·Really talented people are always kind, frank, straightforward and never reserved. ——Balzac
·Kindness is a rare pearl in history, and kind people are almost better than great people. ——Hugo
·Among all moral qualities, good nature is the most needed in the world. ——Russell
· Kind actions have the benefit of ennobling the human soul and enabling it to perform better actions. ——Rousseau
·The kinder the person, the less aware of the bad intentions of others. ——Mile
·If beauty is a letter of recommendation, then kindness is a credit card. ——Bulwer Yilishun
·The source of goodness is in the heart. If you dig it, it will gush out. ——Aurelius
·Generally kind people always like to think the best of others, always think of people better than they actually are, and always like to exaggerate their benefits. For such people, later disillusionment is difficult, especially when they feel responsible. ——Dostoyevsky
·When a person is in a happy mood, he appears kind. ——Gorky
·The touching warmth of human kindness can heal the wounds of the soul and body. ——Rozov
·Kindness is a universal language that can make the blind feel and the deaf smell.
——Mark Twain