April 2022 15 Gregorian calendar query
Gregorian calendar: Friday, April 15, 2022.
Lunar calendar: March 2022 15.
Ganzhi: the day of the reform movement of 1898 in the year of Renyin.
Zodiac: Tiger.
Constellation: Aries
Star: The core monument star of life in the Pleiades (Nyctereute).
Fetal god occupies the side: the bed in the room lives in the south of the room.
Peng Zuji: E doesn't sleep because he doesn't eat dogs.
Scouring sand: rushing to the north of Shalong (Renchen)
Explain in detail today's good luck and bad luck
At noon, ugly Mao Yinchen went to Xu Hai, Shen You.
Unlucky, unlucky, unlucky, unlucky, unlucky.
What auspicious day is today?
0 1:00~02:59 (clown time), 15:00~ 16:59 (application time), 17:00~ 18:59 (unitary time)
Major events in today's history
Jean Paul Sartre, a famous French writer, died.
1April 1975 15 The civil war broke out in Lebanon.
China has established diplomatic relations with Mauritius.
Czechoslovakia pursues a policy of liberalization.
Wei Chu was founded.
1950 China established diplomatic relations with Denmark on March 25th.
1April 942 15 Chinese expeditionary force Xie Ren 'an was besieged by the British.
1927 April15 "415" Guangzhou Massacre
1April, 926 15 Feng Yuxiang retreated to Zhang and entered Beijing.
19 19 April 15 New Youth advocates open communication between men and women.
Huang was buried at the foot of Yuelu Mountain.
191April 15 China refused to accept the McMahon line.
1912 April 15, the Royal Cruise Titanic hit an iceberg in the North Atlantic.