Confucius is called the sage of Confucius. As a representative of Confucianism, he has always advocated governing the country by virtue. In many people's minds, Confucius is a refined man. He has a lot of good qualities, and he never tries to make others feel bad. But no one is perfect. Even a saint like Confucius will swear when he is angry, and even a dirty word can become a famous saying through the ages. For example, we often hear a swearing sentence, which was once said by Confucius and also appeared in The Analects of Confucius.
It is said that Confucius had a student named Zaiyu. He is a very lively person. Confucius liked him very much at first, because he often drew inferences from others and liked learning very much. But after a long time, it will be different. He often makes Confucius angry and often says something that surprises Confucius. Confucius' impression of him is getting worse and worse. Later, once Confucius was giving a lecture, while Zaiyu was sleeping in class. Sleeping in broad daylight made Confucius very angry. He shouted at Jae-woo. Don't carve rotten wood, and the wall of dirt can't be polluted? .
Later, this sentence said by Confucius was handed down, among which? You can't carve rotten wood. I often hear it from teachers. Sometimes when I meet a disobedient student, the teacher will scold him with this sentence, saying that he can't carve wood. The second half sentence is that a dirty wall can't be polluted. Over time, this sentence gradually became? Mud can't help the wall? . It is also used to describe students with poor education. Nowadays, both parents and teachers often use this sentence to admonish children and students, and this sentence has gradually become a mantra in the field of education.