This person is none other than Liu Ziluan, and his eternal famous saying is "I wish I would not be reborn in the imperial family."
Liu Ziluan’s mother’s name was Yin Shuyi. Yin Shuyi’s original surname was not Yin, but Liu. She was also the cousin of Emperor Xiaowu Liu Jun of the Song Dynasty. She was as beautiful as a flower and was favored by Emperor Xiaowu Liu Jun. After becoming the imperial concubine, Liu Jun was afraid of being criticized, so he changed her surname to Yin. Liu Jun loved Yin Shuyi very much. Yin Shuyi gave birth to five sons and one daughter to Emperor Xiaowu, including Liu Ziluan. After Yin Shuyi died, Emperor Xiaowu was very sad. In order to see her, Emperor Xiaowu was unwilling to bury her.
In fact, Liu Ziluan was not the first prince of Emperor Xiaowu, but ranked eighth. Because Emperor Xiaowu loved Yin Shuyi very much, and also loved Liu Ziluan very much, Emperor Xiaowu even planned to make Liu Ziluan a prince at that time. For the prince. However, what Emperor Xiaowu didn't expect was that it was precisely because of his favor that Liu Ziluan was eventually killed. Liu Ziye had been uneducated since he was a child, so he had never been favored by Emperor Xiaowu, which also made him hate Liu Ziye.
Despite this, Liu Ziye was named King of Xiangyang when he was five years old, and soon after was named King of Xin'an, and even became the governor of Southern Xuzhou for a time. In fact, Liu Ziye had already developed murderous intentions towards Liu Ziluan at this time. When Emperor Xiaowu Liu Jun was alive, Liu Ziluan was protected by Emperor Xiaowu, and Liu Ziye did not dare to take any action. After the death of Emperor Xiaowu, Liu Ziye naturally became the next emperor according to the eldest son inheritance system. After that, Liu Ziye killed his younger brother Liu Ziluan without hesitation. Liu Ziye was a very cruel emperor. He ordered the arrest of Liu Ziye. Although ministers pleaded with Liu Ziye, Liu Ziye still insisted on killing Liu Ziluan. Before Liu Ziluan died, he also acted very calmly and said: "I wish I would not be reborn in the imperial family." This sentence has been passed down to this day and has become an eternal saying. It is worth mentioning that Liu Ziye not only killed Liu Ziluan, but also killed other brothers and sisters.