You are really hard-working. You have to make more than 500 calls a day. You are so talented~Awesome. It is best to have a goal when you call, such as recommending products, market trends, or holidays. When visiting and greeting customers, do not make intensive phone calls to them. You can choose other methods such as email, Fetion, or QQ. I often receive calls from some marketers who keep saying that they don’t call. It's hard for me to respond even if I say something, so I have to find a good rhythm on the phone, pay attention to the customer's needs, and take notes at the same time.
The most important thing is not to use phone calls as the only way to develop futures, because futures are different from other rapid marketing products and are relatively high-end. You need to use phone calls as a way to invite customers, and then visit them in person~ But you worked really hard and I hope you succeed.