From: Chapter 28 of Mencius Li Lou.
original text
Mencius said, "A gentleman is different from others because of his intention. A gentleman is considerate with benevolence and considerate with courtesy. Benevolent people love others, while courteous people respect others. Those who love others will always love others; People who respect others will always respect others. Someone here, if you treat me with disobedience, the gentleman will be bring disgrace to oneself: I will be mean and rude; This thing fits perfectly! Since it is a benevolent person, it is also polite and disobedient; A gentleman will do the opposite: I will be unfaithful. Since it is loyal, it is also reasonable not to obey. "
The gentleman said, "This is also stupid! If you do this, you can choose with the beast! Why are animals difficult! "
2. Confucius' classical Chinese is The Analects.
Confucius said, "It's better to keep pace with the times, isn't it? Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters? Ignorance and dissatisfaction are not gentlemen? "
A Confucius said, "He is also filial to his younger brother, but few people like to make mistakes." It is not easy to make mistakes, but it is not easy to make mistakes. Gentleman's business is based on inheritance and Taoism. Filial piety is also the foundation of benevolence! "
Confucius said, "Clever words make you look good, fresh and kind!"
Ceng Zi said: "I save three times a day: are you unfaithful to others?" Don't believe in making friends? Can't you learn? "
Confucius said: "One country is a thousand times: respect things and trust, save money and love others, so that the people can keep pace with the times."
Confucius said, "Disciples are filial, and younger brothers are younger. They sincerely believe that they love people all the time, but they are kind. I have spare capacity to study literature. "
Xia Zi said, "A moral person will change his color. Parents can do their best, and gentlemen can bring him to health. He keeps his word to his friends. Although I have not studied, I will call it learning. "
Confucius said, "If a gentleman is not heavy, he will be unable to do his job and learn. Lord is faithful. A man without friends is worse than himself. Don't change it after it. "
Ceng Zi said: "Shen Dao, in the end, people's virtue will grow thicker."
Qin Zi asked Zi Gong, "Master, as for the country, we will hear about its politics and make peace." Depressed? "Zi Gong said," The master is gentle, respectful and frugal, and let him have it. What does the host want and what do others want? "
Confucius said, "My father is here, so I will watch his ambition.": Father didn't, observe his actions; It is filial piety not to change the way of the father for three years. "
A Confucius said, "Harmony is the most precious thing. First, Wang Zhidao is beautiful, and small is big. What you can't do, knowing and harmony, is not feasible and you are welcome. "
A Confucius said: "The faith is close to righteousness, and the words can be repeated;" Ceremony is close to ceremony, far from shame; Because you don't lose your loved ones, you can still live in it. "
Confucius said, "A gentleman does not seek satiety, security, sensitivity to things, but prudence, so he can be said to be eager to learn."
Zi Gong said, "Poor but not flattering, rich but not arrogant?" Confucius said, "Yes. If you are not poor, you will be happy, and those who are rich and courteous will also be. " Zi Gong said: "As the poem says,' sharp as a probe, polished as a mill'." What is its significance? Confucius said, "You give me something, and I can only talk to you about poetry! Tell people who know the past. "
Confucius said, "If you don't suffer from people's ignorance, you don't know people."
The first volume is the second volume.
Confucius said, "Governing the country by virtue is like Beichen, living in its place and surrounded by stars."
Confucius said, "There are 300 poems. In a word, it is' naive thinking'. "
Confucius said: "If the Tao is political, it will be punished and the people will avoid it." : Morality, courtesy, honesty and shame, and qualification. "
Confucius said, "Five out of ten, I am determined to learn; I am thirty years old; Forty without confusion; At the age of fifty, I knew my destiny; I am obedient at the age of sixty; I am still obedient at the age of seventy; I didn't cross the line. "
Meng Wenxiao. Confucius said, "No violation." Fan Chi, his son, told him: "Ask me about filial piety, and I said' no violation'." Fan Chi said, "What is it?" Confucius said, "People are born with courtesy; When you die, you will be buried and sacrificed. "
Meng asked about filial piety. Confucius said, "Parents only worry about their illness."
