(1) told his son: "Sex is still fragrant, righteousness is still cup-shaped." Benevolence is the righteousness, or a glass of willow. Gao Zi said, "Humanity is like willow, and righteousness is like cups and plates; "Making humanity kind is like making a willow into a cup and a plate." Mencius said, "Can a child follow the nature of a willow and think it is a cup?" Will the thief lick the willow and think it's a cup? A thief thinks it's a cup, and he thinks it's just words. Those who lead the world to harm righteousness must be the words of the son! Mencius said, "Can the willow be made into cups and plates according to its characteristics, or should it be made into cups and plates by hurting its characteristics?"? "If you hurt his character and make it a cup and dish, will it also hurt human nature and make it righteous? It must be your argument that people who lead the world bring disaster to benevolence and righteousness! "
[Note] ① Qi (qǐ) Liu: The name of a tree, with flexible branches, can be used as boxes and baskets. ② Cup (bēi quān): the name of the instrument. First, the branches are woven into the shape of cups and plates, and then the cups and plates are treated with paint.
(2) Gao Zi said: "Nature is still turbulent, and the East will flow eastward, while the West will flow westward. There is no distinction between human nature and water. " Gao Zi said: "Humanity is like a swift current. If you open your mouth in the east, it will flow to the east; if you open your mouth in the west, it will flow to the west. Human nature does not distinguish between good and bad, just as water does not distinguish between things. " Mencius said: "Water and faith are inseparable, and they are also inseparable." The goodness of human nature is even better than water. There is nothing wrong with people, and there is nothing wrong with water. Today, my husband's water, beating and jumping, can make it too long; If you are excited, you can make it in the mountains. Is this the nature of water? Its potential is natural. People can be bad, but their nature is still good. Mencius said: "water is not divided into things, so it can be divided up and down." "The goodness of human nature is like flowing water. There is nothing wrong with human nature, and there is nothing wrong with water. Water, slapping it to make it splash, can also make it higher than people's forehead; Stop it and call it back, which can make it flow to the mountain. Is this the nature of water? It is the situation that leads to this. The reason why people can make him bad is because his nature has changed like this. "
(3) Tell your son: "Life is called sex." Gao Zi said, "Being born as a human being is called nature." Mencius said, "Life is natural, and those who are still white are white?" Mencius said, "Being born for sex is as white as being white?" Said, "Of course." Gao Zi said, "Yes." "White is still as white as snow; Snow is whiter than white jade? " Mencius said: "the whiteness of white feathers is like the whiteness of snow;" Is snow white like white jade? " Said, "Of course." Gao Zi said, "Yes." "But, the nature of the dog or the nature of the cow, the nature of the cow or human nature? Mencius said: "So, the nature of dogs is like the nature of cattle, and the nature of cattle is like the nature of human beings? "
(4) Tell children: "Food, color and sex are also important. Benevolence, inside, not outside; Righteousness is outside, not inside. " Gao Zi said: "Appetite and sexual desire are human nature. Benevolence comes from the heart and is not caused by external factors; Justice is caused by external factors, not from the heart. " Mencius said, "Why do you call benevolence inside and righteousness outside?" Mencius said, "Why do you say that benevolence is born from the heart and righteousness is born from external causes?" Yue: "I am good at what I am good at, but I am not good at what I am;" If you are still white, I am also white, and I am also white from the outside, so I call it outside. "The defendant said:" I respect him when he is older than me, and I have no idea of' respecting him' in advance; "For example, if he is white, I think he is white because his whiteness is exposed, so (righteousness) is caused by external factors." Yue: "Different from the white of a white horse, it is no different from the white of a white man; I don't know the length of a long horse, which is no different from the length of a long person. Still call the elders righteous? What is the meaning of long? " Mencius said, "The whiteness of a white horse is no different from that of a man in white; I don't know that respect for old horses is no different from respect for old people. In addition, do you think there is justice in the elderly or those who respect him? " He said, "My brother loves it, but the brother of Qin people doesn't. It is because he likes me that he is called "nei". The length of the Chu people is also as long as mine, and it is also fun, so it is called outside. " Gao Zi said, "This is my brother, and I love him." If you are the younger brother of Qin people, you don't love him. I decide who I love, so (benevolence) comes from my heart. Respect for the elders of the Chu people and respect for my own elders are determined by the age of the other party, so (righteousness) is caused by foreign countries. "he said," Qin people's cooking is no different from mine, but there are natural things, but cooking also has external reasons? Mencius said, "There is no difference between loving the meat cooked by Qin people and loving the meat cooked by yourself. The same is true of other things. So is the love of meat also caused by external factors? "
[Note] ① Idiom: the same as "addiction".
