The story background of Dune is set in the distant future. At that time, human beings have the ability of interstellar travel and set up civilized societies on various planets in outer space. However, compared with other sci-fi movies with similar themes, Dune has undergone thousands of years of development and evolution, but human science and technology are not as advanced as expected.
There is a substance called "Melatonin" in this world. This spiritual perfume can not only enhance mental ability and prolong life, but some users can even gain psychic ability through it, and enter the memory of their ancestors. In the universe, only one planet can find this spice: the distant and desolate planet of Elacos Desert, which is also called sand dunes.
In the world view of Dune, there are three kinds of people who have evolved because of their intake of spices, namely, the navigator of the Astronautical Association, the crystallographer who works as a strategist in various families, and the mantra of the mysterious organization Beni Jesser Reid.
Director Danny Villeneuve said: Dune is a love letter for me to the big screen. This is my dream, my design, and the way I realize it. But this story is too complicated to finish in just one movie, so for me, although it is a challenge, this is the largest and most challenging movie I have ever made.