Where humans come from seems to be our eternal mystery. Some geneticists now claim that all of us modern humans had the same pair of ancestors 150,000 years ago. The clues we can rely on for our root-seeking journey are our bodies. Through our blood, we try to travel through time and space to find our ancestors from 150,000 years ago.
Discovering the ancient ape man
In 2004, people discovered a strange human skull on a small island in Indonesia. Experts determined that his brain volume was only 380 milliliters and his height was 1.08 meters. This 18,000-year-old dwarf has been called one of the greatest discoveries in the past 50 years.
In 1992, in Altamura, Italy, paleoanthropologists discovered a hominid skull embedded in a maze-like cave 80 meters above the ground deep in a maze-like cave formed by underground river erosion. The rock walls are 500,000 years old. Experts determined that this is the most complete fossil of Homo heidelbergensis.
In 1924, workers at the Taung quarry in South Africa discovered the skull fossil of a child while blasting. Experts believe that he lived between 1.2 million and 4 million years ago, and was between apes and humans. transition, and named him Australopithecus australopithecus. Judging from the claw marks on his skull, this 3-year-old child died at the hands of an eagle. He is the earliest ancestor of mankind discovered so far. Research has found that Australopithecus originated from a family of ancient apes that suffered genetic mutations. This mutated gene allows them to walk upright and makes survival easier.
Australopithecus is not the only ancient ape discovered. As early as 1891, Dutch anatomist Dubois discovered a 1.2 million-year-old ape-man fossil that could walk upright on the island of Java.
The First Great Migration
In 1984, scientist Richard Ricky led a research team to excavate beside the dry riverbed in Turkana, Kenya, despite a high temperature of 60 degrees Celsius. . Near noon, an unusual fossilized human skeleton emerged from the surface, and they later discovered more fossils. The fossils all belong to one person. This 16-year-old boy who lived 1.5 million years ago and was nearly 2 meters tall as an adult was somewhere between a human and an ape. He was undoubtedly the earliest direct ancestor of modern humans.
The emergence of Homo erectus was a watershed between humans and apes. Compared with other primates, Homo erectus was the first upright animal to reach a height of 1.8 meters, and it was also the first animal to be called a human. He is both a hunter and a scavenger, and high-protein food directly nourishes the brain. The brain of Homo erectus is the largest among known primates. The evolution of intelligence gave Homo erectus a survival option, which was to conquer the world.
One million years ago, the Ice Age that lasted for 90,000 years completely dried up Africa and formed the African savannah. Homo erectus had to choose new animals and plants as food. At this time, their groups were able to organize themselves and migrate with seasonal changes. They were the earliest hunting people. Tens of thousands of years later, some Homo erectus walked out of Africa and came to Asia, driven by hunger and curiosity. This was the first human migration, but it was by no means the last.
Human Evolution
Humans with the same ancestor have been found in Europe and Asia, proving that Eurasian humans are related. From a chronological point of view, European Homo erectus is earlier than Asian Homo erectus and is the descendant of African Homo erectus.
Between 1.2 million and 800,000 years ago, Homo erectus from Africa spread across Africa, Eurasia. Some experts believe that 800,000 years ago, Homo erectus became the first human to arrive in Europe and enter the Iberian Peninsula. At the same time, Homo erectus in East Asia, represented by Peking Man in Asia, began an independent evolution path. Their brains began to increase in size, and finally, 200,000 years ago, a species of Homo erectus known as Neanderthals had a brain nearly identical to that of modern humans. The cavemen were the kings of the Ice Age. They cooperated with each other, lived together, and adapted perfectly to this harsh world.
According to the polycentric origin theory, European cavemen evolved into advanced human species, and Asian Homo erectus also expanded their brain capacity and co-evolved with African primitives to become modern humans. But according to this theory, modern humans should evolve into three species with very different forms. But from a genetic perspective, the differences in skin color, hair, etc. between modern people are very minor changes. From a biological perspective, we all belong to the same species. How to explain this?
