"A person cannot stand without faith" is a famous saying of Confucius, which comes from "The Analects of Confucius".
Zigong asked about politics. Confucius said: "If you have enough food and soldiers, the people will trust you." Zigong said: "We must go as a last resort. Which of the three should come first?" He said, "Go away as a last resort." Zigong said: "We must go as a last resort. In Which of the two comes first?" He said, "Go and eat. Since ancient times, there has always been death, and people cannot stand without faith."
Zi Gong asked how to manage political affairs. Confucius said: "Prepare enough food and strengthen armaments, and the people will trust the government." Zigong said: "If you have to eliminate one item, which one among these three should be eliminated?" Confucius said: "Get rid of armaments "Zigong asked again: "If you have to remove one item, which one should be removed?" Confucius replied: "Because since ancient times, no one can escape death. It’s just starvation, but a country will collapse if it cannot gain the trust of the people.”
The story of integrity
The establishment of Yan Shu’s credibility
Poet writer of the Northern Song Dynasty. Yan Shu is known for his honesty. When he was fourteen years old, someone recommended him to the emperor as a child prodigy. The emperor summoned him and asked him to take the exam at the same time as more than a thousand Jinshi. As a result, Yan Shu discovered that the test was one he had just practiced ten days ago, so he reported the truth to Zhenzong and asked for other questions to be changed. Song Zhenzong admired Yan Shu's honest character very much and gave him "the same background as a Jinshi". When Yan Shu was in office, the world was at peace. As a result, officials of all sizes in the capital often went to the outskirts to play or held various banquets in restaurants and teahouses in the city. Yan Shu's family was poor and he had no money to go out to eat, drink and have fun, so he had to read and write articles at home with his brothers. One day, Zhenzong promoted Yan Shu to the East Palace official who assisted the prince in his studies. The ministers were surprised and didn't understand why Zhenzong made such a decision. Zhenzong said: "Recently, the ministers often go out to play and have banquets, and only Yan Shu studies behind closed doors. He is so self-respecting and cautious, and he is a suitable candidate for the East Palace official." After thanking Yan Shu, he said: "I am actually a person who likes to play and have banquets, but I am just a family man. It's just poverty. If I had money, I would have participated in the banquet." These two things established Yan Shu's credibility in front of the officials, and Song Zhenzong also trusted him more.