Ziyou asks filial piety. Confucius said, "Today's filial piety means that it can be raised. As for dogs and horses, both can be kept; Disrespect, why not? "
Xia Zi asks filial piety. Confucius said, "Color is difficult. Have you ever thought that it is filial piety to have a hardworking disciple and a gentleman who eats and drinks? "
Confucius said, "I talk back to you all day, and I am not a fool." It's enough to retire and keep your privacy. Keiya,
Not stupid. "
Confucius said, "Look at what it is, look at what it is, and look at its safety. What about people? People are embarrassed? "
Confucius said, "Reviewing the past and learning the new can be a teacher."
Confucius said, "A gentleman is useless."
Zi Gong asked the gentleman. Confucius said, "Speak first, then do it."
Confucius said, "The week of gentlemen is incomparable, and the week of villains is incomparable."
Confucius said, "Learning without thinking is useless, and thinking without learning is dangerous."
Confucius said, "If you attack heresy, you will be harmed!"
Confucius said, "By! What do you know about teaching women? Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing, but knowing. "
Zhang Zixue Gan Lu Confucius said, "If you hear more doubts, if you are cautious about the rest, you will be rare." If you see more dangers, if you are cautious about the rest, you will regret it. If you don't say anything, you will regret it, and Lu is one of them. "
Aigong asked, "What is the uniform?" Confucius said to him, "Answer all right and wrong directly and obey.": * * * refuses to accept the mistake. "
Ji Kangzi asked, "What about persuading people to respect loyalty?" Confucius said, "If you are near, you will respect Zhuang; When you are filial, you should be loyal; If you can't teach, you must persuade. "
Or Confucius said, "Zi Xi is not a politician?" Confucius said, "The book says that filial piety is filial piety, brotherly friendship and administrative affairs." Is it also the government, and it is the government? "
Confucius said, "People without faith don't know what they can do. If there is no cart, what can it do? "
Zhang Zi asked, "Do you know the tenth generation?" Confucius said: "Yin gains and loses, because, so you can know; Zhou's gains and losses are also well known; Its successor or successor, though immortal, is also known. "
Confucius said, "Unless it's a ghost, it's not worth offering. Seeing righteousness is not for it, and there is no courage. "
3. The benevolent loves the ancient gentleman in China, so he is different from others because of his intentions.
A gentleman is considerate with benevolence and considerate with courtesy. Benevolent people love others, while courteous people respect others.
Those who love others will always love others; People who respect others will always respect others. Someone here, if you treat me with disobedience, the gentleman will be bring disgrace to oneself: I will be mean and rude; This thing fits perfectly! Since it is a benevolent person, it is also polite and disobedient; A gentleman will do the opposite: I will be unfaithful.
Since it is loyal, it is also rebellious; The gentleman said, "This is also stupid! If you do this, you can choose with the beast! What's so hard about animals! Explain in detail what is "benevolence"? One is to coordinate the relationship between people and between people and society; Second, attach importance to giving full play to people's subjective initiative and emphasizing people's inner moral cultivation. Confucius's "benevolence" takes "love" as its core, including respect, tolerance, faith, sensitivity, interests, wisdom, courage, forgiveness, filial piety, brothers, etc., and adopts the method of "don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you".
The so-called love is: you have to stand up for yourself and let others stand up; You should work for yourself and for others at the same time. Everything can be pushed by others, so it can be said to be a way of practicing good.
4. Confucius' classic history of China shows a noble family: "Confucius is famous for his mountains and rivers, and his name is Zhong Ni.
First, Song people. Father and uncle, mother is strict.