Some experts believe that in the process of evolution, the genes of people in various regions have become closer and closer through 500,000 years of exchange.
If this theory is true, it means that these independent groups of people meet each other through mobility, mate, and exchange genes. Can this theory be proven through genetic science?
Adam and Eve
The earliest evidence for the Eve theory or the African single origin hypothesis comes from genetic research. Professor Wilson of the University of California, Berkeley, is interested in genetic variability among populations.
Wilson and others believe that genetic variation can explain the evolutionary history of all animals. Take chimpanzees, for example. Chimpanzees that look the same may be very different in terms of genetic types, because a large number of genetic changes will occur during their 3 million years of development history. The genes between various human races should also differ for more than 1 million years. In 1987, Rebecca Kahn of the University of Hawaii in the United States purified DNA samples from women around the world, looking for a unique substance called mitochondria. Mitochondria exist in the cytoplasm and are called the energy supply station of the cell. They have their own DNA and can replicate independently. The next generation of mitochondrial DNA generally comes only from the mother and is passed from generation to generation, so it is a good genetic marker.
The results of the experiment are surprising. The results show that the genes of modern women come from a woman who lived about 148,000 years ago, and the difference between Africans and Asians is only 100,000 years ago. Around 2000, it would become impossible to originate from multiple regions.
Subsequently, geneticists once again successfully deciphered the Y chromosome, the code for male genetic genes. Through research, they concluded that modern men all have the same father, and he should have lived 150,000 years ago.
The common ancestors of this pair of human beings are well-deserved Adam and Eve.
Different ancestors
If human evolution is compared to a tree, the process of geneticists looking for Adam and Eve is like looking for roots through fruits, and the roots Due to the passage of time, genetic variation is greatest. Therefore, geneticists judge that Africans are the source of the evolution of modern humans.
The discovery of Indonesian dwarfs proves that Asians and Europeans are of the same race and have the same ancestor, who came from the African continent.
Homo erectus existed all over the world, but why did the African Homo erectus eventually become the only one? In 1997, paleoanthropologists discovered three 160,000-year-old human skulls in Ethiopia, which were identical to modern humans. They were named Homo sapiens. They lived in a time similar to Eve and are probably our direct ancestors. At that time, the earth was in the midst of an ice age and Africa was facing severe drought. The ever-expanding desert has divided humans into small isolated communities, living independently in small forests around the coastline. A new genetic mutation changed everything, and new humans appeared on the earth, that is, our ancestors, who had completely new minds.
If the five million years of human evolution are compared to one day, in the last few minutes of this day, the earliest intelligent humans, the cavemen, stood out from the apes. Homo sapiens is not alone. In Europe, cavemen are still fighting a life-and-death battle with the Ice Age, and in Asia, Homo erectus is slowly becoming stronger. There is not just one kind of human being, and soon they will move closer to each other in a meeting that will decide the fate of our species.
The Journey of Conquest
In the 1980s, anthropologists discovered early human ruins dating back 120,000 years in the Blombos Cave in South Africa. In the cave, in addition to a large number of stone tools, experts also found a large number of shells and large fish bones, which shows that Homo sapiens fed on marine animals and even worked together to hunt large fish.
Wooden spears and stone knives provided them with a steady diet of seals, penguins and fish. Red ocher is collected as a treasure by Homo sapiens. It should be a kind of paint. Homo sapiens use it to decorate themselves at celebrations, which shows that they have the ability to think abstractly. The combination of developed brains and superb hunting skills soon allowed primitive people to embark on the path taken by their ancestors, Homo erectus: migration. 100,000 years ago or even later, a small number of these people, hoping to find a better living environment, left Africa, and human conquest began.
For our ancestors who lived on the seaside, the world was a long coastline, and they migrated along it from generation to generation.
