is like a gift, the posture is like a war gesture, the feet are shrinking, and the expression is like a private look.
A gentleman does not wear gauze, and red and purple are not considered underwear. When the weather is hot, it will be revealed. Right. You must have pajamas that are as thick as a fox raccoon. If you don't wear anything other than a curtain, you will wear a hat for the auspicious month. /p>
If you are in harmony, you will have bright clothes.
He chokes on food and refuses to eat. The fish is tired and the meat is rotten, so he does not eat. If you look evil, you won’t eat. Loss of cooking, no eating. From time to time, do not eat. If the cut is not correct, it will not be eaten. If you don't get the sauce, you won't eat it. Although there is a lot of meat, it does not make Shengshi Qi. But the immeasurable amount of wine is not as good as chaos. If you sell wine in the market, you won’t eat the preserved meat. Do not withdraw ginger food. Don’t eat too much. Sacrifice to the public, do not sacrifice meat. The sacrificial meat must not be eaten for three days, and it must not be eaten for three days. No words are spoken when eating, and no words are spoken when sleeping. Even if they eat vegetables, soup, melons and offer sacrifices sparsely, they will all be the same.
If the table is not straight, you will not sit down.
When the countrymen drink wine, the stick comes out, and this comes out. A native of Nuo wears court uniform and stands on the steps.
Ask someone from another country, then worship him and send him off. Kangzi offered medicine, worshiped and received it. He said: "I haven't reached Qiu yet, so I dare not taste it."
Zigong asked: "Is there anything you can say that you can practice throughout your life?" Confucius said: "Forgive me! Don't do what you don't want others to do. Give to others.