The thatched roof of the hut is low and small, and the stream is covered with green grass. When you are drunk, your voice is charming and your hair is white. The eldest son is weeding in the bean field on the east side of the stream, and the second son is busy knitting chicken cages. I like children and scoundrels best, lying on the head of the stream peeling lotus flowers.
Since Xin Qiji always insisted on patriotism and resistance to gold, he has been rejected and hit by the ruling capitulators since he returned to the south. Since the age of forty-three, he has not been in office for a long time, so that he has lived in Xinzhou, Jiangxi (now Shangrao, Jiangxi) for twenty years. Having lived in the countryside for a long time, the author knows more about rural life and has more contact with farmers. Therefore, some of Jia's works reflect rural life. Among them, there are landscape paintings and rural genre paintings. This song "Qingping Music" is a colorful rural genre painting.
The first part outlines the environment and sets off the atmosphere. At first, Mao Yan, Shangxi and Caodi were marked by sketching, and the characteristics of rural areas in the south of the Yangtze River were vividly portrayed with only a few strokes, which arranged a broad background for the appearance of the characters. The old people and old women who appeared in those three or four sentences were slightly drunk and became more gentle and charming, but when they came to them, they found that they were not young people, but gray-haired old people. From "drunkenness", we can see that the old people live peacefully, and from "flattery", we can see that they are mentally happy.
The next film, centered on the farmer's three sons, comprehensively reflected all aspects of rural life at that time, and the picture continued to unfold. Qin Qin is weeding in the bean field in Xidong, and half a child is knitting a chicken coop. The poet focused on "children", and * * * used two sentences, accounting for a quarter of the whole word. Stripping the Lotus vividly depicts his carefree, innocent and lively manner. In this regard, the poet feels heartfelt joy.
This word has a strong flavor of rural life, and the lines are full of the author's joy in rural life, which objectively reflects the author's hatred of the dark officialdom life.
This word is a vivid and colorful rural genre painting.
Translated words
The eaves of the hut are low and small.
The stream is covered with green grass,
Wu with a drunken accent,
Sounds gentle and beautiful-
Who is that father-in-law with white hair?
Eldest son, weeding in the bean field is in Hedong,
Uh, busy knitting chicken coops.
The most delight thing is that naughty expression of children,
Lying on the grass upstream of the stream-
Peel the newly picked lotus.