In order to outline their migration route, starting in the 1990s, scientists began a genetic search across 60,000 years of time and space. But now most of the crowd is a mixed crowd, the result of multiple origins, so it is understandable how difficult it is to track down.
A long journey
Human genes are composed of 300,000 base pairs. Each of the 6 billion modern people has their own unique genes. Find a unique one among these genes. Grouping logos is like finding a needle in a haystack.
After careful selection, experts selected the Y chromosome, the main male gene, as the main direction of attack. Experts said that the advantage of the Y chromosome is that its size is much larger than that of mitochondrial DNA. Mitochondrial DNA only has 16,000 nucleotides. For the Y chromosome, if the non-recombinant segment can be used, it is about 16,000 nucleotides. With 600 million nucleotides, its information content is much larger, and theoretically the results obtained are much more reliable. On the other hand, mitochondrial DNA only reflects maternal inheritance or maternal migration. The Y chromosome is just the opposite. It reflects the origin and migration of the paternal line. Therefore, geneticists began to conduct systematic research on the Y chromosome in 1993 and 1994.
Mitochondrial DNA has opened a door for us, and the Y chromosome has been studied more accurately. By comparing the changes in the two sets of genes, geneticists will outline human migration routes for us. People can finally begin to understand how Eve's descendants would travel across thousands of miles, eventually uniting the world and forming our modern human race.
No matter what color we are, our ancestors all came from Africa. 20,000 years ago, humans landed on the American continent. After about 80 generations, they came to South America from Alaska, which brought a perfect end to the great migration of humans - since then humans have ruled the entire world...
< p>□In 2003, a sensational news came out from the Institute of Genetics of Fudan University - people tried to find traces of people with independent origins in East Asia. The conclusion was very surprising: all 1,200 people studied were of African descent. .This conclusion provides the most complete explanation for the Adam and Eve theory - no matter what color we are, our ancestors all came from Africa.
Since the 1980s, geneticists have created an evolutionary clock by analyzing the DNA of people around the world. By comparing the differences in genes, they have come to the conclusion that we are all 150,000 The descendants of a pair of parents who lived two years ago, they are truly Adam and Eve.
However, some paleoanthropologists have put forward different views on this. Wu Xinzhi believes that the question is, can the genetic variations that can be detected now be equal to all the genetic variations passed down from the same ancestors? He thinks it cannot, because there are many individuals descended from the same ancestor, and many small groups do not get the chance to pass on to the next generation, so all the genetic variation of the ancestor's branches is lost.
Geneticists believe that the loss of genes exactly verifies the evolutionary footprint of our ancestors. Jin Li gave an example, if the source population is group A, assuming that the genetic composition of this group is mainly green balls and red balls, and later a small number of people left group A and established their residence in a new place. And if they happen to be from the same family or related, then it is very likely that the genetic composition they represent is different from the genetic composition of the original group. For example, they all have red balls or very few green balls. Because this group of people is relatively small, the frequency of green balls is relatively low in the relative group, and the green balls may disappear after a while. In addition, a mechanism mutates, which will occur in a new group, especially in the group's struggle for survival. Therefore, in group B, in addition to the red ball, there is a new genetic variation such as a blue ball. If group B has another Some people migrate to another place. According to the same principle, it happens that most of the people who migrated have blue balls, and only a small part have red balls. Then in group C, you can see blue balls as A major genetic variation, red balls are relatively rare.
Geneticists believe that about 100,000 years ago, the descendants of Eve began to move out of Africa and migrated around the world, replacing the local Homo erectus, and finally evolved into our modern humans. Compared with modern humans, they are only a very small group and cannot undergo more complex genetic mutations in just tens of thousands of years.
In a sense, Eve is the luckiest person in the world. After other people's genes eventually disappeared due to various reasons, only her descendants survived tenaciously and passed on the genes to modern times.
