All dharmas have no self. "No-self" cannot correspond to "I". This is the true nature of all dharmas and their fundamental emptiness. This vacuum is not within all dharmas, but exists within all dharmas. The nature of dependent origination is empty. Dependent origination means that causes and conditions falsely combine to form all things. Because all things are based on causes and conditions and exist conditionally, their nature is empty. Although it is empty in nature, it does not deny the existence of entities. In fact, it is a truth that there is no duality in emptiness. Clinging to nothingness or clinging to something will fall into side view. If one clings to emptiness and falls into empty view and denies the existence of entity, then who is subject to the reincarnation of cause and effect? If you cling to existence, you will get attached to things and become unable to see the reality. Both are undesirable, only emptiness and contentment cannot exist, and no one can fall into either direction. My simple opinion, hope it helps you.