The invention of the steam engine
Submarine fish
According to the echolocation of bats
Invented radar
According to the eagle's sharp eyes
Invented the eagle eye for pilots.
The revelation of animals to human beings is that fish swim in the water, and human beings learn to swim and invent submarines.
Inspired by birds in the air, man invented the airplane. ………………
Colorful butterflies, such as butterflies with double moon patterns, monarch butterflies with brown veins, especially butterflies with fluorescent wings, suddenly turn into gold, green and blue in the sun. Scientists have brought great benefits to military defense by studying the color of butterflies. This paper points out that the color of butterflies is not easy to be found in flowers, and military facilities are covered with butterfly-like camouflage. So according to the same principle, people later produced camouflage clothes.
Dragonflies can generate local unstable airflow different from the surrounding atmosphere through the vibration of their wings, and use the vortex generated by the airflow to make themselves rise. Dragonflies can soar under a small thrust, not only forward, but also backward and left and right, and its forward flight speed can reach 72 km/h. In addition, the flight behavior of dragonflies is simple, with only two pairs of wings flapping constantly. Scientists have successfully developed a helicopter based on this structural foundation. When an airplane flies at high speed, it often causes violent vibration, and sometimes even breaks its wings, causing the airplane to crash. Dragonflies are safe when flying at high speed, so people follow the example of dragonflies and add weights to the two wings of the plane to solve the thorny problem of vibration caused by high-speed flight.
The invention and development of submarines were inspired by fish diving. 1775, after the North American War of Independence broke out, the British colonial rulers relied on their maritime superiority to assemble a large number of warships and bombed the US navy and army in turn, causing heavy casualties to the US military. At that time, there was a general named David bushnell in the American army. He couldn't stand being bullied by the British and was determined to fight back. He has been thinking hard: how can we sink the enemy ship? From the air, inaccessible; You can't hide from the water. Once, when he walked to the reef by the sea, he suddenly saw a big fish dive under a small fish, jumped up suddenly and bit a small fish. He was greatly inspired by this "naval battle": Can he build a ship like a big fish and dive into the bottom of a British warship unnoticed and sink it? Fish float and sink freely in the water by the swim bladder. Can a boat imitate a swim bladder? Starting from this idea, bushnell and military experts have successfully developed a motorboat that can sneak underwater. The bottom of the boat is a water tank similar to a swim bladder. There are two pumps in the water tank. When the ship sinks into the water, it will fill the cabin with water. When the ship is about to rise, it will press air into the water tank and discharge the water in the ship. Imitating the fin, two propellers are installed, one is forward and backward, and the other is up and down. The motorboat skillfully subdued the British warship on its first voyage and was blown upside down. After gradual improvement, it has become a modern submarine.