Chapter 38 of the Tao Te Ching, complete
Higher virtue is not virtuous, so it is virtuous; low virtue is not virtuous, so it is not virtuous. The superior virtue is nothing but thought; the inferior virtue is nothing but thought. The superior benevolence does it without thinking; the superior righteousness does it without thinking. If you don't respond to the gift, you will throw it away. Therefore, losing virtue is followed by virtue, losing virtue is followed by benevolence, losing benevolence is followed by righteousness, and losing righteousness is followed by etiquette. The husband's propriety is weak in loyalty and leads to chaos. Those who know before are the brilliance of Tao and the beginning of foolishness. Therefore, a true man should be concerned with what is good and not what is weak; he should be concerned with truth and not be concerned with luxury. So go to that one and take this one.