(5) Meng asked Gong: "Why is it called righteousness?" Meng asked Gong, "Why do you say that benevolence and righteousness are born from the heart?" He said, "I respect you, so I'm in." Gong said: "(righteousness is) to express my respect, so it is from the heart." "If a fellow villager is one year older than Bo Ge, who will respect him?" (Meng asked:) "There is a fellow countryman who is one year older than your big brother. Who should you respect first?" Say "to brothers" and say: "to big brother." "Who will come first?" (Meng asked again:) "If you drink together, who will you pour the wine for first? He said, "Consider the villagers first." Gong said, "Pour the wine for that fellow villager first." "Respect is here, the director is there, and the fruit is outside, not from the inside." (Meng said:) "The (big brother) who should be respected from the heart is here, and the (fellow villager) who is actually respected is there. (Visible meaning) is really caused by external factors, not from the heart. " Gong could not answer, so he had to tell Mencius. Unable to answer, Gong told Mencius about it. Mencius said, "Uncle or brother? He would say, "to uncle." You said,' If my brother is a corpse, who will respect him?' He would say, "Give it to your brother." Confucius said,' Is it evil to respect your uncle?' He will say, "I am in office, so am I." The son also said,' I'm in the office. Always respect his brother, while Sisu respects his hometown. Mencius said, "(You ask him,) Should I respect my uncle or my brother? He would say,' Dear Uncle. (You ask again)' My brother is a sacrifice agent. Who should I respect? He would say,' Respect your brother. Then you ask,' Where is the respect for your uncle? He would say,' Because my brother is in the position of victim. You just have to say,' Because (that fellow countryman) has a decent position. Usually it's the big brother who respects, but now it's the fellow villagers who should be respected. "Kiko listened and said," If you respect your uncle, you will respect your brother. The fruit is outside, not inside. " Ji Zi said: "When you should respect your uncle, you should respect your brother. (Obviously) this really lies in external factors, not from the heart. " Justice: "You drink soup in winter, water in summer, and eat and drink outside?" Gong Duzi said: "If you want to drink hot water in winter and cold water in summer, do you need to eat and drink because of external factors?"
[Notes] ① Meng: Zhu: "Suspected to be the younger brother of Meng Zhongzi." Or the monarch's brother, Renji. (2) Corpse: In ancient times, people who sacrificed on behalf of the deceased and symbolized the gods of the deceased were served by courtiers or the younger generation of the deceased. Later generations changed to gods and portraits.
(6) Gong said, "Tell your son:' There is no good or evil in human nature.' Or:' sex is good or bad; It is the reason why people are good and kind; Quiet and energetic, the people are violent. "or:' there are good and evil natures; Therefore, Yao is the king and has an image; Taking the monarch as the father is smooth; I take Zhou as my disciple and think he is king, and I have Wei to compete with the prince. "Today, some people say that" nature is good ",but both statements are wrong. Gong Duzi said: "Gao Zi said:' There is no difference between good and bad sex.' Some people say:' nature can become kind or not; Therefore, Wen Wang and Wu Wang win the world, and the people love kindness; You Wang and Li ruled the world, and the people became cruel. "Others said,' There are people who are kind by nature and those who are not kind; Therefore, Yao is the king, but there are subjects like this; Take you as the father, but you have Shun (such a son); I take Zhou as my nephew and Zhou as my monarch, and I have a son and a monarch. "Now you say' nature is good', so what they said is wrong? Mencius said, "If it is true, it can be good, which is called good. If the husband is not good, it is also a crime of no talent. Everyone has compassion; Everyone has a heart of shame and evil; Everyone has a respectful heart; Everyone has a right and wrong heart. Compassion, benevolence; Shame and nausea, righteousness also; Respect and courtesy; The heart of right and wrong is also wise. Benevolence, righteousness, propriety and wisdom are not foreign, but inherent to me, so I think. So there is a saying,' You will get it if you ask, and you will lose it if you give up'. Still those who don't count, can't do the best. "Poetry" says:' People naturally steam, and there are things and rules. People's understanding of Yi is a virtue. (3) Confucius said:' He knows this poet! So, there must be something; People are loyal to Yi, so goodness is a virtue. Mencius said: "As for people's (natural) feelings, they can be considered good, which is what I