Robert Frank Quotes
1. Economics tells us that if we want to understand the choices people actually make in economic activities, we must conduct a more detailed analysis of human motivations. Robert Frank's "Milk and Coke Economics"
2. There is no free lunch principle to remind us to be careful and guard against opportunities that are too good - because they are too good to be true. Robert Frank "Milk and Coke Economics"
3. People behave honestly not only because of fear of punishment, but also because they are driven by moral emotions such as sympathy and guilt. Robert Frank's "Milk and Coke Economics"
4. Whether in the past or in the future, the only way to earn real wealth is still talent, thrift, luck, and hard work. Robert Frank's "Milk and Coke Economics"
5. Only exceptions can prove the existence of the rule. Robert Frank "Milk and Coke Economics"
6. In theory, cash prizes are better than other prizes of the same price. But people often prefer other forms of rewards. Robert Frank's "Milk and Coke Economics"
7. Without the sense of security provided by contractual commitments, many valuable transactions would not be possible. Robert Frank "Milk and Coke Economics"
8. From a long-term perspective, the cost savings of new technologies will not bring higher profits to producers, but will reduce the cost of products. prices to benefit consumers. Robert Frank "Milk and Coke Economics"
9. To a large extent, the choices people make stem from a psychological motivation to build and maintain personal or group identity. Robert Frank's "Milk and Coke Economics" Galsworthy's quotes, Colonel Ikeda's quotes, Blair's quotes
Pages: 12 Frankl's famous quotes
In fact, we have long lost the ability to feel happiness Ability must be learned slowly. According to psychology, all these reactions of the released prisoners are due to the so-called depersonalization - Frankl's "The Search for the Meaning of Life"
To live is to suffer, to live If you go on, you have to find meaning from the pain. If there is any purpose to life, suffering and death must have a purpose. "Those who understand the 'why' of living can endure almost 'any' pain. ----Frankl, "The Search for the Meaning of Life"
There is one thing you cannot take away from people. That is the most precious freedom. People have always had the freedom to choose their own attitudes and behaviors in any environment. ---- Frankl, "The Pursuit of the Meaning of Life"
Human beings are a kind of person. To be a responsible species, he must realize his potential meaning of life. I say this to emphasize that the true meaning of life must be found in the world, not in people or in the inner spirit, because it is not a closed system. . Similarly, we cannot find the true goal of human existence in the so-called self-realization; because human existence is essentially self-transcendence rather than self-actualization. In fact, neither is self-actualization. Maybe as the goal of existence, the reason is simple, because the more hard a person pursues it, the less he can get it. In other words, the more effort a person puts into realizing the meaning of his life, the greater the degree of self-realization he will have. Self-realization, as a goal, can never be achieved. It is only a by-product of self-transcendence. ---- Frankl, "The Pursuit of the Meaning of Life"
What we really need is fundamental reform. Our attitude towards life. We should learn for ourselves - and teach those who are on the verge of despair - that what really matters is not what we hope for in life, but what we should not continue. When asking what the meaning of life is, we should recognize that we are constantly being questioned by life. When faced with this question, we cannot answer it with words and meditation, but with correct actions and actions. In the end, we will eventually discover life. The ultimate meaning of life lies in exploring the correct answers to life's questions and completing the mission that life continues to assign to everyone.
