1, the first, second, tertiary, fourth right, fifth yuheng, sixth Kaiyang and seventh Ursa major of the Big Dipper. The first to the fourth is the first, the fifth to the seventh is the spoon, not the bucket. According to Collected Taoist Scriptures, there are seven stars, a wolf, two giant gates, three Lucun, four Wen Qu, five Lian Zhen, six Wu Qu and seven Pojun, which are used by Kan Yu.
2. Once upon a time, a monk and a scholar sailed together all night. Scholars talk a lot, monks are scared, and their fists are sleeping all over the floor. The monk heard that there was a flaw in his speech and said, "Excuse me, Mr. Xiang, is Mrs. Tan one or two people?" The scholar said, "It's two people." The monk asked, "Is this Yao Shun one or two?" The scholar said, "Nature is lonely!" The monk smiled and said, "We'll see. Let's wait for the young monk to stretch his feet. "
I'm going to Wang Mian for longevity. That day, it snowed heavily, and I climbed the furnace peak barefoot. I looked around and shouted, "Heaven and earth are all made of white jade, which makes people feel clear, so I'm going to live forever!" "
4. Begonia Song Zhenzong is the first time that Begonia is as famous as peony. Ten Topics of True Sect Miscellaneous Poems headed by Begonia. Yan Yuan began to plant red begonia and red plum, and Su Dongpo first named Huangmei as wintersweet.
5. Since Wei and Jin Dynasties, there have been literary stones in the world, among which Cao Zijian has eight fights, and I will fight one. Since ancient times, others have shared a battle.
6. Repairing the Tang Book Song Qi repaired the Tang Book. Snow falls, curtains are added, rafters are lit, fire is held, and concubines are surrounded. Before the biography of Cao Fang was finished, Historical Records said, "Is it like meeting your master?" A man came from the imperial clan and said, "When I am in this weather, I just hold a stove, give orders to sing and dance, and occasionally get drunk with zaju." Qi said, "I am not evil." Let's drink to Dan.
7, such as winter and summer, summer is fierce and winter is warm. Zhao Dun is strict and awesome, so it's like summer. Zhao Shuai is male, harmonious and lovely, so it's like winter.
8. Walking in the clouds King Xiang of Chu swam in Gaotang, dreaming of a daughter saying, "My concubine is in the sun of Wushan, above the high hills, in the clouds in the morning and in the rain at dusk." Peter said and looked at it.
9. Walking through the snow, Xun Mei stood quietly waiting in the snow in front of the plum blossom.
10, Ertao killed three scholars. Gong, Tian Kaijiang and Gu Yezi are brave and rude. Yan Zi called Gong Jing the second peach, which made him eat for his job. All three committed suicide.