call good nature. As for people getting bad, it's not nature's fault. Compassion is for everyone; Everyone feels ashamed; Everyone has respect; Everyone has right and wrong. Compassion is benevolence; Shame is righteousness; Respect is politeness; Right and wrong is wisdom. It can be seen that benevolence, righteousness, propriety and wisdom are not given to me by the outside world, but I already have them, but I just don't think about them. Therefore,' seek and you will get, give up and you will lose'. Some people are twice, five times or even countless times worse than others, because they can't fully show their true nature. The Book of Songs says:' People are born with things, and there are laws. People keep their constancy, so they love virtue. Confucius said,' The person who wrote this poem knows it! Where there are things, there are laws; The people have kept their faithfulness, so they love virtue. " "
[Notes] ① Youdu and Li: two tyrants of the Zhou Dynasty. ② Wei compared with the Prince: According to Zuo Zhuan and Historical Records, Wei was an ordinary brother. Zhou Wang's uncle, Prince Beagan, died because of protests in Zhou Wang. (3) The above four sentences are from The Book of Songs? Daya? People.
(7) Mencius said: "When you are rich, your children depend on you; When you are fierce, children are violent, and it is natural for you to fall from the sky. The reason why you are trapped in your heart is natural. Today, the husband plows wheat and sows it. Its land is the same, and it is the same when it is planted. As for that day, it has matured. Although there are differences, the land is fertile, the rain and dew are raised, and the personnel are uneven. So the same kind is similar, why not doubt it separately? A saint like me. Therefore, Zi Long said,' It's embarrassing to be dissatisfied, but I know it's not embarrassing.' Similar shoes, the same feet in the world. The mouth is in the taste and has the same thing; Yiya took the first bite from my mouth. If the mouth is used for tasting, its nature is different from that of people. If dogs and horses are different from me, what is the world from elegance to taste? As for the taste, the world is similar to Yiya. But the ears are the same. As for the sound, the world is in Shi Kuang, which is similar to the ears of the world. As for Zi (4), everyone knows its beauty. People who don't know that their children are beautiful have no vision. Therefore, the mouth is also delicious and has similarities; The ear is to the sound, and there is the same hearing; There are similarities and differences in color of eyes. As for the heart, is it unique? What is the same as the heart? It is also reasonable and justified. The saint first gained my inner sympathy. Therefore, reason pleases my heart and kindness pleases my mouth. Mencius said: "Good years, how lazy the youngest son is; In the famine years, most children are prone to violence, not because of their natural feelings, but because of the environment that affects their minds. For example, barley is planted, seeds are sown and the land is harrowed. Planting at the same place and time, wheat flourishes and matures from summer solstice. Even if it is different, it is because the land is fat and thin, the rain and dew are moist, and the manual management is different. So the same kind of things are similar. Why should we doubt this when it comes to people? The saints and we are the same kind of people, so the dragon said,' I don't know their feet, I know I can't knit shoes.' Straw sandals are almost the same, because people all over the world have the same feet. Mouth has the same hobby for taste; Yiya is the first person to master our common taste. If the mouth is naturally different from other people's tastes, just like dogs, horses and us, why do people all over the world follow the taste of elegance? Speaking of taste, people all over the world expect to taste the dishes cooked by Yiya, which shows that people all over the world have similar tastes. So is the ear. Speaking of sound, people all over the world expect to hear Shi Kuang's music, which shows that people all over the world have similar hearing. So are the eyes. Speaking of children, there is no one in the world who doesn't know that he is handsome. I don't know if they are all handsome, but they are all people with no vision. Therefore, the mouth has the same hobby for taste; The ear has the same hearing for sound; Eyes have the same aesthetic feeling for appearance. Speaking of hearts, why don't you have the same hobbies? What is the common hobby of the heart? It is reason and righteousness. This saint is the first person to realize that we have the same interests in our hearts. Therefore, reason and justice can make us feel happy, just as the meat of cattle, sheep, pigs and dogs can make us enjoy delicious food.
