Jingchun said, "Aren't Gongsun Yan and Zhang Yi loyal men? Anger is the fear of the princes, and peace is the destruction of the world. "
Mencius said, "A gentleman is a gentleman. Haven't you learned manners? The husband's crown is also the father's life; When the woman got married, she was ordered by her mother to deliver it to her door, saying,' When you go to your daughter's house, you must respect it and not disobey your master!'
He who takes obedience as the right path is also a concubine. Live in a vast place in the world, stand in the right position in the world and be the best self in the world. Success, with the people; Go your own way when you are frustrated. Wealth can't be lewd, poverty can't be moved, and power can't be bent. This is called a gentleman. "
Jing Chun said, "Aren't Gongsun Yan and Zhang Yi really successful men with ambitions? When they were angry, the princes were afraid. When they are quiet, the world will be peaceful. "
Mencius said, "How can this be regarded as an ambitious and accomplished person?" Haven't you learned manners? When the man was crowned, his father punished him; When the woman got married, her mother instructed her to walk her to the door, warning her:' When you get to your husband's house, you must be respectful and careful, and don't be against your husband!'
Obedience first is the code of conduct followed by female families. A gentleman should live in the widest house in the world-benevolence, stand in the most correct position in the world-propriety, and take the most correct road in the world-righteousness.
When you succeed, follow the people on the right path; When frustrated, a person goes his own way. Wealth cannot confuse his thoughts, poverty cannot shake his integrity, and power cannot bend his will. This is an ambitious and accomplished man. "
The origin of the idiom: Mencius under Teng Wengong: "Richness cannot be lewd, poverty cannot be moved, and power cannot be bent. This is called a gentleman. "
Extended data:
Jingchun thinks that Gongsun Yan and Zhang Yi can control the vassals and provoke wars between countries. "When the princes are angry, they fear, and the world dies." This is a great man.
Mencius believed that Gongsun Yan and Zhang Yizhi climbed up by shaking their lips and obeying the wishes of the governors, and there was no principle of benevolence, righteousness and morality. Therefore, they are just villains and women, and they are pursuing the "way of concubinage". How can they be brave people?
Mencius only used "courtesy" to explain a woman's mother's instructions when she got married, and thus concluded that "those who take obedience as the right path are also concubines." What deserves our attention here is that the ancients thought that a wife's way was like a minister's way. Of course, I should obey you, but the principle of obedience is justice. If you are unfair, I will protest.
The same is true of a wife to her husband. Of course, a wife should obey her husband. However, if her husband did, she should persuade him to correct it. It should be "harmony but difference" only eunuchs, little wives, little maids, who don't ask right and wrong and blindly obey principles. Actually, there is no principle.
Mencius believes that this "concubine way" can not be generally understood as a woman's way, but actually a "little wife way", and only Confucianism's benevolence and courtesy is the "gentleman's way".
Mencius' satire was profound and sharp, and he hated Gongsun Yan and Zhang Yi. However, is Mencius' sarcasm really correct? The idea of strategists is to deal with other countries, promote the unification of the world and realize the ideal and ambition of "one country under the world" by combining and dividing the relationship between princes (diplomatic means).
They are not unprincipled concubines, but outstanding ancient diplomats. Mencius blindly interpreted it as "the way of concubinage." From this perspective, Mencius' statement is not up to standard.
Mencius' method is to put forward the real way of being a man in a tit-for-tat manner. This is his famous saying, which has been passed down through the ages: "Wealth cannot be lewd, poverty cannot be moved, and power cannot be bent." How? Then you have to "live in the world, stand in the right position in the world and be the best in the world." Or go back to the benevolence, righteousness, propriety and wisdom that Confucianism has always advocated.
After doing this, we will adopt the attitude of "being comrades with the people, not doing it for ourselves", that is, Confucius said "using what is used, hiding what is abandoned" (The Analects of Confucius) or Mencius said in another place that "poverty is the only way to protect yourself, and prosperity is the best way to help the world." ("wholeheartedly" then you can become a real gentleman.
Although Mencius' famous saying about "gentleman" is inappropriate in criticizing strategists, the famous saying "wealth can't be lewd, power can't be bent" still shines brightly, inspiring many people with lofty ideals in history and becoming their motto of upholding justice without fear of * * *.
