There is a story in "The Analects" that one day, Confucius said to his disciples: "I want to be speechless" (I don't want to talk anymore), and his disciple Zigong said: "Confucius, if you don't "If you don't speak, what can we students say?" Confucius heard and replied: "How can the four seasons move and all things come into being? What can Heaven say?" "(Heaven and earth have never said anything, but the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter are running like this. All things grow naturally between heaven and earth, so heaven and earth have never said anything.)
Tagore said that the purpose of education is to cultivate people Facing a bush of wild chrysanthemums, my heart beats with emotion.
Jiang Xun said that children should be taken to nature more often, because in nature they can rediscover the joy of life. For example, “When you hear a sound or see a flower, you are in a daze. There is often a real dialogue of life in that daze.