---- Frankl "The Search for the Meaning of Life"
The meaning of life is different for everyone, every day, and every moment, so what is important is not the universality of the meaning of life, but the universality of the meaning of life. The special meaning of life for each person at a given moment... You should not ask about the meaning of life in the abstract. Everyone has their own unique mission. This mission cannot be replaced by others, and your life cannot be repeated. ---- Frankl "The Search for the Meaning of Life"
The kind of person a prisoner becomes is the result of an inner self-determination, not just the result of the influence of the concentration camp. So fundamentally, even in such an environment, anyone can decide what he or she is going to be - mentally and spiritually. Even in a concentration camp he might have maintained human dignity. ---- Frankl's "The Search for the Meaning of Life"
One day, when every released prisoner looks back on his experiences in the concentration camp, he will no longer understand how he survived. When the day of his release finally came, everything seemed like a sweet dream to him. Likewise, one day all the concentration camp experiences will seem to him nothing more than a nightmare. The most important experience for those who return to their hometown is the wonderful feeling they have after going through all the vicissitudes of life: From now on, there is nothing to fear except God. ----Frankl, "The Search for the Meaning of Life"
This naive questioning is due to viewing life as achieving a certain goal by actively creating something valuable. We have long since realized that the meaning of life covers more than this, it includes survival and death, dying and pain. ----Frankl "The Search for the Meaning of Life"
"Life" is not something vague, it is a concrete thing, just like the tasks of life are also real and specific. They form a destiny that is different and unique to each individual. No one person and his destiny can be compared with other people and their destiny. No situation can be repeated, and each situation requires a different response. ----Frankl "The Search for the Meaning of Life"
The last freedom of human beings is the freedom to choose attitudes under given circumstances. The environment may not be changed, we can only change our attitude. ----Frankl, "The Search for the Meaning of Life"
Ambivalent intentions can also be used in cases of sleep disorders. Concern about insomnia leads to an excessive focus on falling asleep, which in turn prevents the patient from doing so. To overcome this particular concern, I usually advise patients not to try to fall asleep but to do the opposite, which is to stay awake for as long as possible. In other words, the excessive focus on falling asleep, arising from the anticipatory anxiety of not being able to do so, must be replaced by the ambivalent intention not to fall asleep, and falling asleep is quickly realized, I want to be awake all night! ----Frankl, "The Search for the Meaning of Life"
If life is truly meaningful, pain should have its own meaning----Frankl, "The Search for the Meaning of Life"
Human beings In the more recent stage of his development he experienced another pain of loss, that of a rapid weakening of the tradition which had been the backbone of his conduct. Instinct impulse does not tell him what he should do; tradition does not tell him what he must do. Soon he no longer knows what he is going to do, so he becomes more and more obedient to what others ask him to do, and so he becomes more and more obedient. Becoming a victim of conformism - Frankl's "The Search for the Meaning of Life"
I think there is no tension if we think that the main human need is balance (called Homeostasis in biology) state, that would be a dangerous misconception in mental health. What people really need most is not the absence of tension, but the struggle for a worthwhile goal. What he needs is not the release of tension at any cost, but the awakening of the latent meaning waiting for him to realize it. ----Frankl, "The Search for the Meaning of Life"
Our generation is in an era of realism, so we need to know what people really are.
After all, man invented the existence of the Auschwitz gas room; but at the same time, man also walked straight into the gas room and recited the Our Father or the Jewish prayer! ----Frankl "The Search for the Meaning of Life"
Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way. A person may be deprived of everything, but his freedom to choose his own attitude and way under any circumstances cannot be deprived. This is the last freedom of mankind. ---- Frankl "The Search for the Meaning of Life"
The meaning of life varies from person to person, from day to day, and even from time to time. Therefore, we are not asking what is the general meaning of life, but what is the specific meaning of life at a certain moment in a person's existence. To answer this question in general terms, just like we ask a master chess player: Master, please tell me how to make the best move in the world? There is no such thing as the best move, not even There is no good move, but it depends on a particular situation in the game and the personality type of the opponent. The same is true for human existence. One cannot find the abstract meaning of life. Everyone has his own special vocation or mission, and this mission needs to be realized concretely. His life cannot be repeated or replaced. Therefore, everyone is unique, and only he has special opportunities to fulfill his unique gifted mission. ----Frankl "The Search for the Meaning of Life"
Our greatest freedom is the freedom to choose our attitude. Our greatest freedom is the freedom to choose our attitude. ---- Frankl's "The Search for the Meaning of Life"