[Notes] ① Zi Long: See Chapter 3 of Knee Literature and Business. Yiya: Qi Huangong's favorite. It is said that he is good at cooking. (3): People in the Spring and Autumn Period were born blind and good at distinguishing sounds. ④ Zi: It is said that he was a handsome man in ancient times.
(8) Mencius said, "Niu Shan is beautiful because it is located in a big country. Can you cut it down with an axe? " It is a rest day and night, and the rain and dew are moist. It's not life without sprouting and tillering, so cattle and sheep are Mu Zhi, so it's the same. When people see it, they think they have learned nothing. Is this the nature of mountains? Although people have it, don't they have the heart of righteousness? The reason why it puts its conscience is to point an axe at the wood, and it can be beautiful when it is cut at any time. The rest of the day and night, the sky is flat, its likes and dislikes are similar to those of people, and what it does during the day is doomed. Repeatedly, the air at night is not enough to survive; If there is not enough air at night, it is not far from invading wild animals. Is it a pity that people think that they have never been talented when they see their beasts? So, if you get it, nothing will not last long; Nothing will disappear if you lose your support. Confucius said:' Fuck is survival, and give up is death; You don't know your hometown until you get in and out. "What is the heart? Mencius said, "The trees in Niu Shan used to flourish because it was in the suburbs of a big city. Can it remain lush if it is cut down by a knife and axe? "The trees that grow day and night on the mountain and are moist with rain and dew are not without new buds and branches, but cattle and sheep are grazing here again, so they are so bare. When people saw that it was bare, they thought that the mountain had never grown into a mature tree. Is this the nature of Niu Shan? Just say that in people, is there no heart of benevolence and righteousness? Some people have lost their kindness, just like cutting down trees with knives and axes. Can they still make kindness flourish by cutting down trees every day? His kindness, which grows day and night, is exposed to the morning air at dawn, which makes his likes and dislikes somewhat similar to ordinary people. What he did during the day disturbed and lost it. Repeatedly disturbed, then his kindness at night is not enough to survive; The goodness bred in the night is not enough to be preserved, so he is not far from the beast. When people regard him as an animal, they think that he has never had a kind nature. Is this human nature? So nothing can't grow if it is well maintained; If you lose love, nothing will die. Confucius said, "If you grasp it, you will survive; Give up, you lose; "There is no time to go out and come in, and no one knows where it went. I guess this means the heart? "
[Notes] ① Gui: Mencius Justice can be understood through "stirring".
(9) Mencius said: "inaction or ignorance of the king. Although there are things that are easy to live, if it is violent for one day and cold for ten days, no one can live. I think it's rare. All the ones that have cooled down are here. If I am cute, what can I do? The number of games played today is decimal; You can't do it if you don't concentrate. Qiu Yi is the best athlete in this country. Let Qiu Yi teach two people to play chess. One of them focused on it, but Qiu Yi listened. Although a person listens, he thinks that a swan is coming and wants to pay for the bow and shoot it to death. Although he learned from it, it was impossible. Is it because his intelligence is not as good as the former? Say: unnatural. " Mencius said, "It is not surprising that you are not wise." Even if there is the easiest thing to grow in the world, it can't grow if it is frozen for ten days a day. I seldom see the king. As soon as I left him, those who threw cold water on him immediately surrounded me. What can I do with the kind little bud I just had? As a skill, playing chess is a small skill; If you don't concentrate, you can't learn. Qiu Yi is the best chess player in this country. Let Qiu Yi teach two people to play chess, and one of them listens attentively to Qiu Yi's explanation. Although another person was listening to the lecture, he thought a swan was coming and wanted to shoot it with a bow and arrow. Although he studies with another person, he doesn't study as well as others. Is it because his intelligence is not as good as others? Of course not. "
[Note] ① zhuó: The raw silk rope tied to the arrow, which refers to the arrow here.
