During the Spring and Autumn Period, Zhong Gong, a student of Confucius, asked Confucius how to behave. Confucius immediately replied: "Treat people seriously, don't impose things you don't like on others, and don't complain about whether you are in the opposition." Zhong Gong thanked him and said, "I am slow, but I will remember what Mr. Zhong said."
Do as you would be done by. The Analects of Confucius is a famous saying of Confucius, an ancient thinker and educator in China. Confucius said that people should treat others with their own behavior as a reference.
People should have a broad mind. When dealing with people, don't be narrow-minded, be generous and forgive others. If you push something you hate to others, it will not only destroy the relationship with others, but also make things deadlocked and out of control.
The communication between people should really adhere to this principle, which is the embodiment of respecting others and treating others equally. In this world, we should not only pay attention to our own existence, but also to the existence of others, because people are equal.