Reading articles of English short stories in chicken soup for the soul 1
Floating objects, garbage and freedom
James Carey
Perhaps in this world, I believe in freedom most: my own freedom and the freedom of my compatriots. I will never forget the legend engraved on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty in Bedros Island, new york Harbor: Give me your fatigue, your poverty, the crowded people who are eager to breathe freely, and the dirty garbage on your crowded coast. Throw me these homeless storms. I held up my lamp by the golden door. This is the voice of America.
As a small part of it, a tiny decibel in its sound, I, as a free American, believe in it. It doesn't boast of noble blood. On the contrary, it honestly admits that each of us is a displaced person in this country, except for the possible and qualified native Indians. In a way, Indians were our first displaced people. If you and I are not from abroad, our ancestors are. They are driven by economic, political or religious oppression.
Oppression always scatters poor human garbage all over the coast of life. Today, we are proud people of a proud country, and we may be called the recycling garbage of other lands. In fact, all these drifters and abandoned people, persecuted people and hunted people in other lands came here and started a new life successfully to a great extent, which revived my belief in the resilience and dignity of human beings.
Some people say that we should be satisfied with the material benefits accumulated by ourselves. I can't accept it myself. A laborer needs bread and butter and cash to pay the rent. However, if he can't decorate the vestibule of his mind and soul with spiritual decorations higher than the contract price of the trade union, he will be a poor man.
What I mean by this is that I think it is very important for a person to find that whether he is an electrical worker or an administrator, he is an individual with his own resources and a sense of dignity for himself and others. We split up. We are a group. Lonely people can become strong, but they can't be indomitable. Whether he is an American or a Muslim, he must belong to something and realize that he was not created alone or separated from the rest of mankind.
I was moved by the rich fields, forests, streams and their natural resources. But do these things make me important? Did we create a miracle in America because of these wealth? I said, no. Our strength? I can also say my strength, because I am a part of this whole? Is the basic belief in the effectiveness of human rights. I believe that a person who properly respects these rights is greater, whether he is recognized or not.
As an individual, I must face the future honestly and confidently and believe in the beautiful things that make us strong. I must have confidence in myself, in others and in all good people in the world, because freedom is the product of truth and confidence.
Reading English Short Stories Chicken Soup for the Soul Part II
Dreams are the building blocks of life.
Carol Carroll
I believe I am a very lucky person.
I have lived in a healthy area between too little and too much all my life. Me? I have never experienced economic or emotional insecurity, but everything I have, I? I got it through my own efforts, not through indulgence, inheritance or privilege.
Never lived in any extreme abuse, me? I always think that a worker should get his reward, a businessman should get his profit and an artist should get his reward.
As a result of all this, my negotiation bumps may be a little underdeveloped, so I? I have never tried to sell myself too much. Although the salary of my job may be lower than I know, I find that because of this, I? I've never been so afraid of losing my job? I was forced to compromise my principles.
Naturally, many people have helped me in my lucky life mentally, physically, emotionally and economically. A few people are intentional, but most people are unintentional. I still feel I have to repay. It's not. That doesn't mean I? I have dedicated my life to my compatriots. Me? I'm not that kind of person. But I think I should help those me? Just like me, I am qualified to help? I got help from others.
What, me? I think now is part of this model. I think everyone should reduce their beliefs to 600 words for their own benefit? It? It's not easy? And compare these beliefs with what he likes? Not real estate, money and commodities, but love, health, happiness and laughter.
I don't know. I don't believe that we live all our lives and then get rewards or punishments in the afterlife. Life and reward? Life and punishment? These are one for me. This is my religious belief and I firmly believe that there is a supreme existence to plan and manage the world? No one is an island, only himself. Any person's dishonesty will subvert all honesty. The lack of morality anywhere has mixed the whole world? The ethical content of. Wearing these? Honesty and morality? In my opinion, it is the real spiritual value.
I believe that hope for a completely honest and moral society should never be laughed at. The most idealistic dreams predict the future again and again. Most of the things we think are difficult, practical and even indispensable today were once just dreams.
So I hope the world will not become a dog-eat-dog jungle. I don't know. I don't think so? My brother? The guardian of. But I do think I ... I have an obligation to be his assistant. He has the same obligation to me.
In the final analysis, the whole pattern of my life and belief can be found in these words? Do as you would be done by. ? Want to say? Don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you? To some extent, it means bargaining, a favor offer. However, it is a kind of exercise of willpower to restrain one's disgusting behavior, which must improve the level of interpersonal relationship.
? What don't you like? Hillel said. Don't hurt your neighbor. This is all the law? He concluded. Everything else is on display. ?
Reading English Short Stories Chicken Soup for the Soul Part III
A ball that can roll.
Robert orman
When I was four years old, I fell off the wagon of a freight yard in Atlantic City, New Jersey, landed on my head and went blind. Now, I am 32 years old. I can vaguely remember the brightness of the sun and what color red is. It's great to see you again. But disasters can have strange effects on people.
One day, it suddenly occurred to me that if I hadn't fallen in love with life, I might not have loved it as much as I do now? I am not blind. I believe in life now. Otherwise, I'm not sure I would be so convinced. I don't know. This doesn't mean that I prefer to go without my eyes. I'm just saying that losing them makes me cherish what I have more.
In my opinion, life needs to constantly adapt to reality. The easier it is for a person to make these adjustments, the more meaningful his own private world becomes. Adjustment is never easy. I feel confused and scared, but I am lucky. My parents and teachers saw something in me? Oh, you can call it the potential of life? But I didn't. I can't see. They make me want to fight blindness to the end.
The hardest lesson I have to learn is to believe in myself. This is the most basic. What if I didn't? If I can't do this, I will collapse and become a rocking chair on the front porch for the rest of my life. When I say I believe in myself, I don't just mean the confidence that helps me walk down strange stairs alone. This is part of it, but I mean something bigger than this: a guarantee that I am a true and positive person despite my imperfections; In the complicated crowd, there is a special place where I can adapt myself. It took me many years to discover and strengthen this conviction. It must start with the most basic things.
When I was young, a man once gave me an indoor baseball. I thought he was mocking me, and I was hurt.
? May I? Don't use this. I said.
? How about taking it? He urged me. Roll it up. ?
The lingering words in my mind:? Turn around, turn around. ? By rolling the ball, I can hear where it went. This gives me an idea? How to achieve a goal I once thought impossible: playing baseball? In Philadelphia? At Overbrook School for the Blind, I invented a successful baseball variant. We call it a groundball.
In my life, I set a series of goals and then tried to achieve them one by one. I must understand my limitations. It's no good trying something that I knew from the beginning was completely unreliable, because it would only lead to the pain of failure. In any case, I sometimes fail, but on the whole, I have made progress.
I believe it is easier for me to make progress, because a certain value has shaped a life style. I find that if I try to be honest, I will get along with myself more easily. I find strength in people's friendship and interdependence. Without my friends with normal eyesight, I would really be blind. I humbly say that I have found a goal and comfort in a mortal? Ambition for piety.
Perhaps a blind person is less blinded by the importance of material things than others. What I know is that a belief in a higher existence that human beings should strive for has always been an inspiration, which can help me maintain my life more than anything else.
Bohr's introduction
Niels henrik david bohr (Danish: niels henrik david bohr, 1885, 65438+