At that time, there were various Homo erectus living in various parts of the world. In Europe, cavemen are the kings of the snow, in Asia Homo erectus slowly becomes stronger, and in Africa Homo sapiens smear their bodies with ocher and rely on fishing and hunting for a living. Three human races, one world. How did Homo sapiens conquer the world? Experts are trying to use genes to find the footprints of our ancestors. Jin Li and others speculated that the migration routes of human ancestors always followed routes with richer products, and also along the kind of environment that was more suitable for their way of survival. For our ancestors, the coastline was their lifeline. About 60,000 years ago, most Homo sapiens moved north along the coastline to the Middle East, such as the Mesopotamia in Iraq, and lived in that area for a long time. The rich products in the Middle East allowed the population of Homo sapiens to expand again, which made some of them decide to migrate again. About 50,000 to 60,000 years ago, some people from the Middle East migrated out to East Asia along the lines of Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean. They passed through India to Southeast Asia, and then entered the current hinterland of East Asia such as China from the south. They are the ancestors of our current East Asians and Chinese.
□After sorting the fossils of ancient humans in East Asia, Jin Li and others made a discovery: there are no human fossils in East Asia between 100,000 years ago and 40,000 years ago. of.
Jin Li and others believe that compared with the yellow race, the primitive Southeast Asians are genetically older, and they were the first modern humans to come to East Asia. This view is welcomed by linguists.
For a long time, linguistics has been used to divide the languages ??of East Asia into four language families: Sino-Tibetan, Miao-Yao, Dong-Taiwan, and Southern. This is based on the theory of multi-regional origins of paleoanthropologists. But linguist Pan Wuyun's research found that these four language families actually come from the same language. Through language comparison, Pan Wuyun came to the same conclusion as Jin Li. The East Asian language family comes from the same race. They were the first to come to Southeast Asia and became the ancestors of the early brown races. They expanded from south to north, and more Homo sapiens followed. The species expansion of the East Asian race was not completed in one migration.
Geneticists believe that after the early brown people came to East Asia, the ancestors of modern yellow people also entered East Asia. Among them, there is both a war for survival and an exchange of genes. We are the descendants of their blood and fire. So where did Homo erectus in East Asia, who came to the East Asian continent earlier and once flourished, go?
Like Africa, Asia is also an ancient continent. From the early ape man to the late Homo erectus, fossils of ancient humans at various stages have been discovered in various regions of East Asia, which shows their unique evolutionary patterns. From the early Peking Man to the late Shanding Cave Man, they all have similar skeletal characteristics to modern East Asians. Especially the Shanding Cave Man, judging from the tools and decorations found at the site, has a fairly high level of civilization.
After sorting the fossils of ancient humans in East Asia, Jin Li and others made a discovery: there are no human fossils in East Asia between 100,000 years ago and 40,000 years ago. .
Since this period coincided with the Ice Age in East Asia, geneticists deduced that the severe cold most likely killed Peking Man and his descendants. However, this inference has been questioned by paleoanthropologists. Wu Xinzhi said that animal fossils from the same period show that Asia was not that cold at that time. How could Homo erectus freeze to death?
As for the origin of East Asians, paleoanthropologists use fossils to speak for themselves, but geneticists cannot find evidence that East Asian Homo erectus has been passed down. So far, this issue will still be debated.
□ Geneticists have determined that our DNA does not have any traces of Neanderthals. We are the descendants of purebred Homo sapiens. If our ancestors intermarried with Neanderthals, they would Their descendants must also be extinct from this earth.
Experts believe that in Eastern Europe 40,000 years ago, Homo sapiens made a great leap forward. The new environment greatly improved their tool-making technology, and new tools such as bone spears and stone knives emerged one after another. The emergence of technology was the first technological revolution.
New tools meant more successful hunting, larger tribes, and expansion into the interior of Europe.
Jin Li said that about 300,000 years ago, some people entered Europe and may have become the ancestors of today's Europeans. However, with the arrival of the last glacial period, they were pushed south by the glaciers, and then established on the northern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. settlement.