The parties involved will inevitably ignore the opportunities that do exist in reality and can be used. Treating the current provisional existence as an illusory and unreal existence-this attitude itself is an important reason why the captives lose their vitality. Once a person has this attitude, everything becomes meaningless in his eyes. He forgets that difficult external circumstances often give people an opportunity to transcend themselves and grow spiritually. He did not regard the plight of the concentration camp as a touchstone to test his inner strength. He did not value his own life, but despised it as an insignificant thing. He would rather close his eyelids and dwell on the past. Such people will naturally feel that life is meaningless. ---- Frankl's "The Search for the Meaning of Life"
Humor has a greater ability to distance people from and transcend their environment. Cultivating humor and using humor to look at things are what people learn when they master the art of life. a technique. ----Frankl, "The Search for the Meaning of Life"
If a person can accept his fate and all the pain attached to it, and shoulder his own cross, even in the worst environment, he can There are still ample opportunities to deepen the meaning of his life and preserve its perseverance, dignity, and selfless qualities. Otherwise, in the cruel struggle to protect himself, he is likely to forget his human dignity and become no different from an animal; the dangerous situation provides him with the opportunity to gain spiritual value; this opportunity can be grasped by him, or he can Give up, but his choice can determine whether he is worthy or not worthy of the pain he has suffered. ---- Frankl's "The Search for the Meaning of Life"
I want to boldly say that there is nothing in this world that can help people survive in the worst situations. Unless the human body recognizes that its life has a meaning. Just like Nietzsche's wise saying: Only by knowing why can you meet anything. ---- Frankl "The Search for the Meaning of Life"
Man has the ability to retain his spiritual freedom and mental independence, even if his body and mind are under such terrifying pressure. "Everything a person possesses can be taken away, but the last freedom of human nature - the freedom to choose an attitude and a way of life in any situation - cannot be taken away."
----Frankl "The Search for the Meaning of Life"
Man is not completely restricted and determined, but he himself decides to surrender to the situation or to fight against it? In other words, man ultimately decides by himself of. Man is not just alive, he always has to decide what his existence should be? What should he become in the next moment? ---- Frankl, "The Pursuit of the Meaning of Life"
Everyone Everyone should ask about the meaning of life; and each person can answer to life only by taking charge of his own life; he can respond to life only by becoming a responsible person. ---- Frankl "The Search for the Meaning of Life"
"The Meaning of the Past" Those who allow themselves to fall because they cannot see any future goals are often trapped in memories of the past. As I have already mentioned, there is a tendency to recall the past in a different way that makes the present, with all its horrors, less real. But there is a danger in the avoidance of reality. It makes it easy to overlook opportunities that could make life in the concentration camp positive, and such opportunities did exist. ---- Frankl "The Search for the Meaning of Life"
The meaning of life is not given, but proposed. ---- Frankl, "The Search for the Meaning of Life"
You have to live your life as if you were resurrected from the dead. And you have to live as if you have made a serious mistake before and are likely to make a mistake again. ----Frankl
Just as the pursuit of happiness is self-deception, blind pursuit of a good conscience will only cause us to lose the opportunity to discover it, because in the process of pursuit, we become hypocritical people. ----"Frankl: Meaning and Life" Famous Quotes by Robert McKee
You think you know who you are, but you are often shocked by what is hidden inside you when you need to express it. In other words, if a plot unfolds exactly as you originally planned, then your writing method is too rigid and leaves no room for your imagination and intuition. Your story should surprise you again and again. Beautiful story design is the perfect unity of a discovered theme, a working imagination, and a mind that executes its craft flexibly and wisely. ----Robert McKee, "Story"
The best writers have a dialectical and flexible mind that can easily switch points of view. They can see the positive, the negative, all the varying degrees of irony, and find the truth in these ideas honestly and convincingly. This omniscience forces them to become more creative, imaginative, and insightful. The end result is that what they express is what they deeply believe, but it all comes from their careful weighing of every living problem and first-hand experience of its possibilities. ----Robert McKee, "Story"
Storytelling is a creative argument for truth. A story is the living evidence of a thought, completing the transformation of thought into action. The event structure of a story is the means by which you express your ideas and subsequently prove them...without any explanatory words. ----Robert McKee, "Story"
Our writing level should be above theirs. Audiences want us to take them to the extreme, to a place where all questions are answered and all emotions are fulfilled—the end of the story arc. ----Robert McKee, "Story"
We all have hope, no matter what fate is against us. ---- Robert McKee, "Story"
The danger is that when your premise is an idea that you feel you must prove to the world, and you design the story to be a story that is inseparable from that idea, By denying the argument, you have set yourself on a didactic path. ----Robert McKee "Story"
The important difference between stories and life is: in the daily existence of human beings, people always expect some effective response from the world when they take actions , and always get more or less what they expect, and in the story, these details of daily life are sublated.
