During the reign of Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu, there was a great general named Hong Song. He is a very clever man and talented. Although there are not many records about him in history and his fame is not great, there are many shining places in him. He is a very honest man, a man who dares to speak out. On one occasion, Emperor Guangwu held a banquet, and Hong Song also went. During the dinner, he found a screen beside the emperor with many beautiful women painted on it, and Emperor Guangwu always looked back to appreciate it.
After Hong Song found out, he said very seriously that Emperor Guangwu was a lecher. At that time, Emperor Guangwu was very embarrassed after listening to it, and immediately asked people to remove this screen and said that they would change it if they knew their mistakes. Hong Song was very happy to see Emperor Guangwu's actions, saying that it was very kind of your majesty to do so, which was admirable.
Guangwudi has a younger sister named Huang Liu. They lived together when they were young and had a good relationship. After the success of Emperor Guangwu, his sister Huang Liu was named Princess Huyang. After Huang Liu's husband died, Emperor Guangwu wanted to reschedule her. Later, she asked her advice. Guangwudi heard from the side that Huang Liu likes Kong Fu Hong Song. This is difficult for Guangwudi, because Hong Song is married, and Huang Liu, as Guangwudi's sister, could not marry a concubine in the past, so Guangwudi tried to get Hong Song to divorce his wife.
Later, after Guangwudi told Hongsong about it, Hong Song said? Don't forget the friendship between the poor and the lowly, and the wife of the dross will never leave the court? . It means he doesn't want to abandon his wife in order to seize power. Seeing Hong Song's attitude, Guangwudi couldn't say anything more, and the matter was forgotten.