Lyricist: Kohshi Asakawa
Composer: Takeshi Asakawa
Song: FLOW
I realize the screaming pain
Feeling the heartbreaking pain
Hearing loud in my brain
Reverberating in my brain
But I 'm going straight ahead, with the scar
But I'm still going straight ahead with the scar
Can you hear me ? So am I
You can hear me 吗? 我也是
wa su re te si ma e ba i i yo ka n ji na ku na cha e ba i i
"It doesn't matter if you forget. It doesn't matter if you don't feel it."
su ri mu i ta ko ko ro ni fu ta o si ta n da
Just closed the broken heart
『hurt ついたって平気だよもうpain みは无いから ね」
ki zu tsu i ta tte he i ki da yo mo i ta mi wa na i ka ra ne
"It doesn't matter if you are injured because you can no longer feel the pain" < /p>
その足を cited きずりながらも
so no a shi o hi ki zu ri na ga ra mo
While talking, I dragged my heavy steps
See the loss of oneself
mi u shi na tta ji bu n ji shi n ga
The self that has been lost
o to o ta te te ku zu re te i tta
Gradually collapse in the noise
気payけば风 の音だけが…
ki zu ke ba ka ze no to da ke ga
Finally I realized that this was just the sound of wind echoing in my ears…
伝え に来たよ无码を辿って世界に抗つぶされてしまう前に
tsu ta e ni ki ta yo ki zu a to o ta so tte se ka i ni o shi tsu bu sa re te shi ma u ma e ni
Before your world collapses, I will follow the guidance of the scar and come to you
o bo e te ru ka na na mi da no so ra o
Do you still remember the sky covered in tears?
a no i ta mi ga ki mi no ko to o ma mo tte ku re ta
My pain helps me keep your memory
そのpainみがいつも君 を胜ってるんだ
so no i ta mi ga i tsu mo ki mi o ma mo tte ru n da
Your pain makes me decide to continue to protect you
Can you hear me? S
o am I
Can you hear me? Me too
Generationleg しさをしさをさをかない强さよりもhurt to hurtかない强さよりもhurt to ke ka na i tsu yo sa yo ri mo ki zu tsu ke na i ya sa shi sa o
"The gentleness without sorrow is better than the strength without sorrow"
その声 はどこか Sadly しそうで
ko no ko e wa do ko ka ka na shi so u de
This voice is so sad
Hang けvioli えた ボタンみたいに
ka ke chi ga e ta bo ta n mi ta i ni
It’s like pressing the wrong button
こころ Physical separation れていった
ko ko ro shi n ta i ha na re te i tta
The pieces of the heart fall apart
mo u i chi do ko ko ro o tsu ka n de
Once again I have to put my heart together
tsu ta e ni ki ta yo ki zu a to o ta so tte se ka i ni o shi tsu bu sa re te shi ma u ma e ni
In your world Before the collapse, I will follow the guidance of the scar and come to you
o bo e te ru ka na na mi da no so ra o
Do you still remember the sky covered with tears
a no i ta mi ga ki mi no ko to o ma mo tte ku re ta
My pain helps me keep your memory
so no i ta mi ga i tsu mo ki mi o ma mo tte ru n da
Your pain makes me decide to continue to protect you
Can you hear me ? So am I
Can you hear me? Me too
i tsu ka ki i ta a no na ki go e wa
< p>The cry that I once heard我的いなくそう自分のだった
ma chi ga i na ku so u ji bu n no da tta ta
That’s right, it’s my own
su be te wa ko no to ki no ta me ni
< p>Everything is for the arrival of that moment...きっと开めからわかってたんだ
ki tto ha ji me ka ra wa ka tte ta n da
< p>Already knew it from the beginningもう二度と自分だけは里さないで
mo u ni do to da ke wa ha na sa na i de
< p>I won’t let myself leave again気FUいてくれた君への合図
ki zu i te ku re ta ki mi e no a i
I noticed the signal to you
a no i ta mi ga ki mi no ko to o ma mo tte ku re ta
My pain helps me to keep your memory
tsu ta e ni ki ta yo ki zu a to o ta do tte
I will follow the guidance of the scars and come to you
< p>so re na ra mo u o so re ru mo no wa na i n da toIn that case, there is no need to be afraid of anything
forget the smiling face の訳を p>
wa su re na i de ne e ga o no wa ke o
Don’t forget the meaning of smile
a no i ta mi ga ki mi no ko to o ma mo tte ku re ta
My pain helps me keep your memory
あの 爱みが君の事を生ってくれた
a no i ta mi ga ki mi no ko to o ma mo tte ku re ta
My pain helps me keep you Memories
so no i ta mi ga i tsu mo ki mi o ma mo tte ru n da
Your pain makes me decide to continue to protect you
Can you hear me? So am I
Can you hear me? Me too