In a story, we focus on that moment, and that moment only. The character takes action at that moment, expecting his world to respond in a beneficial way, but the effect of his action is to trigger various consequences. a countervailing force. The character's world reacts either very differently than he expected, more strongly than he expected, or both. ----Robert McKee "Story"
The second is negative irony: If you are blindly obsessed with your persistence, your ruthless pursuit will satisfy your desires and then destroy yourself. . ----Robert McKee "Story"
In reality, since good and evil have equal proportions in human nature, evil has the same chance of suppressing good as good overcomes evil. We are both angels and demons. If our natures had tilted even slightly to either side, all of society's difficult problems would have been solved centuries ago. But we are so divided that it is impossible to know for sure what we will be like then. At this time, we built Notre Dame; at that time, we built Auschwitz. ----Robert McKee, "Story"
The protagonist must have empathy; sympathy is optional. ----Robert McKee "Story"
Their stories reveal that human nature has an innate warlike and murderous side, and war is just a dimension of this dimension. The logical extension makes us realize with trembling that whatever humans like to do, they will definitely do it - this has been the case for thousands of years, it is the case now, and it will still be the case in all foreseeable futures. ---- Robert McKee, "Story"
Audience Bond The audience's emotional investment is bonded by empathy. If the author fails to create a link between the audience and the protagonist, then we sit outside the film and feel nothing. ---- Robert McKee, "The Story"
Pundits, such as Plato, feared threats that came not from thoughts but from emotions. Those in power never want us to feel. Thoughts can be controlled and manipulated, but emotions are visceral and unpredictable. Artists pose a threat to authority because they expose lies and inspire passion for change. ---- Robert McKee, "Story"
It is terrible to create a truly passive protagonist, and unfortunately, this is a common problem among many people. If the protagonist of a story has no needs, cannot make any decisions, and his actions cannot affect change on any level, then the story is not a story. ---- Robert McKee, "Story"
What beats at the heart of a story is something more profound than mere words. And at the other end of the story sits another equally profound phenomenon: the audience's reaction to this material. ----Robert McKee "Story"
The protagonist must have at least one chance to achieve his desire. ----Robert McKee "Story"
Don't be a slave to your thoughts, but immerse yourself in life. ---- Robert McKee, "The Story"
A revered Hollywood maxim warns: "A movie is all about the last twenty minutes." In other words, for a film to be successful in the world Chances are, the final scene and its climax has to be the most satisfying experience. Because, no matter what the first ninety minutes accomplish, if the last section fails, the film will die on its opening weekend. ----Robert McKee "Story"
The inspiration of the story may be a dream, and its final effect may be aesthetic emotion, but only when the author is obsessed with serious thoughts can a work develop from a dream. An open-ended premise that progresses to a satisfying climax. Because artists not only need to express ideas, but also prove ideas. It is not enough to reveal an idea. The audience not only needs to understand, but also needs to believe. You want audiences around the world to leave your story and still believe that the story you told is a tangible metaphor for life. ---- Robert McKee, "Story"
The first is positive irony: The excessive pursuit of contemporary values—success, wealth, fame, sex, power—will destroy you, but As long as you can see this truth clearly in time and abandon your attachment, you can save yourself.
