"Good things are like water". Therefore, Jiang Hai can be the king of the hundred valleys, and if he is good at it, he can be the king of the hundred valleys. Therefore, softness is stronger than rigidity, weakness is stronger than firmness. Because it has nothing, it can enter into nothingness, so it can be seen that teaching without words and doing nothing are also beneficial. "
" Carrying things with kindness "is a saying in the Book of Changes, the original text is:" A gentleman is strong and self-reliant; The terrain is rich, and the gentleman carries things with virtue. ""The terrain is rich, and the gentleman carries things with virtue "means that people are smart and stupid, just as the terrain is uneven and the soil is fertile and barren. Farmers will not stop farming for the sake of poor soil, nor can the gentleman give up education for the sake of stupidity. There is nothing tangible between heaven and earth that is more kind than the earth, and there is nothing that is not carried on the earth. Therefore, the gentleman should follow the example of" Kun "in his life. No matter who is smart, stupid or despicable, they should be tolerant and tolerant. "Being virtuous and carrying things" is a fine tradition of the Chinese nation. One should be open-minded, ambitious, strict with himself and tolerant of others when dealing with people.