I learned its song, but I didn't get its number. "There is a room, saying," I have learned its number, which is beneficial. Confucius said, "Qiu
I didn't realize my ambition. "There is a room, saying," It is beneficial to learn from my ambition. Confucius said: "Qiu didn't become a person."
Yes "Sometimes, Mu Ran some thoughtful, somewhat proud and ambitious. "Qiu is a man, and his nature is dark.
However, dark, just a little longer, eyes like sheep, like the four kingdoms of kings. No one can do this without King Wen! "ShiXiangZi monarch seats.
He bowed again and said, "Master Gai Yunwen, Wang Cao also."
Confucius learned to play the piano from Xiangzi, a music official in Lu, but he still didn't learn it for ten days. Shi Xiangzi said: "You can increase the learning content." Confucius said: "I am familiar with the form of music, but I have not mastered the skills of playing." After a while, Shi Xiangzi said, "You are familiar with playing skills and can learn new music." Confucius said, "I haven't understood the artistic conception and interest of music." After a while, Shi Xiangzi said, "You are familiar with the artistic conception and interest of music, so you can continue to study." Confucius said, "I don't know the author of music yet."
After a while, Confucius mused silently, was happy for Tao Ran, and said with lofty vision and lofty will, "I know the author of this song. He is dark-skinned, tall and bright-eyed, like a king who rules governors in all directions. If it weren't for Zhou Wenwang, who else could write such music! " Shi Xiangzi left the table twice in a row and bowed down. He said respectfully, "The teacher said this piece is called King Cao Wen."