Qu Yuan's profile
Qu Yuan was born in a noble family of Chu State and used to be a doctor in San Lv. Qu Yuan is the family of the King of Chu, and it was then called "Gongzu" or "Gongfu". Qu Yuan was deeply trusted by Chu Huaiwang in his early years and was in charge of internal affairs and foreign affairs. In the internal affairs, Qu Yuan advocated the cultivation of sages and the practice of law; in the diplomatic field, he advocated the alliance with Qin; in the literature, he created new poems in Sao style.
Later, because of being slandered by nobles, he was exiled to Hanbei and Yuanxiang Valley. After the capital of Chu was breached by Qin Jun, it sank into the Miluo River and died for Chu.
Qu yuan's works
Li Sao, Tian Wen, Jiu Ge (Emperor Taiyi of the East, Jun in the Cloud, Lady Xiang, Shao Siming, Hebo, National Mourning and Ritual Soul) are divided into nine chapters.