The fox said that he was the king of beasts, and let the tiger walk behind. Small animals were scared to run around. In fact, the fox used the tiger's power to scare away all the animals. Later, "Smith" means to rely on or rely on the strength of others to bully and intimidate people.
2. Ye Gong Haolong
In ancient times, there was a Lord Ye who loved dragons. Dragons are painted on utensils and carved on houses. When Zhenlong knew about it, he went to Ye Gong's house and put his head in the window. When Ye Gong saw it, he turned pale with fear and ran away. For example, I like something, but I don't really like it.
3. Steal the bell from your ear
The bell thief is afraid of ringing, so he blocks his ears, thinking that he can't hear, and no one else can hear. Metaphor is self-deception
4. Are you waiting for the rabbit?
During the Warring States Period, a farmer in the State of Song saw a rabbit hit a tree root and died. He put down his hoe and waited by the root of the tree, hoping to get the killed rabbit again. The result was nothing. The original metaphor is luck that you want to succeed without hard work. Now it is also a metaphor for sticking to a narrow experience and not knowing how to change it.
5. Better late than never.
The sheepfold was broken and was not repaired in time, so some sheep ran away. Only then did I realize my mistake and quickly repaired the sheepfold. It is not too late. Figuratively speaking, finding a way to remedy the problem can prevent further losses.