No, but Edison once said something similar: Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.
Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. This is the most famous chicken soup for the soul left to future generations by the famous American inventor Thomas Edison. But there is another half to this famous aphorism: But the one percent of inspiration is the most important, even more important than the ninety-nine percent of sweat.
Then, the "various dissatisfied" people who had their little freshness ruined by one sentence immediately fought back, took out Edison's original English sentence, translated and restored Edison's original words: I don't have any invention by chance. Come. I experimented again and again until it became a reality. This ultimately comes down to one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.
Extended information
The world is familiar with Edison's life and deeds. This elementary school dropout was almost isolated from the noisy world due to deafness at the age of 12, but he was finally able to be... Known as the "King of Inventions", he has more than 1,500 patents to his name.
In 1879, Edison made the first public demonstration of an incandescent lamp. He proudly said: "We will make electricity cheap and only the rich will burn candles." He did it.
Edison's contribution goes beyond that. He improved many things, including the phonograph, movie camera, tungsten light bulb and DC power system, which had a great impact on the world. In 1892, he founded the famous General Electric Company (GE), which has now grown into a top multinational company and is the company with the second largest market assets in the world. - Is Edison the father of electric cars? Edison is the boss of Tesla? - The real reason why Edison became the king of inventions in the original: Being rich means being willful