2. The full translation of Wealth Can't Prostitute 1. Jing Chun said, "Aren't Gongsun Yan and Zhang Yi really ambitious and accomplished men?" When they were angry, the princes were afraid. When they are quiet, the world will be peaceful. "
Mencius said, "How can this be regarded as an ambitious and accomplished person?" Haven't you learned manners? When the man was crowned, his father punished him; When a woman gets married, her mother exhorts her and walks her to the door, warning her:' When you get to your husband's house, you must be respectful and careful, and don't disobey your husband!' Obedience is a woman's way. (Gongsun Yan and Yi Cheung actually like women in front of governors! Living in the widest house in the world, standing in the most correct position in the world and walking on the widest road in the world; When you can realize your ideals, follow the people on the right path; When you can't realize your ideal, you can go your own way alone.
Wealth cannot confuse his thoughts, poverty cannot shake his integrity, and power cannot bend his will. This is an ambitious and accomplished man. Second, the original text of "Richness cannot be lewd" is as follows: Jing Chun said: "Are Gongsun Yan and Zhang Yi sincere people? Anger is the fear of the princes, and peace is the destruction of the world. "
Mencius said, "A gentleman is a gentleman. Haven't you learned manners? The husband's crown is also the father's life; When the woman got married, she was sent to the door by her mother, and was warned:' When you go to your daughter's house, you must be respectful and restrained, without violating your master's intention!' He who takes obedience as the right path is also a concubine. Live in a vast place in the world, stand in the right position in the world and be the best self in the world.
Success, with the people; Go your own way when you are frustrated. Wealth can't be lewd, poverty can't be moved, and power can't be bent. This is called a gentleman. "
Extended data:
Teng Wengong, Mencius, said, "Wealth cannot be lewd, poverty cannot be moved, and powerful people cannot be bent. This is called a gentleman. " An example of "wealth can't be lewd": wealth can't be lewd: after Wen Tianxiang was defeated and captured, he refused to be generous with senior officials, wrote poems with clear aspirations, and died generously. The poor can't move: during the Warring States period, there was a famine in Qi, and a poor man would rather die than eat the food he brought. Wen Yiduo was furious with the Kuomintang pistol and would rather die than surrender. Reference:
Baidu Encyclopedia-"Wealth can't be lewd".
3. Classical Chinese can't be rich. In the Warring States Period, Mencius wrote, "Richness cannot be lewd." Jing Chun said, "Are Gongsun Yan and Zhang Yi sincere people? Anger is the fear of the princes, and peace is the destruction of the world. "
Mencius said, "A gentleman is a gentleman. Haven't you learned manners? The husband's crown is also the father's life; When the woman got married, she was ordered by her mother to deliver it to her door, saying,' When you go to your daughter's house, you must respect it and not disobey your master!' He who takes obedience as the right path is also a concubine. Live in a vast place in the world, stand in the right position in the world and be the best self in the world.
Success, with the people; Go your own way when you are frustrated. Wealth can't be lewd, poverty can't be moved, and power can't be bent. This is called a gentleman. "
Jingchun said, "Aren't Gongsun Yan and Zhang Yi really ambitious and accomplished men? When they were angry, the princes were afraid. When they are quiet, the world will be peaceful. " Mencius said, "How can this be regarded as an ambitious person?" Haven't you learned manners? When a man is crowned, his father gives discipline; When the woman got married, her mother gave instructions and warned her when she was delivered to the door:' When you arrive at your husband's house, you must be respectful and cautious, and don't go against your husband's wishes!' Obedience should be the norm, which is the way of women.
A gentleman should live in the widest house in the world-benevolence, stand in the most correct position in the world-courtesy, and take the most correct road in the world-righteousness. When you can realize your ambition, take the right path with the people; When you can't realize your ambition, you go your own way alone.
Wealth cannot confuse his thoughts, poverty cannot shake his integrity, and power cannot bend his will. Such a person can be called a gentleman. "Extended data:
"Richness cannot be lewd" came from Mencius and Teng Wengong in the Warring States Period.
Creation background: The book Mencius was written in the middle of the Warring States Period, and its contents mainly include the description of Mencius' thoughts, the record of Mencius' arguments with other schools, the example of words and deeds, and the lobbying of princes. It was compiled by Mencius and his disciples (Zhang Wan and others). Appreciation: Mencius recorded Mencius' thoughts on governing the country, political strategies (the debate between benevolence and Wang Ba, people-oriented, the right and wrong of respecting the monarch, and the people are the monarch, followed by the monarch) and political actions, and it is a Confucian classic.