Duke Xiang of Lu was twenty-two years old, Gengzi was born in November, and Confucius was born in Jiaoyi, Changping Township, Lu. For the children, the Imperial Guard played and held a ceremony.
And the dragon, as a Commissioner, is expected to be flat; As a department official, livestock are very interested. It is not only counter-productive but also beneficial for disciples to ask courtesy to Laozi.
In the twenty-fifth year of Zhao Gong, Confucius was thirty-five, but he was in chaos. Therefore, it is advisable to be a high-ranking minister in order to communicate with.
The public wants to seal the land of Nixi, but Yan Ying can't, and the public is confused. Confucius followed suit, but it was Lu.
In the year of Renchen, Confucius was forty-three, Ji was tyrannical, and his minister Yang Hu was dictatorial. Therefore, Confucius did not become an official, but retired from poetry, books, rituals and music, and had many disciples.
Nine years of Boxer Rebellion, fifty-one years of Confucius. The public mountain doesn't pay for the Jishi family. Confucius wants to go, but he can't.
Ding Gong took Confucius as the master of the capital, and for a year, he was taken from all directions, making him a common herdsman. After ten years of suffering, it was decided that the guild would be in the valley and the people would return to Lu to invade the land.
Twelve years later, Zhong You was killed by the Ji family, fell into Sandu, and received his armor. Montessori refused to fall into it, and it was impossible to surround it.
Fourteen years later, Confucius was fifty-six. He takes photos of events, criticizes young people and understands national politics. In March, Lu attacked.
Qi people fell in love with women, and Ji suffered greatly. The suburbs will not be destroyed by doctors and Confucius.
The owner is the family of his wife and brother Zou. Shun Wei Chen, Zhu Kuang, Kuang and others arrested Yang Hucheng.
After the solution, I went back to Wei's home and met Nanzi. In the Song Dynasty, Sima Huan wanted to kill it.
Go again, Chen Shi, who is in charge of Zhenzi's home in Sicheng. Born at the age of three against Wei, you can't use it.
In the Jin Dynasty, Zhao's retainer, the Buddha called Confucius at Zhongmou's side, but Confucius wanted to go, but failed. Meet in the west, to the river, the main chi home.
Ask Chen, but if he is right not to do so, he will be as old as Chen. Ji Huan's son died, and his last words said that Kang Zi wanted to call Confucius and his ministers wanted to stop him. Kangzi's name is Ran Qiu.
Confucius is like Cai Heye. King Chu Zhao sealed Confucius with the bookstore, so that Yin Zi could not go west, but stopped.
On the contrary, Wei, when he died, Wei Jun wanted Confucius to take power. Ran Qiu was a general who helped the world and made great contributions to the war with Qi. Kang Zi called Confucius, and Confucius returned to Lu, mourning for Ding Si for eleven years, and Confucius was sixty-eight.
But in the end, Lu didn't need Confucius, and Confucius didn't want to be an official, but told books and passed on the Book of Rites. Deleting poems is fun, the order is changeable, the system, the image, the divination and the classical Chinese.
Disciple Gai 3000 Yan, 72 people are proficient in six arts. In fourteen years, Luxi won the forest and established the Spring and Autumn Period with Confucius.
The following year, he died in Wei. Sixteen years, April is ugly. Confucius died at the age of 73 and was buried in Lucheng North.
All the disciples died after three years of mourning, and Zi Gonglu was on the tomb. Every six years, Confucius gave birth to carp, called "Bo Fish", and died first. Apollo is anxious, thinking in words and gentle. "
He said, "The Analects of Confucius, Lu" 20. The Analects of Confucius does not ask you what you know. Of all the 22 articles, 20 have chapters and sentences, much more than Lu's theory.
In ancient times, there was a theory that Confucius went out of the wall. Yao said that Zhang Wen thought that there were one chapter and two chapters, each with 21 articles, which was different from Qilu's theory. Cheng Zi said: "The Analects of Confucius became a disciple with sons, so the only two sons in his book were named Zi."