European immigrants soon found themselves in someone else's territory. As early as 200,000 years ago, a kind of primitive Homo erectus existed in Europe. In the 1980s, France filmed a prehistoric feature film "War of Fire". In the film, a kind of caveman named Neanderthals Gathered in caves in southern Europe, they are strong, thick-haired men who guard campfires. The concept of tribe has been formed among them. The members of the tribe love each other and live together. In 1997, archaeologists discovered a skeleton in La Garweiler, Portugal. Judging from the skeleton, it was a 4-year-old child. Since children's bones are very fragile, the skeleton would not have been preserved if it had not been preserved intentionally. Be so complete. The child's skull was shattered, which may have contributed to his death. Judging from the excavation site, he should have been buried with great ceremony. By identifying the bones, experts found that he had Neanderthal characteristics. On the boy, experts also found a seashell necklace. Decoration is one of the signs that distinguish Homo sapiens from Neanderthals, and the burial method is also very close to the customs of Homo sapiens. Could this child with Neanderthal skeletal features be a hybrid? Did he have any genes that have been passed down to modern society?
People have compared the DNA of modern humans and Neanderthals to find out the differences between them. The result of the verification is that the difference between the two is about 600,000 years, that is, they separated 600,000 years ago or earlier, which shows that Neanderthals are indeed descendants of Homo erectus who migrated out of Africa in the early days, but Neanderthals Human genes are not found in modern humans.
Geneticists have determined that our DNA does not have any traces of Neanderthals and that we are descendants of purebred Homo sapiens. If our ancestors had intermarried with Neanderthals, their descendants would have been extinct from this earth. Neanderthals survived and evolved during the Ice Age, but they were not so lucky when encountering modern humans.
Europe 40,000 years ago was the first encounter between modern humans and Neanderthals. Modern humans, armed with spears and other new tools, met the natives, the Neanderthals, who were smaller but incredibly muscular. The tall and lanky Homo sapiens were no match for them in terms of physical strength, but they had a great advantage in competition. Over a long period of time, Neanderthals produced many exquisite stone tools and were widely used. However, for unknown reasons, these stone tools stagnated after reaching a certain height. Experts speculate that this may be related to the evolution of the Neanderthal brain. Correspondingly, Homo sapiens made more diverse tools. They began to produce tools from bones, antlers and ivory that had never been used before. This intelligence was the key to their ultimate survival.
□37,000 years ago, Homo sapiens entered the cold southern France, bringing with them a wide variety of new tools. The local Neanderthals managed to copy these inventions, but when the Neanderthals While Homo sapiens struggled to catch up with Homo sapiens, Homo sapiens made another leap, which was art.
37,000 years ago, the situation during the Ice Age worsened, the area covered by ice and snow became larger and larger, and winter became more difficult than before. Winter was the enemy of Neanderthals and Homo sapiens, and isolation meant starvation or even extinction. In order to survive, our ancestors needed to interact with distant compatriots and have them provide them with more information about food. They began to exchange, and in addition to tools, artworks such as shell carvings and stone statues were also very popular. Through exchange, Homo sapiens received the food necessary for survival, and artwork helped them survive during the most difficult moments.
In the eyes of experts, it was through some trinkets that Europe became a large bazaar, through which all modern people were able to establish their initial network of relationships, where they exchanged all useful information and communicated with each other. Improvements to tools. It was precisely by virtue of these that they were able to occupy the broadest and most fertile territory. Using their tools and culture, Homo sapiens gradually expanded in Western Europe and occupied the best caves and valleys. From warm Turkey to frigid France and Germany, our ancestors' Stone Age social networks allowed them to thrive wherever they wanted.
Homo sapiens were nomadic, seeking new hunting grounds each season, while Neanderthals lived in unchanging, fixed caves. These single-skilled groups in the Ice Age were defeated by their shrewd alien brothers. This was a victory of wisdom.
