Ruling a country by virtue is Confucius’s idea. Confucius put forward the idea of ??governing by virtue, which is to govern the country by virtue. Confucianism founded by Confucius is the study of "virtue".
On the one hand, virtue is the study of self-discipline and self-reliance of a gentleman, which is the theory of completing the ideal personality. On the other hand, it is the study of "governing the country", which governs the country based on virtue and realizes ideal politics. Virtue is the foundation, and rule by virtue is based on virtue. Virtue is the foundation, rule by virtue is the result, virtue is the internal basis, and rule by virtue is the external effect.
A brief introduction to other situations in which Confucius governed the country by virtue.
Confucius’ thought of “Government by Virtue” attaches great importance to people’s livelihood in the economy and advocates “enriching the people” and giving generously to the people. His policy of enriching the people is “enriching the people” and “educating the people”; “Enough food and sufficient soldiers” "People's trust, people's trust" is the top priority for politicians, emphasizing that people's trust is the foundation of a country, and only by "people's satisfaction" can wealth be hidden.