----Robert McKee "Story"
What exactly is "entertainment"? Entertainment is a ritual: sitting in the dark, staring at the screen, and immersing yourself in what one hopes will be a satisfying, meaningful emotional experience. Any film that convenes, hosts, and successfully completes this story ritual is entertainment. ---- Robert McKee, "Story"
From the moment inspiration strikes, you enter a fictional world in search of a design. You must build a story bridge between the beginning and the end, a progression of events that spans from the premise to the controlling idea. These events echo two conflicting voices of a theme. In sequence after sequence, and often in detail in scene after scene, positive thoughts and their negative reflections are constantly being debated, back and forth, creating a dramatic dialectic. In the climax, one of these two voices will win and become the controlling thought of the story. ---- Robert McKee, "Story"
We realize that idealism and pessimism are two extremes of experience, and that life is rarely all sunshine and strawberries, nor is it all doom and misery. , it has both. ----Robert McKee, "Story"
Kubrick knew that if he could give humans enough ammunition, humans would shoot him. ----Robert McKee, "Story"
As Judge Holmes pointed out, we must believe in the free market of ideas. If everyone was given a voice, even the irrationally radical or brutally reactionary, humans would sort out the right choices from all possibilities. No civilization, including Plato's, has met with destruction because its citizens knew too much truth. ---- Robert McKee, "Story"
The reason why we are always stretched between "best" and "worst" is because stories, to be art, are not about human experience. the middle ground. ----Robert McKee, "Story"
The nearest circle of opposing forces in a character's world is his own body: feelings and emotions, mind and body, all of which are from one moment to the other. At the moment he may or may not react in the way he expects. Our worst enemy is often ourselves. ----Robert McKee "Story"
Life teaches us that the value of any human desire is directly proportional to the risk taken in its pursuit. The higher the value, the greater the risk. We place the greatest ultimate value on those things that require the greatest ultimate risk—our freedom, our lives, our souls. ----Robert McKee, "Story"
Love has both joy and pain, it is constantly cutting and turning into chaos, it is unforgettable, it is heartbreaking, it is both gentle and cruel, and the reason why we still pursue it so hard is , because without it, life loses its meaning. (As shown in the films "Annie Hall", "Manhattan", and "Crazy About You") ---- Robert McKee "Story"
If a writer does not have the thinking of a philosopher and remains firm Without faith, it is impossible to achieve excellence. ----Robert McKee "Story" Robert Frost's classic quotations
1. Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I only chose one of them to walk through my life. .
2. There were two diverged roads in the yellow woods. Unfortunately, I couldn't walk both roads at the same time. I chose the one less traveled by, which made all the difference.
3. Two roads were scattered in the woods, and the one I chose less traveled by determined the difference in my life from then on.
4. You receive education so that when you reach a certain stage, you can get close to what you love: whether it is a poem, an ideal, a party, a cause, or a hero .
5. Being educated means being able to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or losing your confidence.
6. Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and my life changed forever.
7. The woods are beautiful, dark and deep, but I have promises yet to be fulfilled. I still have to run hundreds of miles before I can fall asleep.
8. The so-called poetry is what is lost after translation.
9. Literature can be divided into two categories. The literature of sorrow and the literature of complaint. The former category is about the permanent living conditions of human beings, while the latter category bears traces of literature from a certain time and place. It may be true and touching, but it is not great literature.
10. I will look back on the past with a sigh. Two roads diverged in a wood, and I chose the one less traveled by. That has decided the path of my life.
11. I chose the road less traveled by, which has determined my difference today
12. I am a person who is familiar with the night. I once went out in the rain. Back, I walked all the way to the lights at the far end of the city.
13. Maybe in a certain place many years later, I will sigh softly and look back on the past. Two roads diverged in a forest, and I chose the one less traveled by. That has determined the path of my life.
14. It is the inalienable right of every man to go to hell in his own way.
15. Reading, I like to think of it as a journey, where we exile ourselves in a familiar world of reality.
16. The best way out is always to move forward and complete the journey