"Confucius said: The deceased is like a husband, never giving up day and night." Confucius said: the lost time is like this river, which flows forward day and night.
source: the Analects of Confucius zihan: "? Zi said in Sichuan:' The deceased is like a husband, and he doesn't give up day and night.' "
Confucius said by the river:" The lost time is like this river, which flows forward day and night. "
moral: time flies like running water, never to return.
Extended information
Analysis of "The deceased is like a husband, never giving up day and night":
"The deceased is like a husband, never giving up day and night" is the essence of Confucius' thought when he inspected the universe and touched everything, which has a more universal significance, that is, people should cherish time.
Time is like running water, passing by quietly. If you are not careful, you will lose the best time. The so-called youth is fleeting and youth is difficult. This is the truth. This sentence always reminds people to cherish time especially in the fast-paced life of modern times.