Thought does not come when you want it to come, but it determines its own coming and going. —— Schopenhauer I know nothing except the fact that I am ignorant. ——Socrates Water is the origin of all things, and all things ultimately end in water. ——Thales Subjecting all irrational things to oneself and freely controlling all irrational things according to its own inherent laws is the ultimate goal of man. ——Fichte Whatever is real (exists) is reasonable, and whatever is reasonable (exists) is real. ——Hegel The peace of all things lies in the balance of order. Order is the arrangement of equal and unequal things in their appropriate positions. ——Augustine Whoever lives should live. ——Feuerbach If the history of evolution were to repeat itself, the probability of human beings appearing would be zero. ——Goodell The objective world is just a poem with a primitive spirit and no consciousness yet ——Shelling Ordinary people only care about how to kill time, while people with a little talent think about how to use time. —— Schopenhauer We like the respect of others not because of the respect itself, but because of the benefits that people's respect brings to us. ——Helvetius Human life cannot be measured by the length of time. When the heart is full of love, an instant is eternity. ——Nietzsche Truth is a product of time, not of authority. - Bacon The mutual transfer of rights is what people call a contract. ——Hobbes Give me matter and I will use it to create a universe. ——Kant Everything that is certain is denied. ——Spinoza Knowledge ultimately comes from experience. ——Locke There are no objects, only motion. ——Bergson At the beginning, the problem is to bring pure and silent experience into the cunning and silent experience. ——Husserls is the thinking of being,...Thinking is the thinking of being, Because thinking is happening and belongs to being. At the same time, thinking is present, because thinking belongs to being and obeys being. ——Heidegger The most permanent thing to think about is the road. ——Heidegger People are full of achievements, but they still live on the earth poetically. ——Holderlin The world is the sum of facts, not the sum of things. ——Wittgenstein Human consciousness succumbs to materialized structures. - Lukács Philosophers just explain the world in different ways, the problem is to change the world. ——Marx Scientists give us order in our thoughts; morality gives us order in our actions; art gives us order in the grasp of visible, tangible, and audible appearances. - Cassirer The meaning of an object is determined by the direction in which it is seen. ——Merleau-Ponty I cannot provide myself or others with the ordinary happiness of daily life. This happiness meant nothing to me, and I couldn't organize my life around it. ——Foucault The scientific language game hopes to make its statement the truth, but it has no ability to legitimize the truth it proposes on its own. ——Lyotard Any kind of philosophical thought has some kind of real knowledge as long as it can justify itself. ——Russell In everything, the essential characteristics of beauty and goodness are consistent, because they are based on the same form, so goodness is praised as beauty by us. ——Thomas Aquinas Justice is the primary value of social systems, just as truth is the primary value of thought. —— Rawls The hidden essence of the universe itself is not strong enough to resist the courage to seek knowledge. To the intrepid seeker, it can only reveal its secrets and reveal its riches and mysteries to him for his enjoyment. ——Hegel The existence that can be understood is language. ——Gadamer There is nothing else besides this article. —— Derrida Existence is control. —— Jaspers There are two different types of ignorance. Shallow ignorance exists before knowledge, and learned ignorance exists after knowledge. ——Montaigne Whoever owns the legal language will own the relevant resources and interests.
——Bourdieu In this world, there is always a difference between treating them equally and trying to make them equal. The former is a prerequisite for a free society, while the latter means "a new way of slavery" as described by D. Tocqueville. ——Hayek Indulging one's desires is the greatest disaster; talking about other people's privacy is the greatest sin; not knowing one's own faults is the greatest illness. ——Aristotle Surprise is the feeling of philosophers, and philosophy begins with surprise. ——Plato Man follows the earth, earth follows the sky, heaven follows the Tao, and Tao follows nature. ——Lao Tzu There are no two identical leaves in the world. ——Leibniz Knowledge is for foresight, and foresight is for power. ——Comte If we admit failure too readily, we may not realize that we are very close to being right. ——Karl Popper The ends always justify the means. ——Machiavelli Man has free will, and it is up to him to become an adult or an animal. ——Lucretius The essence of life lies in movement, and tranquility is death. ——Pascal One cannot step into the same river twice, because both the river and the person are different. ——Heraclitus A person who cannot control himself cannot be called a free person ——Pythagoras Understanding mistakes is the first step to save yourself. ——Epicurus Man is the measure of all things, the measure of how existents exist, and the measure of non-beings. ——Protagoras The thing from which all things arise, and to which all things return after their destruction. - Anaximander To exist is to be perceived. ——Berkeley Habit is the greatest guide in life. ——Hume Man is born free, but he is always in chains. Thinking you are the master of everything else, you are more of a slave than anything else. ——Rousseau Every moment of human existence, they are passive tools in the grasp of necessity. ——Holbach As a moment, it is of course short-lived... However, it is decisive and full of eternity. —— Kierkegaard I am as young as the youngest person in the village and as old as the oldest person in the village. ——Tagore Pain is being forced to leave the place where you are. ——Kant Water is the best. ——Thales (Ancient Greece) Socrates never wrote books and advocated "unfettered debate or discussion." The more famous line is that after he was sentenced to death by the court, he said calmly - "The time to say goodbye has come, let's go our separate ways - I will die, you will live. Which one is better, only God Only then did I know." - Socrates "Doubt everything"; "I can doubt everything, but I cannot doubt that I am doubting" - "I think, therefore I am!" - Descartes Reason can make people free. . —— Spinoza Know yourself. ——Socrates; The masses always live in the cave of ignorance. ——Plato Happiness is no pain in the body and no trouble in the soul. ——Yibi Julu; To save the soul, one must give up the flesh. ——The spirit of Christ; Life in this world is just a passing traveler. ——Thomas Aquinas I don’t agree with every word you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. ——Voltaire Human nature is to pursue personal interests. ——Adam Smith; All men are born free and equal. ——Rousseau; Happiness is nothing but the temporary cessation of desire. ——Schopenhauer What people forget most easily is themselves. ——Kierkegaard Only those who never look up at the stars will not fall into the pit. ——Thales There is no morality in politics. —— Machiavelli I think, therefore I am. ——Descartes Knowledge is power. ——Bacon Existence is reasonable, and everything that is reasonable must exist. ——Hegel I am lying. ——Russell Others are hell. People are wolves to others. ——Sartre One of the most special weaknesses of human nature is: caring about how others see you. —— Schopenhauer It is a great temptation to make the spirit clear.
——Wittgenstein People are afraid of freedom and responsibility, so people would rather hide in self-made cages. ——Franz Kafka The lantern in my hand makes the dark road before me my enemy. ——Tagore