(10) Mencius said: "Fish is what I want, and bear's paw is what I want; You can't have your cake and eat it. You can't have your cake and eat it. Life is what I want, and righteousness is what I want; You can't have both, and you have to sacrifice your life for righteousness. Life is what I want. I want it more than the living, so I don't want it. If there is nothing more in disgust than death, what can be done to avoid evil that can be used to escape evil? If people only want life, why not use those who can have life? If people are more terrible than the dead, why not treat the sick? Because it is, there is no need to be born, because it is, there is no need to be born. So you want more than the living, and you hate more than the dead. But with disdain to drink and eat, hungry pedestrians are unwilling to accept it; Kick others' food with their feet, and beggars will not accept it. A fast food and a bowl of bean soup (1), if you get it, you will live, if you get it, you will die, and if you get it, people in the street will collect it; This is a slap in the face, and beggars despise it; 10000 minutes will be accepted, without arguing whether it is appropriate or not. What does ten thousand minutes do to me? For the beauty of the palace, wives and concubines, poor people? Hometown is free from physical death, and today is the beauty of the palace; Hometown is not subject to physical death, and now it is regarded as a wife and concubine; I don't want to die in my hometown, but now I want to do it for the poor and those in need. Is it ok or not? This is called losing one's heart. "Mencius said:" Fish is my favorite, and bear's paw is also my favorite. "You can't have your cake and eat it, so you give up the fish and want to eat it. Survival is what I love, and righteousness is what I love; If you can't take care of both at the same time, then give up survival and get the point. Survival is what I love, but I love it more than survival, so I don't do anything to drag out an ignoble existence; I hate it to death, but I hate it more than death, so I don't avoid some disasters. If people's love is nothing more than survival, then what means can save their lives? If nothing is more annoying than death, what can be avoided? You can survive by doing this, but some people don't, and you can avoid disaster by doing this. However, some people don't. This shows that some people like it more than survival, while others hate it more than death. Not only sages have this idea, but everyone has it. Only sages can't lose it. A basket of rice and a bowl of soup, you can live if you get it, or starve to death if you don't get it. But if you are calling for charity, the hungry people on the road will not accept it; Even beggars disdain to give alms with their feet. Ten thousand minutes' salary was accepted without asking if it was in line with etiquette. What's good for me with a salary of ten thousand bells? Is it because of the beauty of the house, the service of wives and concubines and the poor people I know that I am grateful? It should have been better to die than to accept it, but now it is accepted for the beauty of the house; I would rather die than accept it, but now I accept it to serve my wife and concubine; I would rather die than accept it, but now I accept it to make the poor people I know appreciate me. Shouldn't these behaviors stop? This is called losing your nature. "
[Note] ① Bean: an ancient vessel for holding food, shaped like a high-legged dish. (2) Clock: an ancient measuring instrument, with six stones and four buckets as one clock. 3 de: pass "de", here as a verb.
(1 1) Mencius said: "Benevolence, human heart is also; Righteousness, people are also on the road. It's a pity to give up the road and let go without asking for anything in return! If people have chickens and dogs, they will know to ask for them; I don't know what to ask. If there is no other way to learn, please rest assured. " Mencius said: "Benevolence is man's (good) heart and righteousness is man's (right) way. It is sad to give up his right path and not go, and to lose his kindness and not look for it! Some people have lost their chickens and dogs and know how to find them. Some people have lost their kindness but don't know how to get it back. The reason for reading for advice is nothing more than finding his lost kindness. "
(12) Mencius said: "Now there is a ring finger that bends and does not believe ①, not because of illness. If there are people you can trust, it's not far from Qin Chu, because they don't trust others. If you don't refer to people, you know evil; If the heart is not human, it does not know evil. This is called ignorance of class. " Mencius said: "If someone can't straighten his ring finger when it bends, it won't hurt or hinder his work, but if someone can straighten it, even if he goes to Qin and Chu (for medical treatment), it won't be too far, because his finger is not as good as others. Fingers are not as good as others, knowing that they are annoying; The heart is not as good as people, but I don't know how to hate it. This is called ignorance. "
【 Precautions 】 ① Letter: same as "extension". 2 I don't know the category: Zhu's Notes to the Four Books says, "I don't know what to say." Translate from it.