Cheng Zi said: "Reading the Analects of Confucius: there are people who have read it completely;" Others get a happy sentence or two after reading it; I don't know good until I read; After reading it, there are people who don't know how to dance. " Cheng Zi said, "People can't read today.
Reading of the analects of confucius, for example, was such a person when he didn't read it, but only such a person after reading it, that is, he didn't read it. "Cheng Zi said," I was born in the 17th and 18th centuries when I was reading The Analects of Confucius. At that time, I knew nothing about it.
The longer you read it, the more meaningful it becomes. Reading the Analects of Confucius, Mencius said, "Scholars should base themselves on the Analects of Confucius and Mencius.
The Analects of Confucius, Mencius, can be cured by six meridians and become clear. It depends on the sage's intention to make scriptures, the sage's intention and the reason why the sage is a sage, but I didn't get it, so I didn't get it.
Ask every word, recite it during the day, think in the middle of the night, calm your heart, and ease your anger and doubt, then the meaning of a saint can be seen. "Cheng Zi said," when you read a text, you must first understand its meaning, and then you can ask its meaning.
There is no one who does not know the meaning of the article, but understands it. Cheng Zi said: "Scholars should ask the disciples in The Analects of Confucius questions and ask their own questions. Today, I will hear the answer from the sage, and naturally I will gain something.
Although Confucius and Mencius were resurrected, they used it to teach people. If you can think deeply in Meng's language, you will be cultivated into a very healthy temperament in the future! "said," anyone who looks at Meng's language should be familiar with it.
You must cut the sage's words to yourself, not just make a speech. People break themselves after reading only two books, and do as much as possible all their lives. "
I am very satisfied with Meng's reading. Scholars must be thinking deeply.
If you explain it in words, your meaning is not enough. "Or ask," Let's take a look at Meng's main points, shall we? " Cheng Zi said, "solidity is a good thing, but it's not what you want. "
Cheng Zi said, "Confucius' words are natural, while Mencius' words are true." Cheng Zi said: "When scholars read The Analects of Confucius and Mencius for the first time, if the scales are similar, they can naturally see the length and weight by measuring things."
Cheng Zi said, "reading of the analects of confucius Mencius didn't know it, and the so-called' although there are many, I still think of it'." As soon as he finished studying, the eldest son said, "How about I learn from time to time?" ? Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters? Ignorance and dissatisfaction are not gentlemen? "A Confucius said," He is also very filial to his younger brother, but few people like to make mistakes. It's not easy to make mistakes, but it's not easy to make mistakes.
Gentleman's business is based on inheritance and Taoism. Filial piety is also the foundation of benevolence! Confucius said: "smart words make you look good and fresh!" "Ceng Zi said," I save myself three times a day: Are you unfaithful to others? "Making friends is not credible? Can't you learn? " Confucius said: "One country is a thousand times: respect things and trust, save money and love others, so that the people can keep pace with the times."
Confucius said, "Disciples are filial, and younger brothers are younger. They sincerely believe that they love people all the time, but they are kind. I have spare capacity to study literature. "
Xia Zi said, "A moral person will change his color. Parents can do their best, and gentlemen can bring him to health. He keeps his word to his friends. Although I have not studied, I will call it learning. "
Confucius said, "If a gentleman is not heavy, he will be unable to do his job and learn. Lord is faithful.
A man without friends is worse than himself. It is never too late to mend. "
Ceng Zi said: "Shen Dao, in the end, people's virtue will grow thicker." Qin Zi asked Zi Gong, "Master, as for the country, we will hear about its politics and make peace." Depressed? "Zi Gong said," The master is gentle, respectful and frugal, and let him have it.
What is the master's wish and what are the requirements of others? Confucius said, "My father is here, so I will watch his ambition.": Father didn't, observe his actions; It is filial piety not to change the way of the father for three years. " .