This is what he said, but it is not like the left and right inscriptions. Judging from his great killing of heroes, the left and right inscriptions should be: "Birds are exhausted, good bows are hidden; A sly rabbit dies, and a running dog cooks; If the enemy is defeated, the hero will die. "
There is no doubt about Zhu Yuanzhang's selfishness. He kills all the prestigious heroes indiscriminately, regardless of whether the heroes are loyal or not, regardless of the size of their contributions, regardless of their friendship from childhood, even by very despicable means. You can see how cruel and innocent he is to others for his own selfishness. He is always very generous and generous in farmland, and needs them to serve himself. As soon as he gets the land, he will make a 18-degree turn. The founding emperor is generally a little open-minded, but he is the most selfish.
According to his selfish logic, it can be speculated that "yours is mine, mine is mine".