(13) Mencius said: "The arch handle is paulownia, and everyone who wants to live knows who raises it. As for the body, do you love if you don't know how to raise it? Very thoughtful. " Mencius said: "If people want to grow, they must know how to cultivate one or two stout tung trees and catalpa trees. As for myself, I don't know how to cultivate myself. Isn't it better to love yourself than to love the tung tree? It's so thoughtless. "
(14) Mencius said: "What people love is also physical. If you love both, you will support both. Skin without size doesn't care, so skin without size doesn't care. So, who is good and who is not? Take it from yourself. There are nobles and villains. It doesn't hurt to be small or cheap. Small people are raised as villains, and adults are raised. Today, if you have a field teacher, give up its standards and improve its spine. This is a base field teacher. Lifting a finger, losing the shoulder and back, but not knowing it, is also a wolf disease. People who eat and drink are contemptible, and it is also important to raise the small and throw away the big. People who eat and drink have nothing to lose, so is the mouth suitable for large and small skin? " Mencius said: "People love all parts of their bodies. If you care about them, you will take care of them. There is no skin that is not cared for, and there is no skin that is not maintained. Is there any other way to check his maintenance? It depends on which part he focuses on. The body has important parts and secondary parts, small parts and most parts. You can't lose big because of small, and you can't lose big because of small. Only a few people are villains, and most people are gentlemen. If there is such a gardener now, he must be a poor gardener who gives up cultivating buttonwood trees and cultivates spiny dates. If (someone) maintains a finger but loses the function of shoulder and back and is not awake, then he is a confused person. People despise a person who specializes in eating and drinking because he has maintained a small part and lost a large part. If the person who pays attention to eating and drinking does not discard it (good cultivation), then isn't he eating and drinking to maintain a one-foot-one-inch skin? "
[Notes] ① It is expensive and small: Zhu's "Notes to Four Books" says: "Those who are cheap and small have a good appetite; Those who are noble have their hearts. " ② Wolf disease: the same as "chaos", with a messy appearance. Here, it means confused.
(15) Gong asked: "Is Jun a person, an adult or a villain?" Gong asked, "People are all the same. Some became gentlemen, and some became villains. What is the reason? " Mencius said: "From its generals to adults, from its small human body to villains." Mencius said: "Those who can obey important organs become gentlemen, while those who obey minor organs become villains." Yue: "You are a man, or you are a general, or you are a small man. Why do you do that?" Gong asked again, "It's the same person. Some people can follow the important organs, while others follow the secondary organs. Why? " He said, "the officer of the eyes and ears doesn't think, but covers himself with things." I handed it in. It's just a quote. The official of the heart thinks, thinks and gets it, but doesn't think about it. This day belongs to me. The one standing in the front is the biggest, and the smallest one can't be taken away. This is just an adult. " Mencius said: "Ears, eyes and other organs can't think, and they are easily blinded by foreign objects." . So as soon as they touch foreign objects, they are lured to the past. The heart is an organ that can think. You can get (goodness) by thinking, but you can't get (goodness) without thinking. This is the (most important) organ that God has given us. Grasp this important organ first, so that secondary organs (such as ears and eyes) will not be taken away. This is the reason to be a gentleman. "
(16) Mencius said: "Those who have a vocation are those who have a title. Benevolence, loyalty, kindness and tireless, this day is unique; Or doctor, this man is also a knight. The ancients cultivated God, and the nobles followed God. Today's people cultivate their heavenly Jue in order to be different; If you get a title and abandon it, you will be confused and eventually die. " Mencius said, "There are heavenly kings and others. Benevolence, loyalty, kindness, and indefatigability, this is a natural thing; Dr. Komsomolsk, these are nobles. The ancients repaired their knighthood, and the knighthood came with them. Now people use Tianjue to get the title and practice Tianjue; Once you get knighthood, you will abandon his knighthood, which is really confusing, and eventually (his knighthood) will definitely be lost. "
[Notes] ① Tianjue and Renjue: Tianjue refers to benevolence, loyalty and faith, which Mencius thinks are natural and worthy of respect. Knighthood refers to what is usually called a title.