His theoretical starting point is the theory of good nature and advocates the rule of virtue. In the Southern Song Dynasty, Zhu called Mencius, The Analects of Confucius, Daxue and The Doctrine of the Mean the Four Books.
4. What is the original text of Mencius's "Wealth Can't Be Prostituted"? The original text of "Fortune" cannot engage in prostitution:
The husband's crown is also the father's life; When the woman got married, she was ordered by her mother to deliver it to her door, saying,' When you go to your daughter's house, you must respect it and not disobey your master!' He who takes obedience as the right path is also a concubine. Live in the world, stand in the right position in the world and take the road of the world. Let the people do it if they succeed, and go their own way if they fail. Wealth can't be lewd, poverty can't be moved, and power can't be bent. This is called a gentleman. "
Author: Monk and his disciples
When the man was crowned, his father gave discipline; When the woman got married, her mother gave her instructions, sent her to the door, and warned her: "When you get to your husband's house, you must be respectful. Be careful not to go against your husband! Obedience is the principle of being a concubine. As for a gentleman, you should live in the widest house in the world, stand in the most correct position in the world and take the brightest road in the world. When you succeed, you will advance with the people; When you are frustrated, you stick to your principles alone.
If you have money, you can't be fooled into doing excessive things. Poverty can't make you change your moral integrity, and coercion can't make you succumb to your will. This is called a gentleman! "
Extended data:
1, "Poor can't move", the more popular expression should be "Poor can't give up". What can't you give up? It is ideal, morality and all the principles of being a man; This is the spiritual sustenance of the poor for many years, and it is also a "flood dam" built by the poor for their own morality for many years. The so-called "flood control dam" means that if there is no such dam, people can't help being caught in the torrent.
The real meaning of "being poor can't move" is to warn the poor that they can move easily, just as "being rich can't be lewd" is actually a bad habit of lewdness. Being poor can easily make people regard poverty as an irreplaceable reason and give up their ideals, morality and all principles of being a man. Almost all negative images in society come from poverty.
2. But these two kinds of people only proved half, confusing the other half: poverty and meanness seem to be the same thing, but they are not the same concept. Poverty must be the premise of meanness, but meanness is not necessarily the result of poverty.
Poverty is the upper part and the lower part. Shell is an ancient currency, and the shell should be separated. Of course, it is the lack of property that leads to poverty. Poverty is a state of being relative to wealth. Fang Zhimin once wrote Immortal Poverty, and he understood poverty as a kind of spiritual wealth.
Cheap, relative to expensive, is not the state of life but the taste of life; The original meaning of meanness is "low price", which can also be understood as low status and despicable personality; By extension, it is a bitch, a bitch, and * * *. There used to be a vulgar swear word called "bitch", which is enough to show how disgusting "bitch" is. Why is "Miss" called a chicken instead of a phoenix? Because chicken is worthless, cheap and cheap is the personality of this group of people.
A person can be poor but not cheap, but poverty is likely to be a cheap mother. Because you are poor, you are cheap, because you are cheap, you move, because you move, you are not poor, and because you are not poor, you are even cheaper. This series of causality, like a powerful magnet, attracts all the poor people into its magic circle, and there are indeed many poor people trapped, so there is one kind of poor people that makes us awe-inspiring, that is, steadfast people.
Baidu encyclopedia-wealth can't be lewd
5. Richness cannot be lewd. Annotation in classical Chinese: Richness cannot be lewd: it means that the will is not confused by money and status.
From Mencius in the Warring States Period, Mencius under Teng Wengong said: "Wealth cannot be lewd, poverty cannot be moved, and power cannot be bent. This is called a gentleman. " Wealth can't make me arrogant and extravagant, poverty can't make me change my moral integrity, and power can't make me succumb to my will. This is called a gentleman.
In today's reform and opening up, it is very important for leaders at all levels to have money and not be slutty. Grammatically complex sentence patterns; Become an object; With a commendatory term, indifferent to Zhi Ming, antonym, forgetting righteousness at first sight, extending information 1, synonymous with wealth and debauchery, indifferent to wisdom, I explained that only by not pursuing fame and fortune can I make my interests noble.
From the Book of Commandments by Zhuge Liang of the Shu Kingdom in the Three Kingdoms: "Indifference leads to no ambition, and tranquility is not far away." If you are not indifferent, you can't have a clear and noble ambition. If you are not quiet and modest, you can't have great ambitions.
