This article about "Japanese Inspirational Quotes for Youth" is specially compiled for everyone. I hope it will be helpful to everyone!
Calm (れいせい)さを宝(たも)ち, spirit(せいしん)をconcentration(しゅうちゅう)して, excitement(こうふん)しすぎないよう、そしてTi(つか)れないよう.
Stay calm, stay focused, and don’t get overexcited or overworked.
This moment (しゅんかん)だけに生(い)きよ!
Just live in the present moment!
I believe that happiness is the foundation of happiness.
One step forward will become the road. Go forward, don’t hesitate, it will become clear after you step out.
It's a thorough test of the test.
Don’t think about things that you can’t do even if you think about them, and think through things that you must think about.
Human World (にんげん)のあやまちこそ, Human World (あい) True Love (あい)すべきものにする.
It is man's fault that turns him into what he should truly love.
The world (せかい) is miserable (ひさん)な者にとってのみmiserable and empty (くうきょ) is empty and empty.
Only for miserable people, the world is miserable, and for empty people, the world is empty.
Disaster (わざわ)いはMINIMUM(さいしょうげん)にくいとめられるなら, Luck (こううん)とみなすべきだ.
Being able to control disasters to a minimum should be regarded as luck.
You cannot judge a person by how the world judges him.
The human world is a place where life is understood and created. Life is born and created.
People do not come to this world to understand life, they come to this world to live life.