28,000 years ago, Homo sapiens outnumbered Neanderthals. A few tribes of Neanderthals remained in Spain, but they were doomed. 27,000 years ago, the Neanderthals disappeared forever, and their homeland fell into the hands of the more intelligent Homo sapiens. 20,000 years ago, human conquest reached a new stage, as Homo sapiens left their familiar warm hunting grounds and entered areas they had never set foot on before. The temptation of food led them to follow the wild animals on long journeys into the cold forests of Siberia. The drop in sea level during the Ice Age provided humans with excellent opportunities. Asia and the Americas are now separated by vast oceans, but 20,000 years ago, there was a land bridge that closely connected the two continents. This bridge brought humans into a brand new world.
Jin Li said that humans migrated into the so-called marginal areas, one was America and the other was Oceania, and they both used Asia as a springboard. Those who enter the Americas come from Asia and enter the Americas through the Bering Strait land bridge. His origin is now relatively certain, that is, he came from Siberia, and the people of Siberia came from Central Asia.
In 5 million years, no animal with such high intelligence as humans has ever set foot on the American soil. For the first people to set foot on this vast land, it was full of mystery and danger. Geneticists compared the DNA of Native Americans with people around the world. Surprisingly, the genes of Native Americans contained a unique mutation. This mutation may have only appeared in one person at first, but now it Appears in millions of people. Experts believe that the first people to land on the American continent may only be a family from Siberia, but their abilities have greatly exceeded their ancestors who left Africa. In less than 2,000 years, or about 80 generations, they came from Alaska to South America, bringing a perfect end to this great migration of mankind - since then, humans have ruled the entire world.
Reference materials: .com/social/wenhua/2005/02/02/1973969.shtml
Myths about the origin of mankind
Myths and legends about the origin of mankind< /p>
The origin of human beings can be said to be the most vexing academic issue, whether it is anthropologists, archaeologists, historians, biologists, chemists, or even philosophers and religious scientists. , have done research on the origin of human beings from various angles. However, so far, there is still no most convincing explanation.
Ethnic groups have quite a lot of myths and legends about the origin of mankind. Some of them are quite similar, but of course there are also many differences. Among these myths, it is very interesting that we can find that there are differences with the theory of evolution. A place of coincidence.
Summarizing various myths, the origin of human beings can be divided into five types: "called out", "originally existing", "changed from plants", "changed from animals" and "made from soil". Let’s describe them separately.
"Egyptian Mythology" says that humans are called out by gods. Since ancient times, Egypt has been a mysterious place. It is the most self-enclosed among all ancient countries. It has its own way of life, and it is difficult for external civilization to affect it. Therefore, its theory of human origin is also different from other theories. The people are different.
The Egyptians believed that long before Egypt appeared in the world, the almighty god "NU" existed. He created everything in the world. When he called "Subi", the wind came into being. ; Calling "Tefuna", there will be rain; calling "Habi", the Nile River will flow through Egypt. He calls again and again, and all things appear one by one. Finally, he speaks "man and woman", and in the blink of an eye, Egypt and it was filled with many people.
After the creation work was completed, Nu transformed himself into a man's shape and became the first Pharaoh, ruling the earth and mankind and creating peace and prosperity.
Myths that have always existed in human beings are scattered among the North American Indians and the Maori people of New Zealand. Indian myths say that God created the heaven and the earth, and then led humans up from the underground to live on the earth.
Maori mythology says that "Ranchi" and "Baba" are heaven and earth, the source of all things. At that time, heaven and earth were not separated, and everything was dark. His son longed for light, so he pushed the heaven and earth away with force, and light appeared. Human beings who have always been hidden in the darkness are discovered. It turns out that they are also born from heaven and earth.
The belief that humans are transformed from plants has become a Germanic myth. It says that the god Odin (ODIN) was walking on the beach with other gods one day and saw two trees growing on the sandbank, one of which looked like a tree. The other tree was majestic, and the other tree had a graceful posture, so he ordered the two trees to be cut down and made into men and women respectively. Odin first gave life to them, and the other gods gave them reason, language, blood, skin color, etc., becoming the ancestors of the Germans.
