Although the five permanent virtues and eight virtues were summed up by Han Confucianism, the loyalty of friends should give way to the way of monarch and minister. No matter how good a friend is, if one party is punished by the emperor, even if it is obviously wronged, let alone intercede for friends. Even if you don't draw a clear line, some people will find it difficult to do it. Under the high pressure of the monarch, the way of making friends is often fragile. The more literati, the more fragile.
In contrast, the situation of the bottom society is better. A grass-roots person is not a courtier, nor has he eaten the wealth of a king. Therefore, the big hat of the way of monarch and minister can't suppress people. For the sake of friends, sometimes it is more to go to the grassroots who violate the king's law. The people they admire most are not the emperor, nor Yue Fei who obeys the emperor unconditionally, but Guan Yunchang and Wang Bodang in American Past. You did something treacherous. Even if you are a leading uncle, someone will still look for you and stab you. So people always say that every time you kill a dog, you are full of scholars.
In fact, having said so much, many scholars are very brave. During the Warring States Period, Yu Rang, who swallowed charcoal and tried to assassinate Zhao Xiangzi, and Hou Ying, a hermit who met Xin Lingjun, were both scholars and scholars at that time. Sima Qian, who was imprisoned for Li Ling's words, is a scholar. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, the disaster of party struggle began, and James Zhang desperately wanted to stop it. Those who break up families are also scholars.
Until recently, in the coup of 1898, among the six suffering gentlemen, one was Tan Sitong from Once upon a Time in America, and the other was Yang Shenxiu who bravely voiced his voice. If he had not loudly opposed the order during the coup, he would not have been tied to the food market. Dog killers also betray their friends for petty profits. But because scholars' affairs are superficial, they are easy to attract people's attention. At the same time, things like not telling a friend's righteousness or even betraying a friend are profitable as long as they are done, so as long as there is such a thing, it is easy to remember.
Undeniably, for the monarch, although he never denies the way of friends, he is willing to crush the way of friends with the way of monarch and minister. Such friends, whether grassroots or scholars, like to crush. I don't know if the monarch's rule is more stable, but the power of the monarch will definitely be more smoked, and the feeling of being an emperor will definitely be better.
Therefore, in the circle of friends, of course, it is a big violation, everyone gnashes their teeth, but it is a great good thing for the emperor. They not only encourage this behavior in various ways, but also, once they want to cure someone, they will definitely open up the situation in the circle of friends and force this person's friends to expose him. The more thorough the exposure, the happier the emperor will be. If you don't buy any friend who is killed, then this friend is in big trouble.
Therefore, the ancient way of making friends is something that must be destroyed if it can benefit others and harm others. On the surface, in their hearts, there are actually only four. Society has become atomized, and whoever doesn't live with anyone is their blessing.