(17) Mencius said: "Those who want to be expensive are also harmonious. Everyone has someone more expensive than himself. Expensive people are not good, they are expensive. Zhao Meng is expensive, but Zhao Meng can be very cheap. " "Poetry" says:' Drunk in wine, then full of virtue.' 2 words are full of benevolence and righteousness, so I don't want the taste of people's paste; I don't want other people's embroidery, because I am famous. Mencius said: "It is the common psychology of people to want honor. Everyone has something to be honored, just don't think about it. The honor given by others is not a real honor. Zhao Meng has given a man dignity, and Zhao Meng can also make him humble. The Book of Songs says,' He was drunk by offering wine and satisfied by offering benevolence. This means that benevolence and righteousness are satisfied, so I don't envy other people's food; Good reputation and extensive praise fall on me, so I don't envy other people's gorgeous clothes. "
[Notes] ①: That is, the name Meng. During the Spring and Autumn Period, the State of Jin was in the heyday of the Qing Dynasty and held the real power of the State of Jin, so his descendants were later called Zhao Meng. (2) Are the above two sentences from The Book of Songs? Daya? "Drunk" is two sentences in the sacrificial speech of ancestor worship in Zhou Dynasty. Now Gao Feng thinks that it is wrong to regard the word "virtue" as "food" and the word "goodness" as "vomit", which is close to the shape of food (see his note to the Book of Songs).
(18) Mencius said, "Benevolence is better than goodness, and water is better than fire. Today, if you are kind, you will still save a car with a glass of water. If you don't let it out, you will say that water is invincible. The same is true of ruthless people, and eventually they will die. " Mencius said, "Benevolence can overcome badness, and water can overcome fire." . Now, some benevolent people are like dousing a fire lit by firewood with a glass of water; If the fire doesn't go out, say that water can't win the fire. Instead, it encourages the most heartless person, and his original kindness will eventually disappear. "
(19) Mencius said, "Those who grow grains are beautiful. If you are not familiar with them, you might as well plant them. Fu Ren also cares about familiarity. " Mencius said: "Grain is an excellent variety of crops, but if it is immature, it is not as good as weeds such as barnyard grass." Benevolence is also to make it mature. "
【 Note 】 ① tí: namely barnyard grass and barnyard grass plants.
(20) Mencius said: "Teaching archery must aim at winning; Scholars must also aim at winning. Masters should teach according to the rules, and scholars should follow the rules. " Mencius said: "If you teach archery, you must ask for a full bow; People who learn to shoot also try to fill their bows. Clever craftsmen must teach people skills with compasses and rulers; People who learn crafts should also use compasses and rulers. "
【 Note 】 ① (Gü u): Pull the full bow.
The translation of Mencius under Gao Zixia
(1) Someone asked Wu Luzi, "Which is more important, gift or food?" A Renzhou native asked Wu Luzi, "Which is more important, etiquette or diet?" Say: "the ceremony is heavy." Wu Luzi said: "Etiquette is important." "Which is more important, color or ceremony?" The man asked again, "which is more important, marriage or etiquette?" Say: "the ceremony is heavy." Answer: "Etiquette is very important." Yue: "if you eat it with courtesy, you will die of hunger;" If you don't eat gifts, you will eat them. Kiss 2, can't have a wife; Marry a wife without kissing. Can you kiss? " The man asked again, "I begged for food according to the ceremony, but I couldn't eat it. I starved to death;" Do you have to act according to etiquette if you don't beg for food according to etiquette, but eat? Marry according to the wedding ceremony, but you can't take a wife; If you can get a wife without kissing, do you have to do it? "Wu Luzi can't be right, Zou will sue Mencius tomorrow. Wu Luzi couldn't answer, so he went to Zou the next day and told Mencius this question. Mencius said, "If the answer is yes, why not? If you don't take its root, but take its end, a square inch of wood can make it taller than Cenlou. Gold is more important than feathers. Can you call it a golden feather hook? Compared with courtesy, people who pay more attention to food are more important than those who pay more attention to food. Compared with people who value color and informal people, the color of Xi wing is heavy? Turn to the answer:' If you take food from your brother's arm, you will get food; If you don't eat, you won't eat, but what will happen? If you hold your virgin over your boss's wall, you will get a wife; You can't have a wife without hugging, but you have to hug? Mencius said, "Is this question difficult to answer? You don't need to measure the height of the original foundation, just compare their two ends, so an inch-long block of wood can make it taller than a tall building with a spire. Metals are heavier than feathers. Is it because the metal hook is compared to a car feather? Compared with the small aspects of etiquette, the big problem of eating is more important than eating. Compared with the minor aspects of etiquette, getting married is more important than getting married. Go and answer him like this:' If you twist your brother's arm and take his meal, you will get a meal; If you don't twist it, you won't have food. Do you want to twist it? Climb over the wall of the oriental family and hug the daughter of that family to marry a wife; You can't marry a wife without cuddling. Want to cuddle? /ca & gt;