The myth that humans were transformed from animals is quite common. Australian mythology says that humans transformed from lizards; American mythology says that humans transformed from mountain dogs, beavers, apes, etc.; Greek mythology also says that a certain tribe of people transformed from swans, and a certain tribe of people transformed from cows.
From this myth of "animals turning into humans", we can find something very close to the theory of evolution. Especially in the American mythology, it is said that humans were transformed from apes, which is completely consistent with the theory of evolution. This coincidence , very intriguing.
There are several myths about the origin of human beings in our country. The earlier one is "Huainanzi Spiritual Chapter": "There are two gods (yin and yang) mixed together, and they are in the camp of heaven... Similar to Qi. Insects (turbid gases turn into insects, fish, birds and beasts), and essence becomes humans (pure gases turn into humans). ” This argument did not receive much attention.
The later theory refers to the fact that when Pangu was dying and transformed into all things, the parasites on his body turned into humans. Yishi Volume 1 quotes the Five Movement Calendar Years: "The insects in (Pangu's) body turned into humans (people) due to the influence of the wind." ” This statement has not spread.
Another theory is that human beings were created by the Yellow Emperor, and then were given limbs and five senses by other gods, Shang Pian and Mulberry. See Huainanzi's chapter on Lin: "The Yellow Emperor gave birth to yin and yang, and Shang Pian gave birth to ears and eyes. Sang Linsheng’s arms and hands…. "This statement is very interesting and very similar to what Germanic said. Unfortunately, what kind of gods Shang Pian and Sang Lin are are not described in other ancient books, leaving only a mystery.
Among all the myths, the theory of "creating man from clay" is the most common and the most popular. For example, the New Zealand myth says that man is made of red clay and his own blood by the god Tiki; Mera The Nicene people also said this; Greek mythology said that God took out earth and fire from the inside of the earth, sent the two brothers Prometheus and Epimetheus to create animals and humans respectively, and endowed humans with various personalities and wisdom.
The Maidu Indians in western North America believe that after the "founder of the earth" created trees, birds and beasts, he said, "I am going to create humans." ” Then he took some dark red soil and mixed it with water to make a man and a woman.
Among all the myths, the most fascinating stories about the creation of humans from clay are the Nuwa of my country and the God of Jewish mythology (the Bible).
It is said that after Pangu opened up the world, I don’t know how many years passed, but Nuwa suddenly appeared between the heaven and the earth. Nuwa felt lonely in this desolate world. One day, she looked at the water and saw herself. She thought it would be great if there were a few people like herself in the world and could talk to each other, so she unconsciously grabbed the soil. , mixed with water, made a clay doll according to his own shape, placed it on the ground, and when the wind blew it, it became a living thing, so he named it "man".
It turns out that Nuwa continued to create humans one after another, but the progress was slow and she finally felt tired. When she was thinking about how to create humans quickly to fill the vast land, she leaned against the cliff and made her way. He took off the cane and stirred it lazily in the mud mixed with water. Then he shook the cane and scattered a lot of mud dots. These mud dots fell on the ground. When the wind blew, they all turned into people, so he kept going. The ground waved the cane, and the number of people on the ground continued to increase.
The story of God’s creation of man in the Bible is recorded in the Book of Genesis in the Old Testament. It is said that God spent five days creating all things on earth. On the sixth day, He said: "Let us create man in our image, according to our likeness..." So he created man from the dust of the ground and breathed life into it. After the man's nostrils, he became a living man and was named Adam.
Soon one of Adam's ribs was taken out and made into a woman. Adam said, "This is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. Let us call her woman." 』
In the myths about Nuwa and God creating humans, we can find that the only difference is that they both created humans in their images. This shows that Nuwa and God look similar to humans. .
The difference is that the Bible describes woman as being made from the rib of man, not clay.