Men are divided into three categories: inferior men beat their wives, middle men respect their wives, and superior men are afraid of their wives. In marriage, men are timid in front of their wives, so that they can live decently. Because "deep love is terrible, and strong love is natural." ″
No matter how beautiful the woman outside is, your wife will accompany you to the end; No matter how handsome and rich the men outside are, what happened is still your man's responsibility. Please cherish your lover! I hope to win a heart and never leave each other.
Life is getting less and less: there are fewer words in your mouth and fewer natural disasters; Less food in the abdomen, less natural diseases; If you think less in your heart, you will naturally have less troubles; The less things you have, the less hardships you have. Great sorrow without tears, great enlightenment without words, cherish fate and let go of it.
Mountains never call themselves lofty; The sea never clamors for its vastness. Great silence is truly powerful, and truly powerful people are often more silent; Really smart people often talk little but are precise. As Zhuangzi said, "The knower doesn't speak, but the speaker doesn't know." The so-called silence is golden, and silence is the highest state of a person.
Gu Cheng has a famous saying: "When I wanted to be a poet, I lost my poem;" When I miss someone, I lose myself; When you don't want anything, everything comes as planned. "I am deeply impressed! Live high attitude can only be achieved by learning to let go. Life is a mirror, and what kind of mentality there is, what kind of life there is.
What is upbringing? Your attitude towards the weak is your upbringing. An educated person is neither arrogant in the world nor humble in the world. I don't trust my cleaning aunt, I don't sell my little brother, I don't treat people who are not as good as myself as people, but I respect, understand and love others with compassion. Only in this way can people gain the goodwill and trust of others.
The most important thing in life is to make up your mind! Where there is a will, there is a way; where there is no will, there is a way. It takes a thousand years to make up your mind, and only five minutes to chat.
Ambition is like climbing a mountain. You can never climb a mountain, but you must have a mountain in your heart. It keeps you climbing, it gives you a goal to strive for, and it makes you look up and see your hope at any time.
As "Official Policy" said: "If you are born like an ant, you should be ambitious; Life is as thin as paper, so you should have an unyielding heart. How can a gentleman be depressed for a long time when he stands between heaven and earth? Gan Kun is undecided, you and I are both dark horses. " Encourage * * * with friends!