He never cared about fame and fortune, was indifferent to his ambition, and devoted himself to the cause of science. Grammar is formal; As a predicate; With praise, it means not pursuing fame and fortune. The antonym of wealth and immorality is forgetting justice. Explain that seeing interests ignores morality.
From the biographies of Han Fan Fujin in Zhou Dynasty by Ban Gu in the Eastern Han Dynasty: "Those who betray their friends are said to forget their righteousness at the expense of profit." He who betrays his friends forgets justice at the expense of profit.
The author of the example vividly depicts the image of a philistine who is addicted to money and forgets his righteousness. Grammatical connection; As predicate, object and attribute; With a derogatory connotation.
6. Full-text translation of "Wealth Can't Be Prostituted":
Jingchun said, "Aren't Gongsun Yan and Zhang Yi really ambitious and accomplished men? When they were angry, the princes were afraid. When they are quiet, the world will be peaceful. "
Mencius said, "How can this be regarded as an ambitious and accomplished person?" Haven't you learned manners? When the man was crowned, his father punished him; When the woman got married, her mother instructed her to walk her to the door, warning her:' When you get to your husband's house, you must be respectful and careful, and don't be against your husband!' Obedience first is the code of conduct followed by female families. "
"A gentleman should live in the widest house in the world-benevolence, stand in the most correct position in the world-courtesy and take the most correct road in the world-righteousness. When you succeed, follow the people on the right path; When frustrated, a person goes his own way. Wealth cannot confuse his thoughts, poverty cannot shake his integrity, and power cannot bend his will. This is called a man with ambition and achievement. "
Wealth cannot be lewd. It is selected from Mencius Teng Wengong in the Warring States Period.
Original text:
Jingchun said, "Aren't Gongsun Yan and Zhang Yi loyal men? Anger is the fear of the princes, and peace is the destruction of the world. "
Mencius said, "A gentleman is a gentleman. Haven't you learned manners? The husband's crown is also the father's life; When the woman got married, she was sent to the door by her mother, and was warned:' When you go to your daughter's house, you must be respectful and restrained, without violating your master's intention!' He who takes obedience as the right path is also a concubine. Live in a vast place in the world, stand in the right position in the world and be the best self in the world. Success, with the people; Go your own way when you are frustrated. Wealth can't be lewd, poverty can't be moved, and power can't be bent. This is called a gentleman. "
Extended data
According to the old saying, the "obscenity" in the title should be interpreted as "excessive", that is, wealth and power should not make their speech and behavior excessive and beyond common sense; Another solution is "confusion", that is, not to be confused by wealth and power. Ming Dow took the straight road. If "obscenity" is interpreted as "* *" and "debauchery", it is modern business, strictly speaking, it deviates from the original intention.
The classical Chinese "riches and honour can't be lewd" and "Born in sorrow and died in happiness" were selected as the sixth unit of the second1lesson of the eighth grade Chinese in the 20 17 textbook (published by People's Education Publishing House). Chapter two.
There are seven books in Mencius, which is a compilation of Mencius' remarks during the Warring States Period. It records the arguments between Mencius and other schools, the words and deeds of disciples, and the lobbying of princes. It was compiled by Mencius and his disciples (Zhang Wan and others). ).
This book records Mencius' thoughts on governing the country, political strategies (benevolent governance, Wang Ba's debate, people-oriented, honorable right and wrong, people are your country, followed by your country, and your country is second) and political actions. It was written in the mid-Warring States period and belongs to Confucian classics. His theoretical starting point is the theory of good nature and advocates the rule of virtue.
In the Southern Song Dynasty, Zhu called Mencius, The Analects of Confucius, Daxue and The Doctrine of the Mean the Four Books. Since the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, it has been regarded as a family heirloom. Mencius is the longest and heaviest of the four books, with more than 35 thousand words. From then until the end of the Qing Dynasty, the "Four Books" had been a compulsory part of the imperial examination.
Momentum is an important style feature of Mencius' prose. This style stems from the strength of Mencius' personality cultivation. People with this lofty spirit can overwhelm each other mentally, despise political power, despise material greed, have extraordinary spirit, be upright, selfless and fearless.
Rhetorical devices such as even sentences and overlapping sentences are widely used in Mencius. It is necessary to enhance the momentum of the article and make the style of writing magnificent. If Jiang is determined, it will be unstoppable.